In almost 8 years, pattern 5/red-red-red with the most bearish sentiment has the best win percentage (60.5%) among all the patterns in the C-fund. Its opposite, pattern 1/grn-grn-grn holds the record for worst win percentage (48.1%) in the I-fund (see chart below). That says to me that these patterns are not made of random stuff. So, whatever cycle I've been following, it's working. 
Friday: Pattern 5/red-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 59.5%): C 60.4%, S 59.8% , I 58.2%.
Result: long C-fund was right; long S-fund was right; long I-fund was right.
Unofficial (December 05, 2014): C +0.17%; S +0.41%; I +0.10%.
The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).
Short Patterns (S-fund): 7/red-grn-grn (52.0%); 8/red-grn-red (51.8%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (53.4%); 4/grn-red-grn (55.1%); 6/red-red-grn (54.6%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.4%); 3/grn-red-red (57.0%); 5/red-red-red (60.0%).
S&P 500: 55.4% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.4%; long > 55.4%.
Accuracy: 75/136 (55%). Long: 48/79 (61%). Short: 27/57 (47%). Cash: green (15 up, 11 down); red (11 up, 5 down).
Monday: Pattern 8/red-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 54.6%): C 55.7%, S 51.8% , I 56.1%.
Forecast: long C-fund; short S-fund; long I-fund.
Friday has pattern 8/red-grn-red. WP (S-fund): 51.8% (W 127, L 118). Strategy: Short <= 53%.
7-yr. EbbTally

Friday: Pattern 5/red-red-red. Win Percentage (CSI 59.5%): C 60.4%, S 59.8% , I 58.2%.
Result: long C-fund was right; long S-fund was right; long I-fund was right.
Unofficial (December 05, 2014): C +0.17%; S +0.41%; I +0.10%.
The S-fund is used to get our daily TNA calls (short, cash, or long).
Short Patterns (S-fund): 7/red-grn-grn (52.0%); 8/red-grn-red (51.8%).
Cash Patterns (S-fund): 2/grn-grn-red (53.4%); 4/grn-red-grn (55.1%); 6/red-red-grn (54.6%).
Long Patterns (S-fund): 1/grn-grn-grn (56.4%); 3/grn-red-red (57.0%); 5/red-red-red (60.0%).
S&P 500: 55.4% (7-yr. win percentage).
Strategy: short <= 53%; cash > 53% and <= 55.4%; long > 55.4%.
Accuracy: 75/136 (55%). Long: 48/79 (61%). Short: 27/57 (47%). Cash: green (15 up, 11 down); red (11 up, 5 down).
Monday: Pattern 8/red-grn-red. Win Percentage (CSI 54.6%): C 55.7%, S 51.8% , I 56.1%.
Forecast: long C-fund; short S-fund; long I-fund.
Friday has pattern 8/red-grn-red. WP (S-fund): 51.8% (W 127, L 118). Strategy: Short <= 53%.
7-yr. EbbTally