ekatteng's Account Talk

  • Thread starter Thread starter ekatteng
  • Start date Start date
Correction: Found another Ek thread correcting himself also on another date previously provided, so...:

Sorry the pronostic is for Monday October 8th, 2007
I - FUND (see attachment)... NOT for Tuesday October 9th, 2008
crhuss, Thank you for asking, I am following my system but, I will not be able to do an IFT Monday to I- Fund because the TSP will be close so I can't go to the I for Tuesday.
and Wednesday I will be already on the G - Fund. So I have no choice that to wait till Wednesday to do the transfer to I - Fund for Thursday and exit back to G - Fund for Friday. Sorry the holiday threw us out. I still do not have the prediction for the following Monday. I will posted next Friday for the following week. I am planning to do it once a week on Fridays for the following week. See attachment, you may be able to answer your question better and see what I am trying to say. Have a Very Profitable and Lucky Next Week.

Ek, Are you going to be in the G fund Monday Tuesday and Wednesday because that is what your system said, or is that just a personal preference because the TSP is closed on Monday and you just wanted to be there.
Neural Network System Latest Daily Insight

See Attachment.
I will update every Friday for the following week to prevent confusion.
I will not be able to move to I -Fund Monday for Tuesday nor to the G-Fund
Tuesday for Wednesday because I will be there anyway... so the first move
will be to the I fund Wednesday for Thursday and back to the G -Fund Thursday for Friday. I do not have the following Monday Daily Insight, I will
release it Friday for the following week. Have a Profitable and Lucky Week,

EW_ret, I am confused. How do I go my Member Account without open a new thread ? and how do TSPTalk forums to put the thread without posting it in
my account ? do you have some instructions ? :confused:


The Members' Account Talk forum is to talk about you TSP account, why you make IFTs, and other financial matters. Members should create a single account talk thread. You keep creating additional threads with different subject matter in the Members Account Talk forum. I merged all threads you created into your ekatteng's Account Talk. Please refrain from creating additional threads in this forum. Add to you account talk thread or add to or create a thread in the other forums that have the subject matter of interest.

I suggest you browse the other TSPTalk forums. The TSP Strategies forum is appropriate for the thread you keep creating about your investment strategy, Neural Network System.
Re: EW_ret

EW_ret If I post a thread in my account does it appears on the thread forum ?
How do I get to my account without open a thread on the forum ?
Why does the TSPtalk forum allow to open a thread under different name other than your member account ? I am confuse. Do you have instructions how to do it the right way ? :confused:
Re: EW_ret


What are you trying to accomplish?

You started five threads today. It appears that you are trying to establish multiple trading systems.

Is this serious or are you trying to make a mockery of the board?

Honestly - the difficulties you are having with managing threads and posts - really draws into question, your ability to program an AI.

Start off small and try using your system to manage your personal account - if that is successful, then consider expanding beyond that. This is what Ebbnflow and tspgo_com did. I suggest you get some credibility under your belt before you continue with the project - in it's current form, this project is becoming an annoyance to the board.
Ek... Griffin has a point. Let us see how you do for a while. Keep it low key, and when you have something to see we will no doubt be interested in it. :cool:

I also have trouble with the credibility of developing such a system as you assert, yet cannot seem to navigate and operate the rather simple and basic tools of a message board.

Not trying to be over-critical, but, well, I think you can understand the reasonable scepticism...

Time will tell... the proof is in the pudding... a stitch in time saves nine (?) just threw that last one in :D
You continue to create new threads in different forums. You created another thread named EW_ret in the Members' Account Talk form. I have again merged that new thread with your account talk thread. I have a EW_ret's Account Talk thread that you failed to find and post your question. Perhaps the problem is you do not know how to find a thread and add a post to an existing thread.

To find your eratteng's Account Talk thread by placing Members' Account Talk in alphabetical order. Left click your mouse on the word "Thread" located at the top of threads listed in the Members' Account Talk forum. This action will set the member’s accounts in alphabetical order. Then find your eratteng's Account Talk by clicking on the page numbers located at top of forum. Left click your mouse on eratteng's Account Talk to open it, then left click "Post Reply" button to add an entry to your account talk.

