ekatteng's Account Talk

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The IFT posts to accounts in Members Accounts (no chat) are for the purpose of entering changes in fund allocation into our Weekly WebTracker. These IFT posts are to be simple in stating the new fund allocation so I do not spend more time than necessary interpreting the IFT. That’s why there are rules for posting to accounts. The more that is stated in the post, the harder the read. This adds time to the tracker duties. The IFT posts by ACTJeff are a good example of how best to make the IFT post. The date and time of the post determines the date of the IFT. This is also the END DATE in the WebTracker spreadsheet. Many members also add the date for the trade in term of the COB DATE. This is also the END DATE in the WebTracker spreadsheet. The effective date for the IFT is the following trade date. This is the START DATE in the WebTracker spreadsheet.

Your two cents on how members should post to accounts is not wanted. You have no account. The date, and time, that a member enters an IFT at TSP.gov is not always the date one should post for the IFT. This is not necessarily the trade date if on a holiday or weekend, or after 12:00 pm ET. It’s not difficult to read the date and time of the post, except for those that do not the meaning of today or yesterday.

EK and Skypilot,
I like ATCJeff's posts, however it makes it more clear to me (and maybe the rest of the world) if you put the dates of when the post (IFT)will be effective. For example: 25c, 25 S, 50I COB 10/19. The reason I think the dates should be included is because today (10/11) isn't always today. Today(10/11) becomes yesterday after some bewitching hour even though the calendar says it is still 10/11. That becomes confusing becuse you don't know if yesterday(10/10) is today(10/11) or yesterday(10/10).
This probably sounds confusing, because I still haven't figured it out. Anyway, in ATCJeff's IFT posts it still doesn't identify the exact day for which the post are effective. Especially when you are reviewing historical data.
Just my two cents!

This is a prime example of how not to post IFTs in accounts. It’s difficult to read and not acceptable for posting to tracker. I would not enter these IFT into the Weekly WebTracker.

SkyPilot, Thank you for your inputs. It seems that predict the market is simpler than satisfy your cosmetic requirements... :)

On 10/12 Before 12am EST do IFT to I fund 100% For 10/15 or For 10/15 be on I fund 100%
On 10/15 Before 12am EST do IFT to G fund 100% For 10/16 or For 10/16 be on G fund 100%
On 10/16 Before 12am EST do IFT to I fund 100% For 10/17 or For 10/17 be on I fund 100%
On 10/17 Before 12am EST do IFT to G fund 100% For 10/18 or For 10/18 be on G fund 100%

Is this what you would like to see ? You got it !
Is it clear enough for you ?
Is this timely enough for you to do your IFTs ?
If so, I am happy I was able to help you and please you. ;)
No more spreadsheet ?
Any Objections ? From anyone ?
NO MORE CONFUSION.... :confused:

I agree and that is what is used in entering the IFT trade. It’s not difficult to read the date and time of the post, except for those that do not the meaning of today or yesterday.

It is implied that if I post an allocation change I made an IFT before the deadline. If your having problems following the date/day/time then you need to read the rules for posting IFT's that EW_Ret wrote.
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Dear EW_ret, I'm sorry that my comments are causing you such frustration. You are right....you are the one that volunteered to post the IFTs on the 'no chat' messge board. It just is confusing to me sometimes, but I will get with the program. I have been posting IFTs since last April but by the time I decided to have TSPtalk track my posts, I was told to get on the new Tracker program. I can see how it can get really difficult some times to post everything right for so many people.
Thanks for the good work that you do. Because of your diligence, I have a better idea how to make my IFT moves.

Thanks again for all you do to make the TSPtalk work for all of us.
EW_ret, Would you please be so kind in provide me the TSPtalk standard way to state and IFT such as:

On 10/12 Before 12am EST do IFT to I fund 100% For 10/15


For 10/15 be on I fund 100%


For 10/15 move to I fund 100%

They all clear to me. But it seems that inconsistancy cause confusion

Would you please provide me the stardard way.

Thanks :)

The IFT posts to accounts in Members Accounts (no chat) are for the purpose of entering changes in fund allocation into our Weekly WebTracker. These IFT posts are to be simple in stating the new fund allocation so I do not spend more time than necessary interpreting the IFT. That’s why there are rules for posting to accounts. The more that is stated in the post, the harder the read. This adds time to the tracker duties. The IFT posts by ACTJeff are a good example of how best to make the IFT post. The date and time of the post determines the date of the IFT. This is also the END DATE in the WebTracker spreadsheet. Many members also add the date for the trade in term of the COB DATE. This is also the END DATE in the WebTracker spreadsheet. The effective date for the IFT is the following trade date. This is the START DATE in the WebTracker spreadsheet.

Your two cents on how members should post to accounts is not wanted. You have no account. The date, and time, that a member enters an IFT at TSP.gov is not always the date one should post for the IFT. This is not necessarily the trade date if on a holiday or weekend, or after 12:00 pm ET. It’s not difficult to read the date and time of the post, except for those that do not the meaning of today or yesterday.

