I Fund up .169...

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I don't understand---

The I fund was down almost 1%, yet it only lost a penny. I was pleasantly surprised since I was heavily investedin the I fund today. But I'm confused as to why only a penny was lost. What makes it more confusing is the fact that the dollar gained against the Euro.

Any input???
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ou81200 wrote:
I don't understand---

The I fund was down almost 1%, yet it only lost a penny. I was pleasantly surprised since I was heavily investedin the I fund today. But I'm confused as to why only a penny was lost. What makes it more confusing is the fact that the dollar gained against the Euro.

Any input???
I can only surmise that some mechanism is in place to discourage timing the "I" fund, since it is truly a 24 hour a business day fund.
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tgrmike wrote:
All I'm saying is .031 is not almost 1%
heh, heh, no it's not. It's just real peculiar that the eafe dropped about 1% and the the euro weakened. I did not see any currency action that could keep the "I" fund propped up as much as it did.
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Does that mean come Monday the I fund takes back the $.15 it paid on 6/1? I don't think Palladin would even try to out shoot this fund - and the same goes for Wyatt, and Wild Bill. Why bother with the stress to try trading this puppy- just accumulate it for future reference - and if you happen to make some money over time then use the funds to square up another fund - like using leverage.

I know I'm still on the come back trail myself - but at least I don't have the administrative bureaucrats leading me down the wrong trail all the time. I have better odds in my favor - even odds at any rate. If you think the I fund gives you fits, just wait until they introduce the life cycle funds - you ain't seen nothing yet.

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Birchtree wrote:

Does that mean come Monday the I fund takes back the $.15 it paid on 6/1?
that was my first thought. maybe not the whole enchilada, after all it will have to factor in Monday's action too.
I don't think Palladin would even try to out shoot this fund - and the same goes for Wyatt, and Wild Bill. Why bother with the stress to try trading this puppy- just accumulate it for future reference - and if you happen to make some money over time then use the funds to square up another fund - like using leverage.
i'm not trying to time this fund on aday-to-day basis, but you have a point.
I know I'm still on the come back trail myself - but at least I don't have the administrative bureaucrats leading me down the wrong trail all the time. I have better odds in my favor - even odds at any rate. If you think the I fund gives you fits, just wait until they introduce the life cycle funds - you ain't seen nothing yet.
we don't need no stinkin' life cycle funds...LOL...at least i don't!
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"I" fund inconsistancies---

I think I will stay out of the "I" fund for awhile. The potential of the money lost that could have happened to me last Friday was an eye opener. As previously stated, I was pleasantly surprised that the "I" only lost a penny. But according to the fund tracker on this web site provided by Yahoo, the "I" fund was down .93%. Also puzzling is the fact that the Euro was down against the dollar. There was talk about Italy going back to the Lyra instead of remaining with Euro's. However, the dollar was down against the Yen.

I'm not going to go as far as making accusations that the "I" fund is rigged as some posters on this board may have alleged. But there is obviously something missing that we need to know about as to how to track this fund more accurately