Jkenjohnson's Account Talk

Actually we gained 0.02% more than the 0.17% I used for my calculations last night.

System is 11.27% YTD.

TSP is up 10.05% YTD.
I don't think the market cares about this employment number. I think there is some post earnings season research and position determination going on.
I understand what you're saying. I found myself in the same position on the last upward trend and I am ready to capitalize on the possibilities of this one.
I agree and strategies are running wild because of the constant uncertainty with dreams of record profits lingering in the background. Sometimes we can learn a lot by getting back to the basics.
There's no feeling like watching almost $20,000 go up in smoke in one day. :mad:

Lost 1.5% TODAY.

System is 9.77% YTD. I may post the signal later, or I might just get drunk since I'm off tomorrow.
That's why you must not focus on the dollar amount and keep it in perspective by referencing only the percentage... just think how bad would feel if you had a couple million ... or, would you rather have the two million anyway? The more you have, the more it will hurt if you focus on the cash amount.
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Heck I don't even have $20,000 invested...I don't know where some of you guys get so much money to invest lol...maybe civil service makes a lot more than my big E-5 pay. I have a bit in savings, but I'm not putting my entire savings into the stock market because I already see how terrible I am with my $10,000 or so in TSP. I put 5% into TSP monthly and with how they are with limiting me with my money I may one day stop TSP all together. I have money in my Roth IRA as well, but it is on the sidelines right now.

Either way as long as the $20,000 you "lost" was money that was all from gains anyhow you didn't really lose anything. Seems like you are up big time already for the year so that just means you gained a little less, but you still aren't under what you actually put into it.
Heck I don't even have $20,000 invested...I don't know where some of you guys get so much money to invest lol...maybe civil service makes a lot more than my big E-5 pay. I have a bit in savings, but I'm not putting my entire savings into the stock market because I already see how terrible I am with my $10,000 or so in TSP. I put 5% into TSP monthly and with how they are with limiting me with my money I may one day stop TSP all together. I have money in my Roth IRA as well, but it is on the sidelines right now.

Either way as long as the $20,000 you "lost" was money that was all from gains anyhow you didn't really lose anything. Seems like you are up big time already for the year so that just means you gained a little less, but you still aren't under what you actually put into it.

Wow, wish I had 10k in my TSP when I was an E-5... I would have a lot more now ;)
You are starting off well, don't worry about it... btw, I haven't been an E-5 since 1993...