If the markets could just close at these levels today....wishful thinking I know.
Crazy swings lately. You never know which way we will end the day which makes that noon cutoff so frustrating. I trade my wife's account for her company and it's nice to have much more flexibility than the TSP. I just can't believe we are so locked in. I remember the days of multiple moves a month, it was a bit nicer back then.
Anyway congrats to those who moved back to the pad on the 5th. If I knew it was going to reverse and head much higher I probably would not have moved out of G but oh well. It worked out for you guys and that is awesome! Hopefully we can keep these gains today but you never know. I am nervous about things continuing higher but you know I get gun shy. Like others have said I think we are in a trading range, kind of wider than I thought too. I am still looking for that crystal ball lol.....
I noticed some new people around here which is great. Welcome if I don't say it within your thread. There are lot of really wise people here and some solid sources as well. Too many to list but if you get a chance to read some threads, especially those who like charting, you will find these people have a good idea of where we are and sometimes which way we will break. There are also some great sources, videos and those I follow on youtube, thanks nnut. Tom, IT, DBA, Bquat, CH all very good sources imho. There are plenty of others too but welcome to the site and if you get a chance look for those threads! Oh there are also a few here who do some individual stock and fund picking and once in a while will share which ones they are watching, buying or selling. You can even pick up some of those in some of the videos that nnut posts. Great resources all around!