Intrepid_Timer's PUBLIC Account Talk

Well my sell signal switched to a buy signal right at the last minute. Sorry to say, I already put in a transfer from 100S to 100F. Figures.........doesn't happen often, but it happens. I get all my data at noon so having a noon deadline really sucks.

I'll be holding my Fas. Good luck tomorrow everyone! I hope that bonds don't take a beating. I'm sure they will.............:rolleyes:

So you thought you were going to lose money and now you are probably wrong; admit it.
Nice comeback. That has to be almost 50% in just a couple of weeks. Nice job.

Thanks Tom. Just shows how rewarding and humbling trading these 3X ETF's can be. Went from $10000 to around $6100 in about five months and back up to almost break even in about one.

Looks like my trading system is going to like the more volatile beginning and ending months of the year rather than the humdrum summer months. Made a couple changes so who's a plan in progress. Got a month and a half before I have to rely on it. :blink:
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:laugh::sick: brush teeth.gif
Main Entry: 1driv·el
Pronunciation: \ˈdri-vəl\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): driv·eled or driv·elled; driv·el·ing or driv·el·ling \-v(ə-)liŋ\
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English dreflian; perhaps akin to Old Norse draf malt dregs
Date: before 12th century
1 : to let saliva dribble from the mouth : slaver
2 : to talk stupidly and carelessly
Main Entry: 1driv·el
Pronunciation: \ˈdri-vəl\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): driv·eled or driv·elled; driv·el·ing or driv·el·ling \-v(ə-)liŋ\
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English dreflian; perhaps akin to Old Norse draf malt dregs
Date: before 12th century
1 : to let saliva dribble from the mouth : slaver
2 : to talk stupidly and carelessly

You trying to tell me something mister? ;)