SkyPilot, Welcome Back ! How the weather in Ukranie ? Did you have any problems with your IFTs ? Hope not... Let's continue in our journey in reaching our high goals... 

Thanks for asking... doing well, headed to Ukraine for a couple of weeks on a mission. I hope you can separate the criticism of your presentations and claims from those which are personal in nature.
You have claimed a lot without waiting to demonstrate first. Because of that, and as we have discussed, you have opened yourself up to a great deal of skeptical review. Had you started posting in the accepted manner, and let your system speak for itself, your start here would have likely been much different.
Also, "Mr. Noticero" has not done you any favors with his nonsensical bloviations.
However, as you move forward and establish a track record for what you have already claimed, you will either gain or lose reputation. You have already done much hard work and invested a great deal of time and patience attempting to be understood. If you are the real deal, then it would be a waste to abandon it now.
And, don't feel you have to respond and defend against every post. Your system will speak for itself, good or bad. They all do...