ekatteng's Account Talk

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Do you know how early the tsp.gov and or yahoo webs post the results for the day?I would like to shoot my results as soon as possible. Thanks
fabijo, Thank you for the info... The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence learns very fast... only needs couple days... It surprise me and I went back a week and then a month so far back to june 2003... just to be certain... It works ! ! ! I love the since of humor too... but I was not sarcastic but very serious when I mentioning I was working on my Neural Network AI system...
tsp.gov usually posts share prices shortly after 7 pm eastern time each night. Sometimes they are slightly later.

yahoo doesn't post TSP prices. Yahoo posts S&P 500 price (C fund), and Wilshire 4500 price (S fund), with a 15 minute delay.
Thank you James 48843 I appreaciated... I will start working as early as possible to pass the pronostics of The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence system as soon as possible... Enjoy the ride and profit from it ! ! !
I keep going back month by month
belive me 2007, 2006 2005 2004 2003 data is more than enough... as I said I did not need it but I did it to be certain...

So how does it perform in an extended bear market? I guess you don't know. :suspicious:
So how does it perform in an extended bear market? I guess you don't know. :suspicious:
charmed855 thank you for asking...
It Predicts Up Trends 30%
It Predicts Down Trends 28%
It Predicts Side Trends 30%
Total Correct Predictions 88%
It is not perfect so it is Wrong 12% of the time.
It is as better or close as better than any system available in this website...
The problem is that it is new and as you may well understand there are many unbelivables... I would be one of them... perhaps very suspicious too...
hope time will be the judge...
Does anyone knows how I may add an avatar to my username ?
How the file needs to be formated ? Thanks :confused:
fabijo, Thank you for the info... The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence learns very fast... only needs couple days... It surprise me and I went back a week and then a month so far back to june 2003... just to be certain... It works ! ! ! I love the since of humor too... but I was not sarcastic but very serious when I mentioning I was working on my Neural Network AI system...

It seems that you have a software that has nothing to do with artificial neural networks. The basic concept behind neural network is that it learns from past experience ( lots of data). The more data it has the more accurate the system becomes. In a true "artificial neural networks" system three days, three months or even thee years of market data the output would not be reliable. You must be dealing with something else and by mistake it has been called "artificial neural network". I have been posting two graphs for the S&P in my website generated by an "artificial neural network" software for a couple of years now. The projections of these graphs are product of the analysis of all the data available for the S&P. I would not advise anybody to follow these predictions blindly. Those predictions you see in my account talk are derived from neural network software but they have other components added. I run the last neuron of the system in the morning before I make the final recommendation. Sometimes that last neuron causes the prediction to be modified. The software analyzes all the data available since June 2003 and all the data available for the S&P. In my experience I have not seen all the neurons be 100% in agreement. That indicates that they are still learning. The best you can get out of three days or out of three months (60 points of data) would be an average. It seems you came across a good idea that back testing seems to promise something. That's is fine. However, it should not be call product of artificial neural networks analysis if you have you only three days or three months of data.

Good luck

I first was exposed to neural network artificial intelligence in 1993 when I was working for the US Air Force as Electronics Engineer GS-0855-12.
Since then I spot the potential to use it to predict weather, market, etc...
I am not an IT persay... nor mathematician... I am an engineer from accademics... You are absolutely right the neural network learns from past experience patterns recognition etc... but not necesary a lot of data is need it nor the universe to predict each time. sample teories can be applied as well. once it learn you do not need to run every day all the data (universe) you just need couple days... and update... and I did run the full data back to june 2003 again... during the testing... the key is on your neurons... I have two input neurons and three output neurons... the hidden neurons allowed me to develop the leaning models... that's where the real secret is... if I run back all the data available (universe) each day the pronostics will not be processed till the following day and it gave me the same resuls as if I only runs for couple days (sample) ahead... enough time to made the
interfund transfer... you may find more info in my undevelop scratched website www.tspneural.com predict the market with artificial intelligence is simple, piece a cake... after the fact of course... :) it gives you the 8 patterns similar to the ones EBB is using, I got great respect for Ebb perhaps he discovered them without artificial intelligence. I do not know.. Ebb never mentioned artificial intelligence... But He did it ! and I admire Him very much. Bottom line the neural network artificial intelligence I am using performed as follow...

It Predicts Up Trends 30% of the total observations
It Predicts Down Trends 28% of the total observations
It Predicts Side Trends 30% of the total observations
Total Correct Predictions 88% of the total observations
It is not perfect so it is Wrong 12% of the total observations

It is as good as or close as good any of the systems in this website.

As I keep repeating myself... let be the time be the judge...
If it works it works... if it does not I will be square one again...
meanwhile I will be sharing my interfund transfers for those willing
to consider the pronostics for their investing decisions...

