I was suprised by yesterday's Fed comments (I expected them to be realtively hawkish) and the subsequent rally. I am currently sitting in the C-fund but I intend to take some profits unless something significant happens.
Most of the index funds that we typically monitor are now sitting at the top of there channels, with one exception: The DWCP (S-Fund). The S-fund had an explosive run earlier in this rally following a rather dismal lack of recovery after May's pullback. The fund now appears to be on another tear and has broken it's previous multi year high. This suggests that this market may be ready for a move into uncharted territory as speculators move their liquidity into the more speculative small and mid caps. Yesterday and internationally today, most indexes edged up to their highs and gently backed off a bit. They are now poised for a push higher.
In my mind, this makes the DWCP ($EMW if you use stockcharts.com) the fund to watch today to see how it compares to the S&P 500. What I don't want to see is a bunch of profit taking, putting that aside for the moment, I see two scenarios. Scenario one: The DWCP holds at or near this new high while the other indexs play catch up and push into new highs or (scenario two) the DWCP continues to climb at or near the rate of our other indexs. I interpret the first as a top forming, whereas the second could lead to another day of spectacular growth in the OSM's make new highs of their own as they play catch up to US markets new highs.
So, scenario one - I go into capital preservation (CP) mode or, scenario two - I move to the I-fund. If we see profit taking I will (once again) give up my gains and go into CP mode. Even if scenario two pans out, I will more then likely move into a CP position tomorrow.
Final note: I see the current situation as another example of strong evidence that suggest it is generally better to position oneself in the domestic stocks at the outset of arally and make the switch to internationals mid stream.