Fivetears Account Talk

Fivetears said:
Yeah Little Buddy, I'm not too proud of it either. :embarrest:
Its nothing to be ashamed of, you picked up the G penny plus 14 cents from the I-fund. Your doing a lot better with your EC than I’m doing with the SS Minnow. Today was just your qualifying run.
Thanks Little Buddy & Tech.
Oh, and Carnac the Magnificent too.
All in all though, I really should have thought that jump in the pit through... a little more than I did. That was a bad line I picked. :embarrest:

Gilligan, let's drop a balanced and blue-printed rat block with a tunnel ram in the SS Minnow. What a ride that would be! :nuts:
Na! we wouldn't send him back to a prior post!......:D
Congrats again 5T!......:nuts:
Keep up the good work!............:)..............Spaf
Watched Bloomberg this morning @ 5:00am. "Sell" was the one word I walked away with; so I did. It's not easy knee-boarding in choppy September waters my friends. :)
Hey someone just struck oil over there! Oh no, that’s just mud flying up in the air from the mud bog. Looks like Fivetears finally got enough rain to get back in the I-bog!
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With choppy trading ahead, I pulled back split to the G/F. This time of the year I like to play the S & I Fund charts, using the "3 or 4 down... buy"... "3 or 4 up... sell" rule, with a few buy and hold periods.

As we all yell in unison at the High School Football games here in Texas before the start of last quarter... Put 'em up!

Sorry I posted in your Account thread yesterday, but fixed it today. DuH!:o
Hey FT, You finally got those 33 inchers out of that hole! Dig out man!:D
...and a great deal of digging to be done. Who'da thought we'd see these numbers in the S & I over the last couple three weeks, much less the C? We'll see what Monday brings.
The I-Fund "unofficially" has me beat by 0.49% after the run-up early this month. I'll take Oct 16 - 20 off the table and see if the pull back happens on Monday; it is all over the top of high 30-day trend line. I'm not going to be satisfied until I get back on top of this mud pit. :)