Take some time to navigate this site. You must become comfortable with where and what you are doing before trying to introduce your idea's and oppinion's upon us.

Credibility is the key here. Only the master's will prevail.

There are some awefully smart people on this board, it does'nt take brain surgery to see it. :)

Take it easy, this board weed's people out Fast...:D
Re: EW_ret

Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, What do you want me to tell you. I did error by posting multiple threads. Did not know better. I was confused ! :confused: I only have one system of mine and it is called Neural Network Artificial Intelligence. Hope you do not get confused like me too... ;) And you better belive, It is a serious system. What can I said about my difficulties managing the posts and the thread. I am learning and I am committed to get it right one of these days soon. I promise to do my best. I did not program the AI software. I bought it commercially and I am just running it with models I developed very slowly and very careful. Perhaps it took me a little longer that it would it take you but finally, I got it ! and It is working. It comes to my mind the story of the rabbit and the turttle... :toung: Thank you for your advises and remarks... I take them. But for your information, The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence System project started small and it has been tested and it is extremely reliable in its predictions, prognostics, or daily insights whatever you please to call them, It is ready to be released and shared for free with those on the board that do not feel annoyance with it. I never ever would it released it before during its testing stages. Hope You Have a Profitable Next Week.


What are you trying to accomplish?

You started five threads today. It appears that you are trying to establish multiple trading systems.

Is this serious or are you trying to make a mockery of the board?

Honestly - the difficulties you are having with managing threads and posts - really draws into question, your ability to program an AI.

Start off small and try using your system to manage your personal account - if that is successful, then consider expanding beyond that. This is what Ebbnflow and tspgo_com did. I suggest you get some credibility under your belt before you continue with the project - in it's current form, this project is becoming an annoyance to the board.

Ek... Griffin has a point. Let us see how you do for a while. Keep it low key, and when you have something to see we will no doubt be interested in it. :cool:

I also have trouble with the credibility of developing such a system as you assert, yet cannot seem to navigate and operate the rather simple and basic tools of a message board.

Not trying to be over-critical, but, well, I think you can understand the reasonable scepticism...

Time will tell... the proof is in the pudding... a stitch in time saves nine (?) just threw that last one in :D
You continue to create new threads in different forums. You created another thread named EW_ret in the Members' Account Talk form. I have again merged that new thread with your account talk thread. I have a EW_ret's Account Talk thread that you failed to find and post your question. Perhaps the problem is you do not know how to find a thread and add a post to an existing thread.

To find your eratteng's Account Talk thread by placing Members' Account Talk in alphabetical order. Left click your mouse on the word "Thread" located at the top of threads listed in the Members' Account Talk forum. This action will set the member’s accounts in alphabetical order. Then find your eratteng's Account Talk by clicking on the page numbers located at top of forum. Left click your mouse on eratteng's Account Talk to open it, then left click "Post Reply" button to add an entry to your account talk.
My IDEAS AND OPPINIONS UPON YOU ? What Ideas ? What opininons ?
I am just sharing my weekly predictions. I Agree ONLY THE MASTERS PREVAILS ! Dont' let the AWEFULLY SMART PEOPLE ON THIS BOARD weed you out fast. ;)


Take some time to navigate this site. You must become comfortable with where and what you are doing before trying to introduce your idea's and oppinion's upon us.

Credibility is the key here. Only the master's will prevail.

There are some awefully smart people on this board, it does'nt take brain surgery to see it. :)

Take it easy, this board weed's people out Fast...:D
Birchtree, No more confusion :confused: in the future. Just once a week release and under the short TSP Strategies, Short Term Strategies, Swing Trading. Hope it will help ! ;)

Does anyone see the double entendre - or is it just me?

Ek, Are you going to be in the G fund Monday Tuesday and Wednesday because that is what your system said, or is that just a personal preference because the TSP is closed on Monday and you just wanted to be there.
CorMaGa34, No more confusion :confused: I will post the predictions once a week Fridays or Weekends for following week. Under TSPtalk Strategies, Swing Trading. ;)

Correction: Found another Ek thread correcting himself also on another date previously provided, so...:

Sorry the pronostic is for Monday October 8th, 2007
I - FUND (see attachment)... NOT for Tuesday October 9th, 2008