ebbnflow's Account Talk

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G 12.08 even
F 11.47 +.02 +0.17%
C 16.56 +.19 +1.16%
S 19.92 +.26 +1.32%
I 23.77 +.33 +1.41% :nuts:

Another big ol' good'un...thanks Ebb.
More than one day prediction

Thanks Ebb! Thanks for considering maybe including more than the one day predicitons, as you use to show. I made it through TDY this week by staying up late enough to catch your next days prediction, except for one night. Of course, if it "plays" with your model and you feel you get better results by going one day at a time, no problem. But, if you feel it's just as reliable, it is a great benefit for those of us who are in situations without internet access during the day.

All of us could not thank you enough for your selflessness in sharing your knowledge and ability to create such an amazing model as you have. Thank you, thank you, thank you soooooo much for being so kind as to share it with us! "Pats on the back!....Handshakes!....Cheers!"

While everyone is in such a good mood because of the incredible success of the ebbchart system, let me lay this on you...

As I have mentioned in the past, there is a time that we will have to make changes to the way these services are delivered and accessed. We (ebb, trader fred, and myself) have always discussed a possible move in the Fall to make the services part of a fee based subscription. As with any payment service we realize many people won't participate once they have to pay, no matter how much or how little we charge. The bottom line is, these guys and myself, must be compensated for the time, effort, expertise, dedication, you name it, that goes into putting all of this together - but before you run off, hear me out.

There is a way around it. The only way to compensate these fine contributors and system creators is to either charge a fee or get advertisers to pay us. We have tried the latter and while we do make some money, I wouldn't say anyone will be quiting their day jobs anytime soon. I did the math and basically if TSP Talk's traffic can grow in the neighborhood of 4 to 5 times its current size, we may be able to keep things free and still compensate ebb and trader fred pretty well.

With millions and millions of government employees and military personnel out there, our traffic is just scratching the surface when it comes to traffic potential. I spend literally thousands each month in advertising TSP Talk putting virtually every dime I ever made back into the site one way or the other (advertising, email services, chart services, software, webhosting, servers, shirts, hats, mugs, etc.) to keep it growing, so I am stretched that way.

Here's where you come in...

If we could get everybody here (the regulars) to help spread the word, we may be able to accomplish the goal of getting 4 to 5 X traffic faster than we've grown to this point. If you tell your co-workers, forward your email alerts, tell people about the ebbchart, trader fred, the sentiment survey, the message board, mention it in meetings, retirement seminars, write to federal publications like Gov Exec, Causey, Stephen Barr, ask your agency put links on their websites to us, etc., etc., etc, it may only take a few months before we go from 10,000 visitors a day to 50,000 or more. And with those numbers the advertising revenue should kick up a notch where we could keep every free.

What do say? Any comments, feedback, suggestions, questions?

If there is a positive reception to this idea, I may write something similar to this in my commentary to get everyone on board. Otherwise, we will likely go to a subscription service some time this Fall.

We could help (ebbnflow or others) a little if we remind him about Holiday & G penny coming up in a few days. This Holiday & G penny could have some sort of effect on his calculation. For example, If I knew that FTSE is on Holiday, I would not be in I fund for Monday because without Ftse, I fund would not gain enough.
Hello. I'm one of those who requested that your system be updated at least a day in advance. We really thank you for trying this but it has me feeling a little uneasy. I have to agree with Paladin: Please don't update too far in advance if this might have too large an impact on your system. And by the way, one day in advance is WAY more than enough for most federal and postal employees who work days. In fact, a few hours in advance (which you already seem to do) is usually enough. For example, though many of us leave for work early in the morning (5:30 AM Eastern Time, for me) we can always check out your results before we leave for work. I realize you have to protect the integrity of your system so please do as you see fit. Thanks again for helping us. I work for a large PD&C in SW Florida and, believe me, I've been spreading the word around about both TspTalk and the ebbchart. Exciting stuff.
Thanks for all the props guys! About the ebbchart predicting one or four days ahead -- it really doesn't matter because once I compare the present pattern with the past patterns, I get the four days from the resulting matches.

Moved to the G-fund today. Good luck all! :)
I am very new to this site and your account talk. My first testing of the waters as it were was Friday and today. I did not dive in all the way but putting in almost half of my holdings into the "I" as you stated turned out very well for me. Thank you for what you do... I appreciate it.
You're welcome, Vintage Money and thank you nnuut!

Moved back to the I-fund for tomorrow. A move to the S-fund should also be a good option. Looking at the ebbchart tally, the S-fund (+8.00%) has produced bigger gains than the I-fund (+6.15%) with pattern 1 showing. Good luck all! :)
Wow! I'd been in the I fund all year until I found this site and started following your system. Days like today where you had us out of the market really seem to make all of the difference. I'm sure you get lots of praise on predicting the up days. I just want to say thank you for helping us to avoid the big down days.
Ebb...another great call! One question/request...earlier today you stated:

"Moved back to the I-fund for tomorrow. A move to the S-fund should also be a good option. Looking at the ebbchart tally, the S-fund (+8.00%) has produced bigger gains than the I-fund (+6.15%) with pattern 1 showing."

When you see/know additional insights like the one you mention about the S fund would it be possible for you to make mention of this on the Ebbchart traing system commentary page. For example...based on your S fund comment today I probably would have gone 75% I - 25% S...as when possible I like to mix it up a little.

Thanks again from someone who would gladly pay for this service...

When you see/know additional insights like the one you mention about the S fund would it be possible for you to make mention of this on the Ebbchart traing system commentary page.

I don't mean to step in for Ebb, but the data is shown on the page. Just check out the pattern for the upcoming day and then scroll down. You'll see all 8 patterns with the statistics that Ebb mentioned earlier.

I tend to check these everyday myself prior to deciding where to go.
Kudos Eb!!! Thanks for Ebb Tracker and all the work you do and especially your willingness to share your knowledge and information. Many thanks!
I think I'm going to enjoy these coming months more. A highly volatile market that's moving sideways is what's going to slow down the I-fund. The ebbtracker in the meantime may be able to eke out +2% or +3% a month. Last year even without its new cross-checking function, it was able to beat out the I-fund by +6%. This year my goal is to beat it by at least +8%. Impossible! Goal too high! Maybe, but I'm looking forward to the challenge. :)

Thanks guys, much appreciated! I came across this May post of mine and thought that it really pays to set your goals high. :nuts:
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