ebbnflow's Account Talk

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Nice to be on the of Super-fund (+.95%) for a change. You can't help but think we're in good hands when Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet) and Google make up part of the fund's components. :D

I just realized I made up almost 2.00% of the -3.00% I lost at the beginning of the year in the past two weeks. Let's hope for more of the same. Good luck everybody. :)
I just realized I made up almost 2.00% of the -3.00% I lost at the beginning of the year in the past two weeks. Let's hope for more of the same. Good luck everybody. :)

Congrats on that recovery! Good thing you updated your tracker. I definitely love that S Fund so far. It's been smokin'! It might be time for the large caps to show the little guys what real strength is.
Thanks fabijo! It really does make a difference. Now all I have to do is learn how to stick with the plan. I thought I had it all figured out -- two stop signals equal safety haven. Stop signals came from the C and S-fund for today, and yet I pushed the I-fund through. Greed sure has a way of getting the best of us. With that in mind, I'm parking it for tomorrow (Friday) on the F-fund. I won't try to play the S-fund with the stop signals coming from the C and I-fund. I'll be back in stocks Monday. :D
Thanks for your IFT post

Thanks fabijo! It really does make a difference. Now all I have to do is learn how to stick with the plan. I thought I had it all figured out -- two stop signals equal safety haven. Stop signals came from the C and S-fund for today, and yet I pushed the I-fund through. Greed sure has a way of getting the best of us. With that in mind, I'm parking it for tomorrow (Friday) on the F-fund. I won't try to play the S-fund with the stop signals coming from the C and I-fund. I'll be back in stocks Monday. :D
Sponsor, almost everyone thinks the G-penny is coming on Monday. And Monday I'm back in stocks, so no G-penny for me. :)
I had time to review the newly added cross-checking function for the ebbtracker and I think I found the best way to optimize the system. The cross-checking function actually comes from the C and S-fund being incorporated into the mix. I learned that I could have gotten +1.9% from just nine trading days between January 16 thru 26.

The rules are simple and straightforward:

a) Two or more stop signs = safe haven (G-fund)
b) Two or more dollar signs = stocks (I or S-fund) with I-fund getting priority over S-fund.

I'm going to take my emotions out of trading 'cause it's costing me a lot of moola. :)
Did you know that there is a fairly close approximation between the current bull run and 1995? They both look almost identical - could mean more good days and higher highs ahead.
For what it's worth:




a) Two or more stop signs = safe haven (G-fund)
b) Two or more dollar signs = stocks (I or S-fund). I-fund gets priority over S-fund.

Following the rules above, I'm on G-fund for Tuesday, and the I-fund for Wednesday and Thursday.
For what it's worth:




a) Two or more stop signs = safe haven (G-fund)
b) Two or more dollar signs = stocks (I or S-fund). I-fund gets priority over S-fund.

Following the rules above, I'm on G-fund for Friday, the I-fund for Monday and the S-fund for Tuesday.


If it's too hard to view, here's the link: ebbchart011607.gif

I started tracking the C and S-fund late, but it looks like the cross-checking function is doing it's work. All the moves I've made so far using the new ebbtracker (started Jan. 16) are somewhere in my thread. :)

My C-fund picks are doing great (up 2.35%). I may have to think about playing the S&P e-mini futures. :D
You know your own stuff! That's your area of expertise. it makes a lot of sense for you to consider other indexes like the benchmark S&P 500 which is targeted to be beaten by most mutual fund managers. It's not like making all of Wall Strret millionaires, but only helping us here at TSP. Best wishes.
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