justbizness45's Account Talk

I acheived my goal this month and am now ahead of G again and sitting in the garage. :D At the end of Feb I was down -4.64%. This morning I am +.75%. I was never fully invested during this month which is a disappointment from a 20/20 hindsight view but I am very pleased to be ahead of G. Congrats to everyone who made money on this rally and especially those of you in double digits to the positive side (all 7 of you) that is a truely awesome job.:D:D
I acheived my goal this month and am now ahead of G again and sitting in the garage. :D At the end of Feb I was down -4.64%. This morning I am +.75%. I was never fully invested during this month which is a disappointment from a 20/20 hindsight view but I am very pleased to be ahead of G. Congrats to everyone who made money on this rally and especially those of you in double digits to the positive side (all 7 of you) that is a truely awesome job.:D:D

This is an example of why one has to stick to a plan. Getting beat up on one trade often makes that person gun shy the next time. Following good indicators should help keep one out of that unfortunate situation.

Glad to see you stuck with it JB45. Good for you! :D
Thanks Coolhand :), now I need to come up with a plan for the next entry into the market in April. It is being very resilent this time around.
I acheived my goal this month and am now ahead of G again and sitting in the garage. :D

Congrats :)

It's always good when you can sneak away profits in a bear market. It will be interesting to see where this peak ends. If we get 838, I'll look to sneak back in at 752.

Best of luck, it will be tricky
Congrats :)

It's always good when you can sneak away profits in a bear market. It will be interesting to see where this peak ends. If we get 838, I'll look to sneak back in at 752.

Best of luck, it will be tricky

Thanks, it was a lot of luck also. Got called out on a search early in the morning and didn't get to go to G on Friday. So I caught the big bounce on Monday. I'll take it anyway I can get though..:nuts:

Hey KevinD --

Is that your dog? If you look past :sick: the ears of the hare in its mouth, that's a BEAUTIFUL Labrador...I have a yellow myself and she's my best friend (next to my wife of course -- need to put that disclaimer in there in case she reads this!! :)); she's also my hunting buddy -- but I've tried to teach her to RETRIEVE game, not EAT it!! ;)

she's also my hunting buddy -- but I've tried to teach her to RETRIEVE game, not EAT it!! ;)

you might have better luck training your DOG to be your hunting buddy !!! LOL
Still 100% G.

If anyone cares trading account: Holding UCO, SLV. Bought FAZ 18.73 and sell order @ 20.50. I may need to raise it a little before the open the way futures are down right now. Hurts to think this early in the morning.....:nuts:

you might have better luck training your DOG to be your hunting buddy !!! LOL

LOL -- good one! :laugh:

Of COURSE I meant the dog. Don't you know you can't train wives??!! :toung:

justbiz -- Similar to you, I'm about 85% G; will be interesting to decide what to do once April 1 arrives and we get a couple of IFTs again...

Still hanging out waiting on April Fools Day and 2 brand new IFTs. Hope that's not an omen for the IFTs...:worried::worried:

100G and polishing the car in the garage.
Still hanging out waiting on April Fools Day and 2 brand new IFTs. Hope that's not an omen for the IFTs...:worried::worried:

100G and polishing the car in the garage.

Quite The Analogy ! We might need to wait and put a couple of coats
on that bad boy, even in April ! But if the S&P500 goes beyond 805 I'm
"In Like Flint" (Movie Reference) ;)