Intrepid_Timer's PUBLIC Account Talk

Just sold Fas at $76.02 for a gain of 0.29% and bought Faz at $18.98.

Beginning balance as of 5-21-09: $10000. Current balance: $7684

Faz ended the year at $19.43. This was a gain of 2.37% from where I bought it.

Beginning balance as of 5-21-09: $10000. Current balance: $7866

Final 2009 return: -21.34% :(
Ut oh, forgot to update my e-mail so I'm not on the tracker now. Hope to be soon...............

On another note, I just started trading an account I opened with USAA. It's okay and I like the fact I can fund purchases directly with my checking account, but I much prefer trading with my Scottrade accounts. It's just more streamlined and when you have several accounts that you like to trade within a 15 minute timeframe, it does matter. Just an observation.......
hello m m have not talked to you nin a while hope you are making MONEY:)

Well, I'm up for the year. But not much.............LOL

Beautiful day here in Texas. Been here for over a month and was beginning to wonder. Too bad I'm heading back to Maryland on the 3rd. They probably still have mounds of snow everywhere!! Oh well, only be there a few months then I'm heading to Wisconsin for who knows how long. Semi-retirement is good! ;)

Hope everything is good with you!

well i had planned to race in Texas this weekend :confused: things are just too tight to go play right now , maybe next time:mad: been along time to run the quarter . Set out all last year, and now trying to squeeze in a few races this year best leave the bottle off the car , cant afford any extra breakage this year. :)What prt of txs ??? have family all over the big T