ekatteng's Account Talk

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2008.

December 24th 2007

The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence System prognostics

12/28 (Friday) =100%I-Fund
12/27 (Thursday) =100%I-Fund
12/26 (Wednesday)=100%G-Fund
12/25 (Tuesday) =100%I-Fund
12/24 (Monday) =100%I-Fund
12/21 (Friday) =100%G-Fund
12/20 (Thursday) =100%I-Fund
12/19 (Wednesday)=100%I-Fund
12/18 (Tuesday) =100%I-Fund
12/17 (Monday) =100%I-Fund
12/14 (Friday) =100%I-Fund
12/13 (Thursday) =100%G-Fund
12/12 (Wednesday)=100%I-Fund
12/11 (Tuesday) =100%I-Fund
12/10 (Monday) =100%G-Fund
12/07 (Friday) =100%I-Fund
12/06 (Thursday) =100%I-Fund
12/05 (Wednesday)=100%G-Fund
12/04 (Tuesday) =100%I-Fund
12/03 (Monday) =100%G-Fund
Zimmy the Neural is a technical system not a fundamental one. According to the fedsmith, The I fund is based on the EAFE index which stands for Europe, Australia, and the Far East. Here is a list of some of the most commonly held stocks in this index and, therefore, in the I fund:

* BP
* Toyota Motor Corporation
* GlaxoSmithKline
* Vodafone Group
* Nestlé
* Novartis
* Royal Dutch Petroleum Company

These are not small companies. In fact, many readers probably think of some of these companies as being American companies because we often see their names, their advertisements and buy their products. The stocks from Great Britain and Japan are the most common stocks in the I fund. Other companies well-represented in the index are France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Australia.
As you can see, the I fund is not a fund filled with stocks in emerging markets.

tonight fast money comments that now everybody starts questioning emerging market that is why international market goes down that hard and I notice that the I fund went down a lot lately,does it afftect your system at all?
or does it affect your fund selection ? TIA and thanks for sharing your system,
Thank you Jim, I really appreciated. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2008

One thing to note to ALL TSP TALKERS:

What makes TSPTALK the greatest website in the TSP world, is the help that TSPTALKERS give each other.

This thread is a good example.

I see several of you posting in this thread on a regular basis. That's good.

It would be nice of someone would step forward and help Ek by posting his moves in the Autotracker. I can set you up with a clean, fresh account there, if you like, and you can name it "EK system helper account" or something like that. The only rule would be that you agree to go in and make the adjustments to the "system" before noon on the days that EK posts a move.

EK wins by having it updated in a timely fashion.

You win by having a mock account to track and show results, that YOU know are clean results.

The community wins by seeing real results of EK's efforts.

Yes, I know that sounds kind of kooky. Why would you help another person?

Well, did you see the movie "pay it forward"? (Saw it last night, so it's fresh in my mind). Same prinicple here on TSPTALK. We all help each other.

What do you say- any voluneteers out there?

P.S.- We just past the 2,000 signature mark on the petition to ask the Thrift Board to change it's mind. Keep the pressue on.

Congratulations on your retirement... and thank you very much for your help
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2008

Had an email from the APWU union representative on the board. Says he will support our request for more flexibility. About posting changes for Ek, I'll be retiring at the end of February (thank you,God), and could commit to updating it then. Be glad to team up with someone if one of you guys will help me prior to my escape from the PO.

The I - Fund follow the EFA i-Shares. and if we go back and see all the dividends the EFA i-Shares had since 2003 and the I - Fund was created.
The I - Fund is $0.66 Under Value. I still do not understand how $0.66 Under Valuation or Under Dividend Paid is called FAIR VALUATION. ;)
We should demand from the TSP board a continue audit to the I - Fund Management. :mad:
The I - Fund follow the EFA i-Shares. and if we go back and see all the dividends the EFA i-Shares had since 2003 and the I - Fund was created.
The I - Fund is $0.66 Under Value. I still do not understand how $0.66 Under Valuation or Under Dividend Paid is called FAIR VALUATION. ;)
We should demand from the TSP board a continue audit to the I - Fund Management. :mad:
you so silly!
The Neural Lost according to my calculations 3.1% in December 2007 versus
the I Fund only 1.94% :embarrest:

January 2nd 2008

The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence System prognostics

1/7 (Monday) =100%G-Fund
1/4 (Friday) =100%I-Fund
1/3 (Thursday) =100%I-Fund
1/2 (Wednesday) =100%G-Fund
1/1 (Tuesday) =100%G-Fund
12/31 (Monday) =100%G-Fund
12/28 (Friday) =100%I-Fund
12/27 (Thursday) =100%I-Fund
12/26 (Wednesday)=100%G-Fund
12/25 (Tuesday) =100%I-Fund
12/24 (Monday) =100%I-Fund
12/21 (Friday) =100%G-Fund
12/20 (Thursday) =100%I-Fund
12/19 (Wednesday)=100%I-Fund
12/18 (Tuesday) =100%I-Fund
12/17 (Monday) =100%I-Fund
12/14 (Friday) =100%I-Fund
12/13 (Thursday) =100%G-Fund
12/12 (Wednesday)=100%I-Fund
12/11 (Tuesday) =100%I-Fund
12/10 (Monday) =100%G-Fund
12/07 (Friday) =100%I-Fund
12/06 (Thursday) =100%I-Fund
12/05 (Wednesday)=100%G-Fund
12/04 (Tuesday) =100%I-Fund
12/03 (Monday) =100%G-Fund
I took July Profit Today !

Since we only can do two trades per month
I took profits for the month of July today :)
Looking forward an entry for the next month ;)
I went to cool off for awhile.
The kitchen was very hot.
Everything was indicating RED RED RED RED RED
Since we only can do two trades per month
I took profits for the month of July today
Looking forward an entry for the next month
Hope you are enjoying your retirement and having more time to think about your TSP or IRA...
Re: I took July Profit Today !

ekatteng this type of info should be posted in your Account Talk Thread!!
Thanks :D
NNUUT, Thank you, I am glad you still around... I am glad to be back too... What are your predictions on the oil prices ? any specifics ?
Bring the fatted Calf and let the Feast begin

Our son has returned !!!!

Man I thought you were long gone :( one of those distant memories we had to work hard to keep alive :mad:

I forget the dude that 'worshiped' you - what a krazy cat 'NO OFFENSE'

Anyway it is great having ya back and you were certainly admired by many. Come to think of it ... maybe Gail will come back now that you've returned.