Fivetears Account Talk

Sitting in an 18.92% YTD return at COB today in the G-Fund :) ; very pleased with my luck so far, and will drive away from the mud pits until I see a marked pull-back :notrust: .
Go ahead you two - hop on that lilly pad. That will give me a chance to play catch up. Just the break I need.
Ya have to admit... the markets have been on fire, and could use a little bucket of water thrown on 'em; like maybe a 3 - 4% bucket over the next two weeks. If not... then I'm back in the pit with everyone else. I just sense a very short term pull-back is coming; nothing technical to substantiate it though. :notrust: Just a gut feeling. Probabally gas. :embarrest:
Spinning a 19.02% YTD. The "G" lilly pad doesn't float well either. I'm mud logged. :o
Looks like the Dems (and America) may have got their wishes. Texas will keep Republican Governor Perry; Not much to chose from though locally.

I wonder how our markets will react in the AM. :notrust:
Spinning a 19.13% YTD. The "G" lilly pad finally decomposed while waiting for a market dip. Its either sink or swim in the I-Pit; the S is just so over-bought right now. This was probably not one of my wiser moves. But then again... very, very few of my moves have any technical wisdom. I'll be looking for a new lilly pad in the meantime.
Looks like there's very little love in the International Pit today. On the other hand, there's love in the house; Pelosi made it. A nice victory for hard working women in the US. I'm no Democrat... but I can appreciate seeing National equal opportunity in action.
Split personality in the auto world. Car? Truck? My plate says truck.
Let there be no mistake though... they're Chevrolet's "MULLET" :nuts:
Still love 'em. :D
Nothin' beats gettin' your clock cleaned in the I-Fund. My slow STO say's I'm an idiot for being in it; guts feel otherwise. :mad: :sick:
Unless the EFA (I-Fund) slow STO %K line bounces back up today to cross the %D trigger line, things are going to get real expensive to continue throwing mud in this pit. Wish I had read up on Stochastics years ago. Thanks for the links to pointers on the subject Showme. I don't completely understand them YET, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the correlation with the crossings matching up with the rise & fall of the fund.
From a historical standpoint regarding the I-Fund for the week after Turkeyday, the past three years go like this:
2003 - $12.15 up to $12.26
2004 - $14.41 up to $15.09
2005 - $16.90 up to $17.09
... every day up. :)
Wish I had access to 01 & 02 for y'all.
Good info, and with the dollar tanking again...

Since you are off until Dec 2, how about comparing those gains in the I fund to the C fund? :D My seasonality chart showed negative returns in the S&P the week after T-Day from 1950 to 2004. I'm wondering if C is down while I is up.

Very choppy for the C-Fund for the week after Turkeyday, the past three years go like this, Tom:
2003 - $11.19 $11.16 $11.14 $11.19 $11.11
2004 - $12.54 $12.49 $12.68 $12.67 $12.67
2005 - $13.62 $13.62 $13.54 $13.71 $13.71
2 weeks in the I-Pit; 21.09% YTD COB today.
I need to figure a way to make up 1.43% to get back on top of it.
Ride another surge in the S if the dollar perks back up? It could happen. :)

Still 100% in the I-Pit,
but looking for an ugly airborne exit to solid land.