This is a prime example of how not to post IFTs in accounts. It’s difficult to read and not acceptable for posting to tracker. I would not enter these IFT into the Weekly WebTracker.

I agree and that is what is used in entering the IFT trade. It’s not difficult to read the date and time of the post, except for those that do not the meaning of today or yesterday.
This is WebTracker rule 4 which can be found by clicking WebTracker Rules in my signature.

4. Fund transactions must post to your “Account” by 12:00 pm EST (EDT) to be entered in the Weekly Tracker at the Close Of Business (COB) that same trade day. Do not post past fund transfers, often referred to “Monday Morning Quarterback”. Please use a character (/, or, or; or line) to separate the percentage allocated to each fund. Any fund transaction posted after 12:00 pm EST (EDT) will be effective at COB on the following trade day. We do allow up to 10 minutes tardiness in posting to your account. In some cases a tardiness up to 30 minutes will be allowed but only for reason, and not more than once a week

Post the fund allocation followed by the date for the IFT trade. This occurs at Close of Business (COB) of a market day. This is the the final date at the old fund allocation. The stated allocation is effective the folowing market day.

Example: 20% G, 40% C, 20% S, 20% I at COB 10/12/2007
or 20% G, 40% C, 20% S, 20% I (in acoount thread)
The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence Prognostics
(Yields 45% + a year. It is 90% Correct and Safe. It is 10% Wrong.)

10/19 (Friday) =100% G-Fund
10/18 (Thursday) =100% G-Fund
10/17 (Wednesday)=100% I-Fund
10/15 (Tuesday) =100% I-Fund
10/12 (Friday) =100% G-Fund
10/11 (Thursday) =100% I-Fund
10/10 (Wednesday)=100% I-Fund
10/09 (Tuesday) =100% I-Fund
10/08 (Monday) =100% G-Fund
10/05 (Friday) =100% G-Fund
10/04 (Thursday) =100% I-Fund
10/03 (Wednesday)=100% I-Fund
10/02 (Tuesday) =100% G-Fund

You must be a "Prophet"...

Let's see how well you do after you are tracked over time. A couple of weeks or even several months do not a fool proof system make. Even with the record of the EbbTracker we are still in a "wait and see" mode, though real time observation seems to indicate a viable approach.

Especially for those new to the site:

By the way, if it is 90% correct, the yield should be much higher than 45% per year.

Anyone out there know what with the Max Gain for TSP is so far this year?

The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence Prognostics
(Yields 45% + a year. It is 90% Correct and Safe. It is 10% Wrong.)

10/19 (Friday) =100% G-Fund
10/18 (Thursday) =100% G-Fund
10/17 (Wednesday)=100% I-Fund
10/15 (Tuesday) =100% I-Fund
10/12 (Friday) =100% G-Fund
10/11 (Thursday) =100% I-Fund
10/10 (Wednesday)=100% I-Fund
10/09 (Tuesday) =100% I-Fund
10/08 (Monday) =100% G-Fund
10/05 (Friday) =100% G-Fund
10/04 (Thursday) =100% I-Fund
10/03 (Wednesday)=100% I-Fund
10/02 (Tuesday) =100% G-Fund
Until EK complies with EW's guidance, I suggest that we discontinue to encourage him with responses. He seems to enjoy the frustration.

What happened to Moday 10/15 or Tuesday 10/16?

See, this to me is a little confusing yet...Are these the preditions for each day that you should IFT to the day before?
SkyPilot, Sorry I miss articulate or miss express, 90% (CORRECT and SAFE)
10% wrong it means it predicts 31% the Ups Correct, 31% (31 times from every 100) the Downs Correct, 28% the Ups Wrong which really does not cause lost just leave you SAFE on the G fund, 10% the Downs Wrong which will cause to loose. If the market will just go up and down equaly the maximun yield would be 50% max. Remember we can not short the TSP Funds nor make money in the way down. TSP is sucks but it is the best offered to us.
The Neural Network System scored 45%+ yield a year after I simulated like if I would it daily implemented since June 2003. It really makes sense to me, since the 10% reduce 5% yield. and because we pick pennies from the G on the way... in additional the market does not goes ups and downs equaly but in a 30 degree slop for the regression line more or less during that period of time. So It is Too True To Be Good ! ! ! Again, the future will tell us and the proof will be on the puddin. ;) I have a Great Respect for Ebb system ! ! !
I do have a co-worker BF that had working every night and had developed a system that not only predicts if the market will go up or down but how much up and how much down every day and 100% of the time. The Perfect Ever System. He is simulating it now... hope it is real... so soon we may prognostic not only ups or down but how much up and how much down. Please do not hold your breath yet. He has not scream EUREKA yet. ;)


You must be a "Prophet"...

