ekatteng's Account Talk

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Mr. Recognizer:

If Ek's system does what he says, he doesn't need you to sell it for him. If you have a personal stake in selling Ek, consider this: Your bad manners will alienate people. Your posts don't ring true, and the third-grade nan-nana-boo-boos are simply repulsive.

Ek, if you can't control your alter ego, I'd suggest that you rein him in and have my bright third-grade granddaughter write your ad copy instead.

I apologize, but it had to be said.


Whew, you had me worried Ekatteng! I was afraid I scared you off when I mentioned the possibility of plugging your system into the International Project. After scanning through the various posts - I think I found what bothered you - and your response to this was very telling. Gail, my sweet little Atlanta lady, was not saying anything negative about you. You misread her message my friend. She is talking about how Mr. R was getting on her nerves. (I made a similar comment). She was hoping you could rein him in and majorly tone him down. Her 3rd grade granddaughter would do a far better job promoting your site if you would ever have a need for ads promoting your system. Again Gail is not suggesting you need any kind of promotional material. She is simply saying this 3rd grader would be able to make YOU AND YOUR SYSTEM KNOWN IN A WAY THAT IS NOT ANNOYING OR BASHING OTHERS. ALSO IN A WAY THAT DOES'T MAKE YOU SOUND LIKE YOU'RE THE ULTRA GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. So my friend, if it was Gail's note that troubled you - she was not saying anything offensive to you. Her message was directed to Mr. R.

Mr. R - I can't help but think you will probably read this and I'm sorry for offending you. I truely believe you don't mean to be offense - or grating - annoying (or whatever) - and that you are very excited about achieving wonderful gains and keeping them when everyone else is losing. I think you mean well and in the long run I honestly believe we will all come to appreciate you, but for now you need to guard against offending others (Ebb, me, or whoever) and tone down a bit.
SteadyDude! Well said! :)

Also, kinda getting used to the Ek speak... reminds me of one of my favorite posters that hasn't been around for a while, PuertoRico. Where have you gone my friend?
Thank you Steadygain. It was never my intention to hurt Ek's feelings. I'm direct and sometimes sarcastic -- and after those qualities filter through a goofy sense of humor, apparently my thoughts are ripe for misinterpretation.

Like all women, I'm above all flexible. I'll rein myself in.
Agree 100%...Thank EK for sharing the systems,just humble ,follow the rules and let your system talk for itself to quiet these people down..any time new member comes with new system and claims how well he did..of couse there will be a lot of people question that,you need to show how effective your system is before they believein it,...that is natural but people ..please use kind words,we have many ways to get the point crossed.. We don't want to run off the new member specially he is willing to share info for free,follow or not it's our choice.., and the followers should not get too excited to put some others down...Ebb was really great and really nice person,no system is 100% right all the time..every system will have hot periods then cold ones.Hope we don't run EK off (that is our loss).There were some blamed their leaders after a loss..this is so immature...nobody owes anybody anything here,we should appreciate that someone is nice enough to share experiences, thoughts and YOU is the one made the final decision that YOu thought that is the best of that moment..on the bad days, be kind to each other(bad enough we had a bad day),then regroup,get ready for the next game,after in the market few years,5,10,15..even 30 years,llike 12%,Birch..we do not get excited one day loss or gain too much,that is normal,that is part of business..
Thanks again EK
PS.BTW did you watch the Spurs last 2 games, it was awesome,tonite the
KING in town.GL
Whew, you had me worried Ekatteng! I was afraid I scared you off when I mentioned the possibility of plugging your system into the International Project. After scanning through the various posts - I think I found what bothered you - and your response to this was very telling. Gail, my sweet little Atlanta lady, was not saying anything negative about you. You misread her message my friend. She is talking about how Mr. R was getting on her nerves. (I made a similar comment). She was hoping you could rein him in and majorly tone him down. Her 3rd grade granddaughter would do a far better job promoting your site if you would ever have a need for ads promoting your system. Again Gail is not suggesting you need any kind of promotional material. She is simply saying this 3rd grader would be able to make YOU AND YOUR SYSTEM KNOWN IN A WAY THAT IS NOT ANNOYING OR BASHING OTHERS. ALSO IN A WAY THAT DOES'T MAKE YOU SOUND LIKE YOU'RE THE ULTRA GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. So my friend, if it was Gail's note that troubled you - she was not saying anything offensive to you. Her message was directed to Mr. R.

Mr. R - I can't help but think you will probably read this and I'm sorry for offending you. I truely believe you don't mean to be offense - or grating - annoying (or whatever) - and that you are very excited about achieving wonderful gains and keeping them when everyone else is losing. I think you mean well and in the long run I honestly believe we will all come to appreciate you, but for now you need to guard against offending others (Ebb, me, or whoever) and tone down a bit.
you all can read iNto it whatever you like but i stand by my posts:i know you all are dissed because EBB,REV...ETC... ARE not performing and EK is on top of his game... THE NEURAL MAN is the real deal and just because you are not getting the gains you expected from the other guru,s you feel you have to get on my case..well thats ok as i can take the heat and K CHING it all the way to thje bank with the NEURAL MAN himself..EK..YOU DO YOUR THING AND I'LL DO MINE WITH EK......K-CHING
you all can read iNto it whatever you like but i stand by my posts:i know you all are dissed because EBB,REV...ETC... ARE not performing and EK is on top of his game... THE NEURAL MAN is the real deal and just because you are not getting the gains you expected from the other guru,s you feel you have to get on my case..well thats ok as i can take the heat and K CHING it all the way to thje bank with the NEURAL MAN himself..EK..YOU DO YOUR THING AND I'LL DO MINE WITH EK......K-CHING

Mr. R.,



What is it you would like to contribute to this forum, other than being a cheerleader? Ek has plenty, but you seem only to echo.

