Last Month's Best Fund Method Strategy

Oops! Thanks for the correction RMI!

Man, this is getting frustrating. Looks like another losing month in LMBF! And it looks like a switch back to G; I bet equities will take off again. I'm thinking of ignoring the next switch and staying in S. Thoughts?
Well, that wasn't such a hot month, was it.

"G" turned out to be the best for August- so we in the "Last month's best fund" switch back to "G" on TUESDAY.


IFT to "G"- effective close of business on Tuesday.

Good luck!
Looks like "I" was the winner in September .


I know I am going to regret this, but the mechanism says we have to do it- so here it is...

Moving to "I" effective close of business today .

"Last month's best fund" moves to "I" today.

Good luck.
Sorry- computer problems made me miss this friday.

Last month, "C" was the best fund, advancing 4.6%.

So we move to "C".

It should have been friday- but i messed up with my broken computer. sorry.
Thanx for the update, James. I was worried something had happened to you. :worried: I'm glad it was only your equipment. I understand that all to well. I use old equipment and have a slow flakey connection to the internet. I guess the AT is going to show LMBF+1 for November then. :D
Sorry- computer problems made me miss this friday.

Last month, "C" was the best fund, advancing 4.6%.

So we move to "C".

It should have been friday- but i messed up with my broken computer. sorry.
I went a head and changed it to COB Nov 1, if that's OK.
Looks like "C" was the best last month, so NO CHANGE as we move into December.

We remain invested in "C" for the LAST MONTH'S BEST FUND method:

Good luck out there!
Last Month's Best Fund ends the year with a 9.21% return. (Hey- what can i say).

And a move. Goes from "C" to "S" fund before noon today.
Best of luck in 2014.
Well, that blew. The C fund got hit bad in January, as did our "S" holding.

I guess you could say that the good news was that we were sitting in "S" instead of "C" and therefore got hit slightly less.

The best performing fund in January 2014 was the "F".

So, we start out the year on a down note, and the Last Month Best Fund method indicates a move today-
to the "F" fund, before noon.


Not every system works all the time- and I guess we'll just have to see if this was a good idea or not- only time will tell.

Be safe out there!

LAST MONTH BEST FUND moving to "F" by noon today.
Well, if anyone needed more confirmation that the market character has changed...this should help convince them.
One bad month.... no worries... long term thinking keeps ya going. Looks like F Fund was a laggard for February but at least it was a positive move. I Fund kicked butt tho. Made my move all ready.
Well it was in the lead for two days. That was long enough for the entire LMBF-1 family to head off into the S Fund. But the I Fund came back today and took the lead. James should be giving us the official word of LMBF going to I by Monday. What a difference a day makes. :toung:

Great job
there Hallatauer on knowing that LMBF would be heading into the I Fund a couple of days before it did. Oh, and congratulations on your outstanding performance last year. Now if you can tell us where LMBF will be going in April I'll be thrilled. ;)
How about that? World is in a tizzy, and yet "I" fund was the best in February.


We move to "I" fund before noon tomorrow.

Good luck.
It's kind of late guys. I don't know where James is, but with less than half an hour to go, you better IFT to the C Fund before the deadline. You can see from the front page of the TSPTalk website that LMBF should IFT to the C Fund today.
If anyone could predict the future.... believe me, I'm more wrong than I am right and I know this so that's why we invest long term. :)