ebbnflow's Account Talk

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Qibovin, great read on pattern 8! And you could be right, we're in such a bull market right now that I'm just glad the safe haven patterns (3. 5, 6 and 8) are doing as well as they're doing. :)

Why do you go to the "F" fund instead of "G" when going to safe harbor (2 Negatives)??????

I was on the F-fund yesterday and picked up six cents (+.54%), but I'm on the G-fund right now. The ebbtracker also tracks the F-fund. Not as well as the other funds, but it's serviceable. :)
I was on the F-fund yesterday and picked up six cents (+.54%), but I'm on the G-fund right now. The ebbtracker also tracks the F-fund. Not as well as the other funds, but it's serviceable. :)
I have been avoiding the F'in' fund because my experience with it has been less than pleasant (or even neutral) but I have been noticing that your timing of the F has been pretty good, although the times I have chosen to follow you there I've probably ruined it for everyone.

Can you post your stats on the F-fund like you have on the equities? Would adding the "F factor" into the cross-check matrix improve those odds any, particularly on patterns 5, 7 and 8? Of course, now you'd have 16 patterns to track...
Adding the F-fund into the chart may make the ebbchart bigger than it already is. What I can do is mention the F-fund signals from the ebbtracker on this thread. :)

Great Job. I've been lurking for a while now and I have really been trying to learn as much as I can. I need to do some more research on the 'x' on your chart, but it is uncanny how well you are doing this year. Actually how well everyone is doing this year on the board.

I know your charts are free at this time, but what will happen when the evaluation period is over, or when will it be over. I have been spreading the news about the site and your services... great job keep it up.


Buda, thanks for dropping by and also for spreading the word. We're doing everything on the fly right now, so I don't know much about anything yet. :)
Adding the F-fund into the chart may make the ebbchart bigger than it already is. What I can do is mention the F-fund signals from the ebbtracker on this thread. :)
Would love that...any guidance for the F fund would be great. I've tried to play dat mutha with overall poor success....and yet I persist. Still stubbornly trying to catch bottoms. :blink:
Looks like we have a moving-average crossover coming soon, which is normally positive, but we had one around May 9, and the fund collapsed soon after. Perhaps now that it's settled a bit, the F will have a better boost from that crossover.
Would love to see a break above the 50 MA.

I would be remiss if I didn't thank you and your tracker for getting me in the F fund when it went green this week. :D I always say I'll never go there cause it just beats me like a drum, when I do. I may just have to play it a little more often.


I would be remiss if I didn't thank you and your tracker for getting me in the F fund when it went green this week. :D I always say I'll never go there cause it just beats me like a drum, when I do. I may just have to play it a little more often.


Thanks, CB! I find playing the F-fund more tricky than the I-fund. But whenever I fall behind the F-fund (behind -.03 cents for the year), it seems to come through for me. That's why I had confidence with it the last time out (now up +.03 cents for the year). :)
good call ebb !!!! the market was bleeding everyehere, but u picked the only bright spot yesterday !!! many thanks. i have been in a rut lately and i finally saw an upturn i hope it continues. gl all

Thanks, GUCHI! We were asking how the I-fund can manage a gain for tomorrow. I think we just got our answer -- the market ended with the best set up for the I-fund. :)
Hate to bail out with the market looking good, but the ebbchart is showing pattern 6. It's success rate in predicting down days is at 8/14. It may be a tad too high for a safe haven pattern. Don't know if it is due for a miss. I think I'm thinking too much again. Made a move to the G-fund for Friday. Good luck all! :)
Hate to bail out with the market looking good, but the ebbchart is showing pattern 6. It's success rate in predicting down days is at 8/14. It may be a tad too high for a safe haven pattern. Don't know if it is due for a miss. I think I'm thinking too much again. Made a move to the G-fund for Friday. Good luck all! :)

Ebb... I'm with ya! I'd rather miss a few cents gain than take a beating if what some seem to think will happen tomorrow - doesn't!
Hate to bail out with the market looking good, but the ebbchart is showing pattern 6. It's success rate in predicting down days is at 8/14. It may be a tad too high for a safe haven pattern. Don't know if it is due for a miss. I think I'm thinking too much again. Made a move to the G-fund for Friday. Good luck all! :)


I love your crystal magic ball... :) if your pronostic continue predicting as
you had lately the SEC will be looking for you thinking you got an inside
knowledge... your artificial intelligence on the dollar and the price trend
of the I fund on your 8 patterns had learn and are pitching just straight balls... CONGRATULATION ! ! ! You finally did it ! ! !

Thanks for the work Ebb. It's been a great week.

Comparing the S and I funds for Monday's pattern (3 Green), the I shows positive more often (18/28 vs 16/28), but the S fund shows a slightly better gain (5.78% vs. 4.91%). I think I'll try a little of both to try and maximize. 40S/60 I. Good luck.
You're probably playing it better splitting it that way, Beavis. I never split, so I'm stuck with my usual IFT (100% I-fund). Great to see folks making sense out of the pattern tally! Good luck all! :)
Several men in black jackets picked Ebb up on the beach on friday evening.

One of the men had one of those little "ear thingys" stuck in his ear, and he spoke directly into his sleeve.

They all departed eastbound in a Black 2007 Lincoln.

Ebb has not been seen since.

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That explains why he hasn't updated the Ebbtracker past Monday:)

I wonder how he will talk himself out of the MIB's clutches?

Great job Ebb. I'm starting to think that you have captured lightning is the bottle. Keep up the good work.

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