He doesn't need you, and you do not help him. It seems as if you attach personal investment into this discussion, which ultimately means you do not understand the nature of the discourse.

If you happened to read Ek's own posts, you will notice that he has asked that you desist. If you cannot respect yourself, at least respect him.

Best of luck...
Thanks for your outstanding work, and for posting your moves for next week. :)
If you have not looked into the Sentiment Survey, it also has a great track record.
It is Bright Green(Buy) for next week.
More confirmation for a great week ahead.
Good Luck.
Just want to add something else to the group here, and I am not trying to tell anyone HOW THEY SHOULD WRITE, SPELL, OR SAY ANYTHING:

However, and you know who you are, please try to read a little about e-mail writing protocol: just the words I wrote above, for example, you would have been able to read and perfectly understand in plain small case. Please try to refrain from writing in bold red huge letters, that makes you think as if you are :rolleyes:SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!
at people and treating them as your grandchildren. Ek has been extremely polite, but please lay off of him, it's getting old, I am a woman too and I don't go around screaming like a madwoman only because I don't agree with other people's writing style, spelling, grammar, accent, opinions, comments. And, (hee hee, there goes that and word again...) oh, by the way, I also read/write/speak /translate/interpret four languages fluently and six semifluently. Now, please don't go into a screaming contest in six languages, you don't want to go there... besides I will not get hooked into it.

Ek, please ignore all the stuff that went on and let's start with a clean slate, we are all interested in your postings, the neural system and your comments about the market, and what is going to happen next week. We appreciate your input, patience and politeness in answering all the important questions/comments about your analysis, math, etc, it's all part of the process required to get to know your system better.

Cheers and happy trading everyone!

EK-there was a neural man named ek....with his picks you do really great, ok.........hes the neural man with agood plan..so follow his tsp trabsfers to the "T"and you will make a bundle,hee hee hee.......he showed up one day promising great returns ..but was scorned by several who just couldnt learn...that the neural man had the most beuatifil plan.......{you rock EK..keep up the masterfull work}
Now that's cool Mr. R - very well done and excellently phased. Like I said before I think all of us will come to appreciate you - cause you da man.

I don't think anyone was scorning EK - but I will leave it there. Probably the best thing all of us can do is drop it and start over with a clean slate.
Yes! Let's keep the good taste.... ;)

Na, nana, boo boo is something children say to each other on the play ground to tease another child - my dog's bigger than your dog kind of thing. A silly American thing, and I didn't stop to think that you might not understand what I meant. It was not a reference to your English skills. I wouldn't do that. I was saying that Mr. Recognizer's taunting Ebb was in bad taste.
I am cool. sorry I am spamming your PC. Time (late) is relative. do not understand your comment out of touch or out of line.... :confused:
Thank you for the advise... Let' get some rest... ;)

Hey, Mr. EK, could you cool it a little? You're spamming up my computer. It's getting late. Better get some rest because if your head's still swollen in the morning you may not feel as well as you do now. I'm sure you're a nice guy, but you are seriously either out of touch or out of line.
ek, it seems your system is being a contrarian. 100% stocks pretty much all week! :D Sounds great to me. Thanks!
Tell me about eating mud... ;) We all will die and perhaps will go 6 ft under ground... and extend ourself to new dimentions... ;)

You absolutely DO NOT have to read this thread at all, you do have a choice NOT to click on this thread!

I am not defending EK, but he is writing in his own thread, and mostly responding to everyone who wrote here. As to gloating when he is right, he is not the only one doing it, and won't be the last. He'll eat mud when his cycle turns low! We all do, from time to time.

kEEP A GOOD WORK ! ! ! :)

EK's Account Talk

We have a right to express our thoughts; right or wrong!

Some are market savy, some are not!......CNBC!!...:laugh:

Lets cut some folks some slack!.....:cheesy:...Cheers!
Thank you for being interested in The Neural Network Artificial lntelligence System www.TSPNeural.com ... I will continue posting it's prognostics you and others that may be interested on it... :)

Ek -

I am becoming increasing interested in your system. I hope you continue to post your moves.

I recently stumbled upon this website back in Feb of this year - since that time I have been actively trading my TSP account with positive results!! I wish I had access to these tools when I first started my career with the federal government.... None the less, my positive results are not due to my understanding of market flucutations - my successes are a direct result of taking the advice of many, including yourself, on this talk forum. Once again, I hope you continue to post your moves for myself and all others who are just learning how to navigate the stormy seas of the stock markets.

James, Thank you very much... We will continue... We all in the same boat somehow.... :)


First- nice call day before yesterday. It bumped you up considerably in the rankings.

Second- and I cannot stress this enough- please continue to post your moves in the autotracker, so that all can see and compare. This is very valuable information.

If you diligently enter the IFT's in the autotracker, it will show over time your record, and then people will increase their confidence level. It takes more than just a lucky hit here or there to build confidence in such a system, it takes time for people to examine for themselves, and judge the merits for themselves.

Congrats on your call the other day- and now let's see how your system performs over time, in comparison to individuals and other systems.

When someone developes a successful system, others will beat a path to your door.

Good luck, and happy investing.