ekatteng's Account Talk

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Ek - I just signed up the other day. I have spent the last two days reading and enjoying the drama in this thread. Anyways, your system sound interesting and I want to check it out. But, I got caught up in all the love and warmth in here, so...where do you post your data again?
Ek - I just signed up the other day. I have spent the last two days reading and enjoying the drama in this thread. Anyways, your system sound interesting and I want to check it out. But, I got caught up in all the love and warmth in here, so...where do you post your data again?

EK has a thread just for the data in Day to Day Market thread. This one is for discussion. Enjoy!
Pehaps we can learn from....... ;)

Indian Winter Forecast

It was already late fall and the Indians on a remote reservation in
South Dakota asked their new chief if the coming winter was going to be
cold or mild.

Since he was a chief in a modern society he had never been taught the
old secrets. When he looked at the sky he couldn't tell what the winter
was going to be like.

Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he told his tribe that the winter
was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the village should
collect firewood to be prepared.

But being a practical leader, after several days he got an idea. He went
to the phone booth, called the National Weather Service and asked, "Is
the coming winter going to be cold?"

"It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold," the meteorologist
at the weather service responded.

So the chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more
firewood in order to be prepared.

A week later he called the National Weather Service again. "Does it
still look like it is going to be a very cold winter?"

"Yes," the man at National Weather Service again replied, "it's going to
be a very cold winter."

The chief again went back to his people and ordered them to collect
every scrap of firewood they could find.

Two weeks later the chief called the National Weather Service again.
"Are you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?"

"Absolutely," the man replied. "It's looking more and more like it is
going to be one of the coldest winters we've ever seen."

"How can you be so sure?" the chief asked.

The weatherman replied, "The Indians are collecting firewood like

Always remember this whenever you get advice from an "Expert"!
RPM; Does it will help to post just one day ahead... future days seems to be confusing... since latest data may change future prognostic... do you think it will be not to post future prognostic till the day before till it settle ??? or we may just take them as the best AI prognotic base on the latest data subjet to change.... :confused:

EK, as I mentioned before, I like to see the early predictions as well. When I look back at all your predictions for the same day, it seems that the early did fairly well. This system might be similar to Ebb, in the sense that when you use historical data to do predictions, your predictions might do better than when the more recent data are added to it. Although with Ebb, he studied the data and manually changed the results.

I was just asking that you use different ink/font for data vs predictions to distinguish them. Also, I was asking whether or not the correct data get used in the future predictions, when the predictions for past days turn out to be wrong for those days.

Thanks again for all your hard work.
presskh, There are technical analysis and fundamental analysis and combination of both... ;)

I agree - kudos for EK missing the big drop both today and last week! I didn't miss last week's but I did today's. I switched to G Fund yesterday only because oil was approaching $100/bbl and the market downside risks seem to be heavily outweighing the upside potential (just an overall feeling from all the data). I haven't been "lucky" like this very many times, I might add.
Hope you meet your goal not only this year but every one to come... and I hope the Neural help you to do so also.... ;)

You are describing me to the highest degree - and that has been my style throughout the years. At this point perserving my Capital is the highest priority and this is the first time I have ever fallen below my goal (which I have obtained every year). Sometimes it is better to focus on the original goal - which for me was already obtained. I had money to blow and so I went aggressive - but now I personally can not afford further loss. One payday will take me over the top and every week I am guaranteed at least a small gain. 4 paydays without a loss is something I can be comfortable with.

Anyway, on the whole I completely agree with you and would tell everyone the same thing. When the year is comming to an end, however, do what is easiest - safest - and guaranteed - to more than meet your original goal.
Do you think Euro will low threir interest rate and week the euro ?...
The I - Fund will skyrocket... :)

It's a darn good thing I own the Holy Grail - or I'd be nervous. Been here and done that before - this to will pass. I actually added to my oceanic portfolio today and am expecting a DCA into my tugboat tomorrow. Bring'er on down to the undervaluation level. The Lone Ranger will come to the rescue of the dollar - you can bet on it/
gphill, You are correct ! you do not lose till you sell low... the market come back and you always can come ahead.... it may takes sometime but it will...
bottomline I agree to NEVER SELL LOW :)

I wanted to post a short reply!
During the 911 stock downfall, I lost 273.000 in just a few days. No, I did not regain the losses because of the annunity portions. However, I made my initial investment back which was 27.000. It took me 9 years to build the cash amount , "I was devestated to say the least". I built this account on Logging wages in Alaska, Today, I have started another process slow but, I hope that within a few years I will have a nice portion to last during my retirement. I have been researching Solar stocks and wow, They are out there and this ride if you search are exploding to say the least. So, if theres thoughts about todays stock market search out and find those stocks that are new (IPO) read about them and then get in on the action. Today, we need to look for alternate energy sources, Solar, wind power and Nuclear energys. Wind power belongs to the european marker as you will find in your reaearch. California has a good one called Sunpower, then there is Evergreen Solar. Check them out . First Solar has exploded as you will find if you reaearch. Check out what First stock was 2 months ago and today. Well, this is a small fortune.
Keep your thoughts about you and always remember the Market will correct itself, just be aware the correction will show signs before and in the signal you will also find a better buying position ahead.
The AutoTracker Software is tracking the stat... and taken care of the system perfomance... not too good yet... time will tell us more... ;)

When are you going to star posting the prognostics of your "Statistics Simulations System" SSS.... :)

tspgo_com - Just curious - how well has your system been performing? Any stats on it?
Barney, Thank you for your interest... I post the information at the Market Talk Day to Day Market Talk Under the Neural Network Artificial Intelligence thread (no chat) kind of hidden in this website... you can get more info at the under slow development website www.TSPNeural.com if you subscribe I send you a daily personal email with the latest prognostics of the Neural Network Artificial Intelligence System FREE.

