Well-known member
I read that the majority of the older British generation are in favor of Brexit while the younger are Bremain. One person indicated that since the older generation is more likely to vote, Brexit may happen. If it does happen, Goldman Sachs indicated a potential downside for stocks of up to 11%. They didn't give a number to the upside in the Marketwatch article. Also indicated that in the short term the Sterling, Dollar, and Euro gain under Bremain, but lose under Brexit. I found this quote from an analyst interesting "Any society that gives up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and loose both. Benjamin Franklin." Made me think of the Patriot Act when I read that." Leave it to the original founders to give you a kick in your thinking cap.
Of course there's always the Eagles famous words from Hotel California " You can check out any time you, but you can never leave".
Best of luck to all in the next few days. Today I'll be reducing exposure to 30% - 10S-10C-10I.
Of course there's always the Eagles famous words from Hotel California " You can check out any time you, but you can never leave".

Best of luck to all in the next few days. Today I'll be reducing exposure to 30% - 10S-10C-10I.
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