ezmoney's Account Talk

Happy to hear that everything and everyone is OK at the house ezmoney, don't get any better than that. No Electricity, means BBQ time.
Would love to BBQ right now, but being in central Tx, I will wait till late Sept. I'd like for only the meat on the grill to be the only thing cooking!
What the heck was the guy in Coryell county thinking?????

Intrepid Timer, yes we have had our share of fires all around us this year, we have been going through a drought. The fires has help or even put out the last one reaming in the Dismal Swamp. I'm assuming that it put it out; have not read anything or heard anyone confirm it officially but with Ms. Irene dumping all of that rain I'm hoping that that is the end of the fires. We have been surrounded by them just over a month now. I guess if there was a bright spot to the storm that would have to be one of them.
A great big thank you to the tsp crowd for their thoughts and prayers for all of us who where in Ms. Irene's path. Tnx! Did my last IFT for this month decided to get back in just to test the waters. IFT yesterday; in the market today 8/30/11 F - 40% S - 30% I - 30% and contributions the same as IFT. We'll see how this works for awhile or maybe longer, as with all the TSP investors I reserve the right to change my mind and contributions.
Oscar used to say the adage is "I'd rather be outside trying to get in than inside trying to get out."
It's been down right scary but I've managed to hang on even though I've lost a little of the pie. Markets are still crazy but I've tried to control my anxiety so I've stayed in and tried to re-coup, have left my sails intact and made no adjustment at the present time as with all of us I reserve the right to change my mind, contributions and IFT's allocations. I'm still satisfied were I'm at even if I close the year out at were I am at presently. Would love to get my projection for the year back and it is still very possible I still have till the last of December.
Only if I was losing on another trade, which I am not... yet.

I think the market is about to tank because I went long... bastages
Yep, what's a person to do in these crazy markets. up a day, down big time for two days, make half back a day, down a quarter the next, up big the next day, down a half the next day, then back up a quarter. Do you hang on for the ride or sit on the sidelines? It's a jungle out there!