TSP Elite
Mr. Recognizer:
If Ek's system does what he says, he doesn't need you to sell it for him. If you have a personal stake in selling Ek, consider this: Your bad manners will alienate people. Your posts don't ring true, and the third-grade nan-nana-boo-boos are simply repulsive.
Ek, if you can't control your alter ego, I'd suggest that you rein him in and have my bright third-grade granddaughter write your ad copy instead.
I apologize, but it had to be said.
Whew, you had me worried Ekatteng! I was afraid I scared you off when I mentioned the possibility of plugging your system into the International Project. After scanning through the various posts - I think I found what bothered you - and your response to this was very telling. Gail, my sweet little Atlanta lady, was not saying anything negative about you. You misread her message my friend. She is talking about how Mr. R was getting on her nerves. (I made a similar comment). She was hoping you could rein him in and majorly tone him down. Her 3rd grade granddaughter would do a far better job promoting your site if you would ever have a need for ads promoting your system. Again Gail is not suggesting you need any kind of promotional material. She is simply saying this 3rd grader would be able to make YOU AND YOUR SYSTEM KNOWN IN A WAY THAT IS NOT ANNOYING OR BASHING OTHERS. ALSO IN A WAY THAT DOES'T MAKE YOU SOUND LIKE YOU'RE THE ULTRA GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. So my friend, if it was Gail's note that troubled you - she was not saying anything offensive to you. Her message was directed to Mr. R.
Mr. R - I can't help but think you will probably read this and I'm sorry for offending you. I truely believe you don't mean to be offense - or grating - annoying (or whatever) - and that you are very excited about achieving wonderful gains and keeping them when everyone else is losing. I think you mean well and in the long run I honestly believe we will all come to appreciate you, but for now you need to guard against offending others (Ebb, me, or whoever) and tone down a bit.