FAB1 Account Talk

Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

Is this the new beltway talk? I do have issue with obama as the community dude taking banks to task to enforce the CRA. Part of the problem undeniable. Then again what do you expect from a lawyer they will sell granny to turn a buck.

It's NOT the new beltway. :laugh: Just wanted a spot for a few folks to vent. :D I just asked that a few rules be followed; be civil, no bashing, name calling or innuendoes. Some posts are on the edge and this is a limited time offer. Sometime this evening I will delete all of these post. In the near future I may open this account up to discuss other issues. Remember follow the rules.
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

All are welcome at fabs thread to vent as well just don't vent on me!How can you delete posts Nasa?
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

As a Moderator he has POWER.

Big Brother is watching. :D

Just got a call from Electrical Dispatch. Got some alarms in one of the substations. Thunderstorms just blew through the area. Back to NASA I go. BEHAVE!!!
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

Some of us still work Birch. I can't hover at the keyboard all day. Malyla is spot on, you have no arguments. You just throw out barbs to upset people. As I said earlier, I'd enjoy DEBATING our current political climate with other concerned individuals. But I'm not going to argue one-liners with you Birch.

So here's my thought for those of you out there. I'm liberal minded, no argument there. Doesn't mean I'm not upset with the Dems, in particular Obama. But I would like to know how many of you that are conservative minded are in favor of Boehner and his Party ABSOLUTELY REFUSING to allow tax increases on the rich? I don't understand it. I don't think many of us here would fall into that tax bracket, but I'd bet a lot here would defend it. What say you?
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

Here's another one liner - eighty-five percent of mothers who kill their children through neglect are single mothers. Illegitimacy has a social cost to every American. This is what liberal's destruction of marriage in the minority at risk population has wrought. A 72% illegitimate rate that is liberal sanctioned.
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

As a matter of fact if liberals got out of the financial incentive promoting illegitimacy we could wipe out chronic poverty tomorrow if only women would get married before having children or give up their illegitimate kids for adoption. But the single mother on welfare is an important part of the Democrat constitutency - they are that hard up to bus for votes. Besides upwards of 60% of people in this country pay no taxes and the Earned Income Tax Credit gives them money. As far as not currently working I earned my time in grade and now I'm just trying to get RICH.
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

Some of us still work Birch. I can't hover at the keyboard all day. Malyla is spot on, you have no arguments. You just throw out barbs to upset people. As I said earlier, I'd enjoy DEBATING our current political climate with other concerned individuals. But I'm not going to argue one-liners with you Birch.

So here's my thought for those of you out there. I'm liberal minded, no argument there. Doesn't mean I'm not upset with the Dems, in particular Obama. But I would like to know how many of you that are conservative minded are in favor of Boehner and his Party ABSOLUTELY REFUSING to allow tax increases on the rich? I don't understand it. I don't think many of us here would fall into that tax bracket, but I'd bet a lot here would defend it. What say you?

I don't need the "rich tax" to support me and my family. I have the same opportunities as they do to get rich. If they put more effort into getting rich, why should they be penalized for their initiative and drive?
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

I suspect the young fellow in the picture will get his first job while in prison - mopping floors. When he gets out he'll have experience to get into janitorial services. His mother will finally have some pride in his success.
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

I suspect the young fellow in the picture will get his first job while in prison - mopping floors. When he gets out he'll have experience to get into janitorial services. His mother will finally have some pride in his success.

That's being very generous. He could get killed in a drug deal gone wrong.
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

View attachment 14707

Aye Birch-Tree mon,
You needs to chill, yer bomba-clot arse.
You exhibiting angry white man tendancies mon. We must help heal yer angst.
You need to smoke some of the -G- anga mon. Both in yer current angry state to help sooth yer nerves.
But also in yer investing mon. I see yer fellow teabag bretheren are pulling yer investments and yer country down the toilet.
The -G- anga fund can protect you from dat danger which be lurking in yer TSP holdings mon...as you slide off dat silly cliff yer perched on.
I will roll you a dutchy mon, and we will smoke together in peace and harmony...to soothe yer hateful self.
After a few dutchies together..you will be praising our president Obama...im be our brothers keeper.
A great man...you will be singing Obama's praises when we clear yer bloodclot head mon.
With some puirple smoke haze wafting about yer head.
Protecting ya,from da evil hate permeating from
The mind control machine of
Tea Party, Fox, KKK

Thats the solution, lets all get so drugged up we actually believe the Kenyan in the white hut isnt just Soro's ass-clown puppet, also a citizen of the "world" that doesnt give a rats ass about these United States. Well I said too much. time to jump in a cool pool. peace, Mon!
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

I'm back!!!

OK folks we have gotten away from venting about the debt ceiling to complaining about other things we currently have no control over. So the current format will shutdown at 9:00pm EDT and go back to the normal (if you can call it that) nasa1974 account. If everybody behaves I promise to open my account again for a civil and lively discussion on some other topic.
At 9:00pm EDT I will delete all posts associated with the current discussion. Thank for your participation.
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

All are welcome at fabs thread to vent as well just don't vent on me!How can you delete posts Nasa?
OK FAB1, I dumped the trash posts here for you. Keep it down, though. Some of the other members are trying to get some rest. We'll trust that you will control your guests. ;)
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

OK FAB1, I dumped the trash posts here for you. Keep it down, though. Some of the other members are trying to get some rest. We'll trust that you will control your guests. ;)

well, i've been called worse, just today as a matter of fact.

nice place you got here FAB1.

Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

OK FAB1, I dumped the trash posts here for you. Keep it down, though. Some of the other members are trying to get some rest. We'll trust that you will control your guests. ;)

Looks like the party host is still in recovery mode and unable to continue the party. :sick: :laugh:

Hope our fearless leaders of both parties have time to preform a headectomy on themselves today. :eek: IE. pull their heads out of their posterior, get over themselves and do what's right for all of US.
Re: nasa1974's Account Talk

The tea party folks want deeper cuts - I can't blame them. The Senate should take up the first Boehner bill of cut, cap and balance. That would be progress. My eunuch president is going to speak this morning on the debt impass - that'll be a complete waste of air time like his last rant.