Let's see how well you do after you are tracked over time. A couple of weeks or even several months do not a fool proof system make. Even with the record of the EbbTracker we are still in a "wait and see" mode, though real time observation seems to indicate a viable approach.

Especially for those new to the site:

By the way, if it is 90% correct, the yield should be much higher than 45% per year.

Anyone out there know what with the Max Gain for TSP is so far this year?
The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence Prognostics
(Yields 45% + a year. It is 90% Correct and Safe. It is 10% Wrong.)

10/19 (Friday) =100% G-Fund
10/18 (Thursday) =100% G-Fund
10/17 (Wednesday)=100% I-Fund
10/16 (Tuesday) =100% G-Fund
10/15 (Monday) =100% I-Fund
10/12 (Friday) =100% G-Fund
10/11 (Thursday) =100% I-Fund
10/10 (Wednesday)=100% G-Fund
10/09 (Tuesday) =100% I-Fund
10/08 (Monday) =100% G-Fund
10/05 (Friday) =100% G-Fund
10/04 (Thursday) =100% I-Fund
10/03 (Wednesday)=100% I-Fund
10/02 (Tuesday) =100% G-Fund

Thank you very much DennisFAA for catch my typing errors. There were two mistakes.
Yes !!! You should IFT day before. You must BE on that fund by that date (day) to profit from the benefits of the Neural system.

What happened to Moday 10/15 or Tuesday 10/16?

See, this to me is a little confusing yet...Are these the preditions for each day that you should IFT to the day before?
SkyPilot, I do not understand :confused: why do you affirmed I am not complying with EW_ret guidance? Please explain me so I do whatever it needs to comply with
EW_ret guidance. Remember we are on Members' Account Talk NOT on Members' Accounts (no chat) I have been response to DennisFAA who just send a response "Okay I understand now EK..thank you!" I do not have Members' Accounts (no chat). I do not understand the benefit to even post information on it if only few can access that link.

Until EK complies with EW's guidance, I suggest that we discontinue to encourage him with responses. He seems to enjoy the frustration.
Caution If you look at your predictions and the performance for that day, (like today you were in G and should have been in S for example), one can see you have already missed by a fair amount, looks like more than 10% already. I think your system needs more work - I certainly would not trust it. Market histories are only a guide, don't go wild just because you have a program that can analyze a chart; there is more too it than that.
You said:

"I do not have Members' Accounts (no chat). I do not understand the benefit to even post information on it if only few can access that link."

Beginning of the year is coming very soon so why don't you open Members' Accounts (no chat) to be tracked. You can prove to everybody without any doubt that your system works. All members in here can see your weekly, monthly Score.

In your Members' Accounts (no chat), just put BEFORE NOON
1. IFT 100% C fund COB. or
2. 50I, 50S. or
3. G for Thursday. or
4. 100% G for Monday Oct.15
SkyPilot, I do not understand :confused: why do you affirmed I am not complying with EW_ret guidance? Please explain me so I do whatever it needs to comply with
EW_ret guidance. Remember we are on Members' Account Talk NOT on Members' Accounts (no chat) I have been response to DennisFAA who just send a response "Okay I understand now EK..thank you!" I do not have Members' Accounts (no chat). I do not understand the benefit to even post information on it if only few can access that link.

I am convinced that either you are not capable of understanding, or it is your purpose to evade accountability. Either open up a Member's Account (no chat) or don't. I actually don't think you will, as you know, everyone can access that link. I think this is what you are trying to avoid.

NOTICE: Spaf has established "ekatteng Account."


Now we will see if Ek is willing to do what has been asked. Anyone taking odds? :nuts:
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New accounts in Members Accounts (no chat) are closed to new members. I deleted the ekatteng's Account that spaf created because eratteng already has a user profile in the Automated Tracker. The Automated Tracker is to be used by all new members. All members should start using the Automated Tracker because it will replace the WebTracker by the end of the year. Member eratteng presently is using the Automated Tracker. That is sufficient for the last few months of the year.

I am convinced that either you are not capable of understanding, or it is your purpose to evade accountability. Either open up a Member's Account (no chat) or don't. I actually don't think you will, as you know, everyone can access that link. I think this is what you are trying to avoid.

NOTICE: Spaf has established "ekatteng Account."


Now we will see if Ek is willing to do what has been asked. Anyone taking odds? :nuts:
New accounts in Members Accounts (no chat) are closed to new members. I deleted the ekatteng's Account that spaf created because eratteng already has a user profile in the Automated Tracker. The Automated Tracker is to be used by all new members. All members should start using the Automated Tracker because it will replace the WebTracker by the end of the year. Member eratteng presently is using the Automated Tracker. That is sufficient for the last few months of the year.

Excellent! :)
your system appears to be stable at this point in time and doing ok..whats the total return since its debut here?appears to have a fairly good gain..please post your results here and maybe you could provide more insight into its inter-workings in the near future...looking forward to more predictions from you in the near future.