Hope my pronostics help you in enjoying the ride and profit from it...

It seems that you have a software that has nothing to do with artificial neural networks. The basic concept behind neural network is that it learns from past experience ( lots of data). The more data it has the more accurate the system becomes. In a true "artificial neural networks" system three days, three months or even thee years of market data the output would not be reliable. You must be dealing with something else and by mistake it has been called "artificial neural network". I have been posting two graphs for the S&P in my website generated by an "artificial neural network" software for a couple of years now. The projections of these graphs are product of the analysis of all the data available for the S&P. I would not advise anybody to follow these predictions blindly. Those predictions you see in my account talk are derived from neural network software but they have other components added. I run the last neuron of the system in the morning before I make the final recommendation. Sometimes that last neuron causes the prediction to be modified. The software analyzes all the data available since June 2003 and all the data available for the S&P. In my experience I have not seen all the neurons be 100% in agreement. That indicates that they are still learning. The best you can get out of three days or out of three months (60 points of data) would be an average. It seems you came across a good idea that back testing seems to promise something. That's is fine. However, it should not be call product of artificial neural networks analysis if you have you only three days or three months of data.

Good luck

Hey Ek, how can we determine if your system is any good and be able to follow it if we don't see a post from you each day. What did you post for Wednesday? The beauty of Ebb is that he tells you what he is doing and why. The stats are right there in front of you. He is reliable. I don't see that from your system.
The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence System Pronostic Is

I -FUND for October 4th 2007

Have A Profitable Ride !
Hey Ek, how can we determine if your system is any good and be able to follow it if we don't see a post from you each day. What did you post for Wednesday? The beauty of Ebb is that he tells you what he is doing and why. The stats are right there in front of you. He is reliable. I don't see that from your system.
I posted on this account with Excel attachment !
The Pornostic of The Neural Netwok Artificial Intelligence for Oct 4th, 2007 is
I-Fund. I am absolute certain it works and perform 88% correct or save and 12% wrong according to the testing from June 2003 to last Friday.
Enjoy and Have a Profitable Ride !
Fair enough... Thank you for your advise...
Have a profitable ride...
Thanks for sharing, ekatteng. How do we interpret your moves? If it says I-Fund on Wed, does that mean move to the I Fund on Wednesday or does that mean move to the I Fund on Tuesday so that you are in it to experience Wednesday?
Thanks for sharing, ekatteng. How do we interpret your moves? If it says I-Fund on Wed, does that mean move to the I Fund on Wednesday or does that mean move to the I Fund on Tuesday so that you are in it to experience Wednesday?
Sorry I was not clear enough... Thank you for asking me.

It means to move to the I Fund on Tuesday so that you are in it to experience Wednesday.
As Today after the close of business October 2nd night Pronostic is posted
for Thursday, so you can do the interfund transfer tomorrow Wednesday.

You most be on the actual I-Fund for Wednesday and Thursday experience...

Please let me know if I answer your questions.

Have a Nice and Profitable Ride ! Good Luck
Thanks for the update, ek. I hadn't read the previous posts, so I didn't see notice your move to the I Fund you posted last night. Good work! :)

Does your system use all the funds or does it just switch between safety and stocks?
The network artificial intelligence is a software with layers (input, hidden, and output layers) it may be many hidden layers with many neurons, hiden layers with learning neurons and output layer with one or several neurons... the learning neurons learn by iterations of the database finding patterns (pattern recognition) in our case I been using millions of iterations over the data from June 2003 throu the present. In our case the system has two inputs neurons in the input layer, eight hidden neurons in the hidden layers
one for each of the possible output pattern recognized three neurons in another hidden layer in order to detemine the final output layer with one neuron. More info on my scratched webside www.tspneural.com
The system predicted 88% correct or save and 12% wrong it is the best I could do it before I release its resuls and start using it for myself.
Sorry you did not notice my move to the I fund I posted last night.
you may consider to make an IFT tomorrow for Thursday.

The system is designed for I-Fund (ride up and take profits) and
G Fund (buying opportunity or save)...

Thanks for the update, ek. I hadn't read the previous posts, so I didn't see notice your move to the I Fund you posted last night. Good work! :)

Does your system use all the funds or does it just switch between safety and stocks?
Bottomline is a very weighted coin on you favor... that is all you need to make
profitable moves and get ahead of the game...
See Attachment For Free Daily
Neural Network Artificial Intellligence
Pronostic (2 Days In Advance)
The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence Pronostic Is
G - Fund For Friday 10/5/2005 (see Attachment)
Take Profit, Enjoy It, Go To The G Spot, And Enjoy A Relax Weekend.