November 8th 2007

The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence System prognostics
56% Correct on Ups & Downs, 29% Safe, and 15% Wrong

11/15 (Thursday) =100%G-Fund
11/14 (Wednesday)=100%G-Fund
11/13 (Tuesday) =100%I-Fund
11/12 (Monday) =100%I-Fund
11/09 (Friday) =100%I-Fund
11/08 (Thursday) =100%G-Fund
11/07 (Wednesday)=100%G-Fund
11/06 (Tuesday) =100%G-und
11/05 (Monday) =100%I-Fund
11/02 (Friday) =100%I-Fund
11/01 (Thursday) =100%G-Fund

Wishing You a Profitable Ride... and Good Luck ! ;)

Ek - I just signed up the other day. I have spent the last two days reading and enjoying the drama in this thread. Anyways, your system sound interesting and I want to check it out. But, I got caught up in all the love and warmth in here, so...where do you post your data again?
RPM, Let's see if I undertand your request and allow me to repeat it...
you asking to use different ink between past and future prognostics... Am I correct ? if so, I will be glad to do so... What color do you want to use for the past and what color for the future and why those colors ?

Back to your question... I feed the Neural Network Artificial Intelligence sofware on a daily basis with the latest correct data which may or may not affect the future prognostics... that is the reason why the future prognostics changes and is driving some bananas... ;) I think I owe the latest prognostics to the TSPtalk comunity... so they can made the best informed decision on their IFTs... and plan how they will play their ride... since everyone is different... ;)

EK, as I mentioned before, I like to see the early predictions as well. When I look back at all your predictions for the same day, it seems that the early did fairly well. This system might be similar to Ebb, in the sense that when you use historical data to do predictions, your predictions might do better than when the more recent data are added to it. Although with Ebb, he studied the data and manually changed the results.

I was just asking that you use different ink/font for data vs predictions to distinguish them. Also, I was asking whether or not the correct data get used in the future predictions, when the predictions for past days turn out to be wrong for those days.

Thanks again for all your hard work.
DennisFAA; You are correct... I feed the correct data to the system and re-run the software... it give us an updated prognostics... the Neural put us on the G yesterday to prevent the down of the I fund from 25.82 to 25.29... $0.53 per share lost prevention... how much did it represented to you ??? and it stays on G safe place through today... The neural does not track the F, C, nor S funds... at least not at this time... that does not prevent you to do so if you feel comforable to do so... Perhaps other systems may help you better on those funds... Rev, Ebb, Fred... the neural just go from G to I and I to G... and it sees I as a vehicle to increase the G balance and G number of shares.... it would it be nice to be entered into I yesterday... the grease hands of the "Fair" Valuation FV made us enter into the I at $0.12 higher that it should be... nothing we can do about it I guess... ;)
The AutoTracker Software is tracking the stat... and taken care of the system perfomance... not too good yet... time will tell us more... ;)

When are you going to star posting the prognostics of your "Statistics Simulations System" SSS.... :)

I think TSPGO "neurons" are doing fairly well. As of COB yesterday the Automatic Tracker is showing 5.35% and is number 7 in the tally.

Good luck!
November 8th 2007

The Neural Network Artificial Intelligence System prognostics
56% Correct on Ups & Downs, 29% Safe, and 15% Wrong

11/15 (Thursday) =100%G-Fund
11/14 (Wednesday)=100%G-Fund
11/13 (Tuesday) =100%I-Fund
11/12 (Monday) =100%I-Fund
11/09 (Friday) =100%I-Fund
11/08 (Thursday) =100%G-Fund
11/07 (Wednesday)=100%G-Fund
11/06 (Tuesday) =100%I-Fund (instead of your G)
11/05 (Monday) =100%G-Fund (instead of your I)
11/02 (Friday) =100%I-Fund
11/01 (Thursday) =100%G-Fund


Since you post the above on Nov 8, I am assuming that entries from 11/01-07 are data, and 11/8 on are predictions. So for the data, I am using EFA for I, and assign I to the days that I is positive

11/01 G
11/02 I
11/05 G
11/06 I
11/07 G

So, comparing the above data (mine) to your list, my question is do you replace the predictions with the data? from your list, it doesn't look that way, unless you are only posting the predictions, not the data you put into the system. My suggestion would translate to something like the above, with data in blue color, and predictions in black.

And of course, all these suggestions are valid only if my guess of your system is right. If it's wrong, then please just ignore it. :confused:

Thanks very much,

WOW! I'm getting confused with this discussion of colors, etc. For that matter, when/where is the last, official Neural Network Artificial Intelligence System prognostics posting by you (not someone else making color changes, other predictions/contradictions)?


WOW! I'm getting confused with this discussion of colors, etc. For that matter, when/where is the last, official Neural Network Artificial Intelligence System prognostics posting by you (not someone else making color changes, other predictions/contradictions)?

maybe ek..aka as the neural man is color blind ....or the market is making him see red....be happy...read BOGLE.
Hey Mr. R - good to hear from you. I've been in the G Fund the past few days and it feels great - a shelter from the storm. Anyway have a super fantatic 3 day weekend - and remember me and the other veterans for just a moment or two. Hope you're doing OK in the TSP.
tspgo, CONGRATULATIONS ! very impresive in all your calls.... FV... is not "Fair" in my book... so I am glad you find a way to take advantage of it...:)

I think TSPGO "neurons" are doing fairly well. As of COB yesterday the Automatic Tracker is showing 5.35% and is number 7 in the tally.

Good luck!