DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Agreed great song that always reminds me of my belated brother who passed way to soon at 28, 24 years ago. Thanks for the memories DBA
I saw them twice as well, once in 1982 and again in 2000 when they were at the 100 Anniversary Harley Davidson rally at Texas Motor Speedway; I was about 50' from the stage. Good time! That Batdance vid is very well done...
Hi WS,
That sounds like a really fun time! Great spot... 50' from stage...and a Harley rally to boot!

My first Rock concert was Aerosmith, Toys in the Attic tour, 1975. I was thinking a little more on the second Aerosmith concert and realized I haven't seen Aerosmith since 1988!! Way overdue!!! So I am starting to look for next tour.

Now as for financials....geeeeezzzzzzz..... Its all down. But still no telling what happens next...right? I mean most charts still have upsloping EMAs but .... The Fed speaks Wednesday and GDP numbers come out Thursday. Yet the market just seems to keep levitating unexplainably. With May around the corner, i just don't know. I think I'll stay on the Lilly pad...though I am thinking to exit F fund. Will see..... Still too busy at work!

Good evening and wishing you everyone the best in your investments!!!!!!!!! :smile:
Okay so here is my favorite acoustic guitar song...Hotel California. Don Felder and Joe Walsh. Really beautiful!
When I listen, I just want to hear the guitar at beginning and end....over and over. Never get tired of hearing it! :smile:
Saw them in concert in OKC January 1995. It was by far the best concert I have ever seen. When they played this it was better than any recording I have ever heard. And the hits kept coming all night. It was like a greatest hits from the Eagles and also every individual member with every song better then the last. Great memory...Thanks
Hi Ohwell.. I must agree there... I got to see that same concert in San Antonio... Their "Hell Freezes Over Tour". It was one of the very best concerts I have ever seen... gotta rank it in the top 2 for me (Heart, George Strait, and Brian Adams are up there for me as well) but the Eagles .... they are just awesome. So sad to think that if they ever tour again, Glenn Frye will not be there. And Yes.. and the hits do just keep coming one after another.

Best wishes to you!!! :smile:
So I have been working lots and out of pocket, but I have been spending a few minutes each night quickly looking at charts. With the pull back today and really wanting to put more in F fund, I decided to Dip My Toe in the StockPond! :D

The Slow Stochastics are dropped pretty well, but I would have liked to wait another day or two. Only bad is that MACD is going negative... could be a mistake here. But I only went 20% into stocks. Increased F fund... so I think I am conservatively allocated for May: F50 / G30 / S10 / C5 / I5 . I think I can sleep well with this allocation. Thinking to add 30% more to stocks if the current strategy parameters hit next week. Will see how this pans out. Not expecting to gain a lot, but would be nice to move up just a little. Part of the strategy this year is to preserve capital and just build it bit by bit. Would love to take bigger risks and maybe I will at some point, but not now.

Wishing you all a Great Weekend!! Best Wishes to Everyone on Your Investments!!!!!! :smile:
Ugghhh.... come what May!! Oh.... KK!!! Whaaaaa..... It was obviously not a good idea for me to enter equities even 20%. LOL... just my luck! :blink: But at least it is a small loss. I just can't stay in as long as MACD is turned down. I don't know what I was thinking when I entered... hum... obviously was temporarily demented, or so I hope! :rolleyes:

I was hoping today would be an up day so I can exit. So looking to exit by tomorrow --regardless of what is going on. Still so busy at work. In a situation like this, one might be tempted to buy a little more to DCA the loss but the charts just looks so bad right now. I should have known better than to reallocate at end of April and step in a bit since MACD had just turned below its signal line. Thing is that I have no idea how much further it will go---so I have no choice in my playbook (downtrend strategy) but to exit.

Here is a good article on the current market. Something to think about.....I had mentioned a few weeks back that volume on this rally was weak. I need to make it a consistent practice to look at Price Volume Oscillator. Hope you like the article.

This chart paints a discouraging picture of the stock market today - MarketWatch

Best Wishes to Everyone on your Investments!!!!!!!! :smile:
Here are some Daily 6-month charts. I Really like the Full Stochastics and defaults. Added PVO to SPX chart.
Wishing you a good Evening and Best Wishes on your Investments!!!!!!! :smile:

C Fund - SPX

S Fund - DWCPF

I Fund - EFA

F Fund - AGG
Hello!!! Okay... so this last buy in (even if only 20%) was not a good-buy in and I should have known better. Didn't follow my strategy... wanted to save an IFT using one at end of April. Wrong move---what was I thinking???? uggh... :pat:. So I'm going to keep 50F and move 20% from equities to G Fund (now at G50/F50 effective COB).

