fabijo's account talk

Science news

India launches first moon mission

To date, only the U.S. Russia, the European Space Agency, Japan and China have sent missions to the moon, according to AP.

Critics of the mission have questioned its $80 million price tag, saying the money should have been spent by the government to improve education and fight poverty.

But, "there are scientists that would argue that there are plenty of things we don't know about the moon ... and India might have the know-how" to find answers, said CNN's Sara Sidner in New Delhi.

The United States and the Soviet Union dominated the field of lunar exploration from the late 1950s. The United States is preparing for its own mission slated for next spring -- the first U.S. lunar mission in more than a decade, according to NASA.
Strange news of the week:

U.S. pilot was ordered to shoot down UFO

"The order came to fire a salvo of rockets at the UFO. The authentication was valid and I selected 24 rockets.

"I had a lock-on that had the proportions of a flying aircraft carrier," he added. "The larger the airplane, the easier the lock-on. This blip almost locked itself."

At the last moment, the object disappeared from the radar screen and the high-speed chase was called off.

He returned to base and was debriefed the next day by an unnamed man who "looked like a well-dressed IBM salesman."

"He threatened me with a national security breach if I breathed a word about it to anyone," he said.


"I shall never forget it," he told the Times. "On that night I was ordered to open fire even before I had taken off. That had never happened before."
Of course it's a whole new story that somehow tugs at the very frabric of our beliefs - and for many it's impossible to grasp:

1) Could the God of the entire Universe have made life in other worlds besides our one planet?
I have no problem believing this.

2) Could other civilizations be far beyond our own?
As a global civilization we remain at the bottom level

3) Would we respond by engaging in warfare?
It is not our decision (nor the decision of the general population) but the decision of Political and Military Leaders - who will always do whatever it takes to promote their self interests.

But before I drift too far - YES I do believe the resources of our planet would be extremely enticing to another civilization; and if they thought or acted anything like "us" then we'd be doomed.

But I believe they are way beyond our mentality and more focused on harmonious relationships.
But before I drift too far - YES I do believe the resources of our planet would be extremely enticing to another civilization; and if they thought or acted anything like "us" then we'd be doomed.

But I believe they are way beyond our mentality and more focused on harmonious relationships.

I'm with you there. We'd all be dead pretty quickly if they were like us. I've heard Christians say, "Well did Jesus have to go to their planet to die for their sins, too?" One possible response is, "What if we are the only fallen sentient beings in the universe?"
I'm with you there. We'd all be dead pretty quickly if they were like us. I've heard Christians say, "Well did Jesus have to go to their planet to die for their sins, too?" One possible response is, "What if we are the only fallen sentient beings in the universe?"
shudder, I guess that's a lesson from "Paradise Lost", eh?

The passion people feel for Obama is real because it comes from deep inside each of them. Thus, logical arguments against Obama become irrelevant. To all those who were wondering what the impaired rational judgment of millions of people looks like, here it is. It doesn’t matter that he has no accomplishments, never takes hard positions, or that he changes to opposite positions from almost one day to the next, or has long term connections to extremists, racists, and other shady people, is endorsed by Iran and Hamas, and simply says he didn’t know the character of his own pastor and mentor for twenty years. The logic of this disturbing information is on the conscious level, and cannot override the subconscious nor change how his supporters feel internally. Many may be somewhat bothered by it logically, but it hasn’t changed how many people feel about him. The fact that he has changed nearly every position from the primaries to the general election doesn’t register in us consciously what it should – that this unknown man can just as easily change the day after he is sworn in as President and be anyone he chooses, including a very different person than he has been portraying.

Now, what sounds like frightening science fiction is reality. Someone whom we really don’t know, who is unaccomplished, with many shady connections and supporters, is trying to use hypnosis on millions to get us all to turn over control of the world’s largest nuclear arsenal to him, and he is about to succeed.
I used to think how silly and primitive old cultures were when I heard that some cultures used sea shells as money. Then I realized that somebody in that society probably collected tons of sea shells, then made up that rule. And now, we're following the rules of the central banks. They issue our currency, determining its value. We are the dumb primitives following their rules.

Now I also realize why they made that funny pyramid on the back of these dollars. They watch from above as we all scramble, fighting for the top of the pyramid, never getting there, because the top is not connected to the rest.

This is freakin' awesome. Talk about prison reform. A 20 minute minidoc on CPDRC (a maximum security prison in Cebu, Philippines), showing the drastic changes that have happened there:
