ezmoney's Account Talk

Aaaahh! buying the I Fund 100% DCA'ing on the downside that's good. Making money on the S Fund should be a nice balancing act.:D
I'm $1000 away from my projection for the year, at this rate and if the markets are still favorable I stand to double what I had projected for the year. I thought I had set a reasonable profit margin for the year looks like I have way underestimated my return for this year but hey I'll take a gain; it is always much better than a loss. My shift was canceled tonight due to the tornado activity. We dodged the bullet.:D
Well I went over then I fell back several thousand but still hanging in the S Fund and DCA'ing every payday 100% into I. Percentage wise I am way over the top for the year but hey that changes from month to month. Well just have to hang tough and see what % we close at for the entire year. So far I'm on the plus side(way on the plus side) and that is always good.:D
Taking a beating but I'm staying in. I have a win lose level I'm willing to tolerate before I bail. I don't think it's much of strategy DCA'ing into the I Fund as it is, I just feel there are some profits that are yet to be made in the I fund so I'm willing to DCA into it every payday since all of my money is in the S Fund and I started out with zero $ in the I Fund. I just do the 100% DCA each payday into I. I always like it when it's down on payday that way I buy in on the lower earning. Of course we all know we don't always get that but it's nice when it does. Then again it is a play on the dollar vs the asian market.:D
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Well got just about all of it back but the day isn't over so I could slide back a bit more or if the market cranks up I could be back to even. I'm all in!:)
More and more noise about the second coming of QE3 - the dollar will tank to new lows - keep buying that I fund.
More and more noise about the second coming of QE3 - the dollar will tank to new lows - keep buying that I fund.
Yea keep the dollar averaging at least that's the way I see it some days your up some days your down but every pay day you buy a little more.
Hammered last week so I'm well below what I projected for the year but the year is not up yet so I could make it back or lose. I'm still all in, however I have made a slight adjustment and really won't amount to much I'm doing 100% the bulk in the S Fund DCA'ing 90% each payday into I Fund and thought I would try 10% DCA'ing into the F Fund. It's a real insignificant amount since it's only DCA'ing on paydays but we will see were it leads in the long run. I'm still in hoping to recoup some of my losses. We still got till December and it's anyones bet as to what the markets hold.
Looks like we are back on that roller coaster ride. I'm still staying and committed to DCA'ing 10% F Fund, 90% I Fund, with 100% the bulk of my money in the S Fund. I'm riding it back to my projection for the year up or down I'm in to win.
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Hey today may be the day I get half of my projection back for the year. Who know's about friday could lose it all again staying in trying to make the come back.
Hey today may be the day I get half of my projection back for the year. Who know's about friday could lose it all again staying in trying to make the come back.
My experience exactly, I can keep the sticky pants on through the negative weeks and then usually bail too soon to take full advantage of the positive periods following. Ouch!
Yep, I'm committed to ride it out for the year unless we take a huge downward spiral. I've done good so far up 33% for the year but I'm sure that will drop when they post next Tuesday's yearly twelve month earning on TSP. I'm all in and hopefully will get my projection back before the year. I thought I was well on the way of completely blowing my projection out of the water for the year then we had a few down days and took a bit of hit slowly getting it back.
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I'm staying the course, I've rode the roller coaster to the top and and have rode it to the middle and rode it to the bottom. I'm staying on. Still DCA'ing every payday 90% I, 10% F, with 100% of my money in S. Made my yearly projection back and $1000.00 on the plus side yesterday. Looks like I will lose most of that today, wish it was a down day yesterday so that I could have bought in on the lower price since I'm DCA'ing. Have to take the profits when we can get them though.