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It may be that the market was betting that the 3Q earnings were going to come in stronger then expectations creating a suprise upside, with that reality starting to look like it is slipping away - there may be a lot more optimism out there then was warranted, creating some panic.
I just moved to the F-fund - I don't see the market bouncing back tomorrow - Awhile ago someone asked me what I thought would cause a double top. At that time, I did not believe that we would actually see a recession and I did not see the subprime being the cause. However, I have to admit that this "Big Bank" plan to stem off the credit crunch has me thinking that there was a lot more damage done to the economy then was being admitted.
The US has long been the growth engine of the world. However, the new belief is that this is going to change and the US growth would be supported by emerging markets (primarily China). Perhaps this credit crunch and the ultimate realty of the geopolitical situations brewing around the world are making folks rethink the feasibility of that model. Maybe, just maybe...... the world needs the stability of the United States economy and the backing of the US military to maintain the global growth engine and with that slipping.......could make for a very bumpy ride.
that 1500 call you made is still in the picture the QQQQs are rolling over... AAPL reports on Monday... and if the selloffs after Q3 earnings continue, we could see more red in the tech sector... which its leaders are just beginning to roll over. I'm hoping for buyers to come in since i'm fully invested TSP... this hope thingy has killed my account balance the past few days. Thoughts on 1500 in the s&p?
1500 has support coming from the 50 dma and it is supported by the closes in June. A move to 1500 is going to signal to traders that a double top is forming. The does not bode well given the concept of declining growth and I believe that will lead to a neutral to bearish tone overall.
If we are going to continue the bullish trend, the S&P needs to hold the line here and rally on Monday.
This goes back to our comments about slow growth to no growth. Can we be bullish in a slow growth environment?
Last year when it was becoming failry obvious the housing market bubble was bursting, everyone started looking for a soft landing. When it appeared that was going to happen, folks stayed bullish. These subprime pullbacks have made a repeat of that logic difficult. Without measurable growth, that may make that kind of "relief" rally very difficult.
We are going to see a trend change here and which way the balance tips is going to come down to a few grains of data one way or the other.
CAT has been expanding their operations. Even though they disappointed, I think I'll buy today. Construction is booming around the world.
Good post. My question, with respect to oil, what price do we see consumer spending plunge? I'm thinking $100. This number will be very emotional for all.
If consumer spending falls, Christmas retail sales will suffer. When this starts, watch out, everyone will start talking recession.
"Dow Plunges 366 on Recession Fears"
That's the headline on yahoo finance.
Anyway, after Black Friday, there was another day or two of red, correct? Followed by the huge rally. Will history repeat? Didn't the Fed open the credit doors that week? They have to do they same thing, right? 100% chance of a 50 basis point cut?
No chance of a rate cut. Inflation is still around. Just look at energy(oil) & food. Yes I know they are not included. But the consumer knows these two are sky rocketing. Extra money is going towards paying these necessities. Extra money that would have been spent on retail this holiday season.
Helicopter Ben has proven that he does not care about inflation. He will save his wall street buddies first.
I think I understand what you're saying, but on a fine point, I don't think a Monday up means the week will be up or vice versa. I'm thinking the middle and last half of the week are more important to read.
Are you pulling out before the end-of-week? Tia.