I just keep looking at the large breadth between the MACD and its signal line... pretty wide and negative. Then Slow Stochastic moving down to 20. Usually I would be buying in around that point --BUT not until SS turns upwards for at least a couple days and MACD starts to slope back up. That is obviously not the case here. So I expect it to drop further. Looking back at low points in Nov-Dec-Jan, the low points were not reached until SS was down to around 10 or lower. So with that, I will wait for the correct set up and try to execute my strategy better. Lost a little but I am still okay for the year... (now around 2.79% for year... was at 3.19%... dang it, but its okay....gonna shake it off. Of course will kick myself IF it explodes upward tomorrow, but hey I'm just here so the market can kick me around---right? !!! lol)

Hope you all have a Great Day! Best Wishes to Everyone on Your Investments!!!!!!!!! :smile:
Well it was a nice Mother's Day for me. Wishing all you mom's out there a Happy Mother's Day!

Just having a good rest. Also been watching Marvel's DareDevil on Netflix... this is really awesome.. Just can't stop. About half way through season 2. I think this is the very best suspenseful, action packed, awesome karate/fighting mini series I have ever seen. Acting, writing, cinematography, directing, and actors are GREAT!!!! Just love Electra!!!! Cool female superhero!

Well I hope you have a good evening! Best Wishes to you on Your Investments!!!!!!!!! :smile:
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Looked at charts... both weekly and daily. On the weekly equity (SPX, DWCPF, EFA) charts, slow stochastic look like they hit below 20for equities and now starting to climb slowly but MACD still waning.

On daily equity charts, Sow Stochastic sloped up now around 30 or so, since having touched below 20. So definitely still watching for an entry. Need to watch SS for another day or two for more upward movement. But MACD still below its signal line as would be expected as SS leads but looking for it to turn up too before a buyin.

F chart daily starting to see Slow Stochastic move down just slightly around 80 while MACD just crossing positive so it looks good for some up movement. Will see..

Good Evening and Best wishes to you all on your Investments!!!!!!!!! :smile:
Well here we are... two days later. Decided to jump in again (30I - 20S - 10C - 40F) - hoping for a little downside today for better buy-in. Let's see if this attempt is any better.

So the Slow Stochastic had dropped to below 20 and now is on the rise. MACD still below its signal line but has an upward slope. Just looking at the 6-month charts posted a couple days ago, its clear to see that the late March/early April support line was just retested and its now bounding away and up. So my guess has to be that this is GENERALLY going up for at least the short-term. How long is the BIG question. But I will try to stay in (hopefully) until MACD crosses above its signal line, increases breadth with its signal line and then try to exit as it begins to wane. Will see how well I execute that. Hoping something "crazy" doesn't happen. This is my last IFT of the month so if I exit it will likely be in graduated steps to assure I don't exit everything on a bad day and will likely leave some in F.

Now let's make money!!!! :D

Hope you are having a Great Day! Best Wishes on Your Investments!!!!!! :smile:
Seems logical and often than not the market pulls back after big rally...recoup some loss the same day...then off to the races again. You have guts DBAnnie. 😬
Not sure its guts....could be some form of madness!!! Lol... The bright side is that in about 14 hours, we'll know if I'm brilliant or a complete idiot. :rolleyes:

But in all seriousness, I have not forgotten that we are still in a longer-term downtrend. The strategy I use does allow for entry even if MACD is below its signal line but must be sloping up...which it was PLUS Slow Stochastic must be rising from a recent low that hit below 20. But if I really wanted to play it safe, I would have waited for MACD to cross positive above its signal line. That normally means lesser earnings and a short in and out because of the later but safer entry.

Now, I just noticed that I missed something important when I made decision to enter this morning. I did not notice the 10-day EMA started crossing below the 20-day EMA. I would Never enter the market during a crossover like that!! I rushed to make decision at work, and so that may come back to bite me. Nothing says it can't go up or meander sideways a couple more days, but I think a downward EMA crossover like that is not good for entry. :worried:

In any case, I am hoping for a bounce and reversal of that crossover. I guess we will see.....

Good Evening and Best Wishes to Everyone on your Investments!!!!!!! :smile: