KevinD's Account Talk

I forgot my camera for the Tea Party. :rolleyes: All I got are some cell phone pics. My son had his camera so I'll get some better pics from him.
My contributions hit tomorrow so I will have a fraction in C and S, IFT 1% to I and I'm set up for <1% moves for the rest of the month.

Just an FYI. My contributions and IFT hit at the same time. Theres nothing in either C or S. :rolleyes:

Oh well. :)
I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea what I'm doing. So rather than spend more time trying to figure it out, I'm going to use a service that I found with a Google search. I won't be posting my allocation on the tracker due to the fact that it's a paid service. I'm not going to post the service here but I will answer PM's and give you the web address. This service has a suggested allocation for mutual funds and also the TSP. I'm sure they know more about this stuff than I do so I'm going to leave it up to them. This service costs $17/month and the first 3 months are free.

I won't be leaving the message board. I'm too addicted. :rolleyes: :D
I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea what I'm doing. So rather than spend more time trying to figure it out, I'm going to use a service that I found with a Google search. I won't be posting my allocation on the tracker due to the fact that it's a paid service. I'm not going to post the service here but I will answer PM's and give you the web address. This service has a suggested allocation for mutual funds and also the TSP. I'm sure they know more about this stuff than I do so I'm going to leave it up to them. This service costs $17/month and the first 3 months are free.

You will be throwing good money away on a computer brain that has no emotion - but it's your money.

So the service I was using lost me $10K. :rolleyes:

I discontinued my subscription and got a pro-rated share of the subscription fees back...but not the $10K. (Duh) :o

I'm using this as an opportunity to "paper trade" the tracker to see if I can fight my way back to positive territory. Then maybe I can apply some of that process to my real account.

Good luck everyone! :)