DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

..i should exit..missed rally and we are now on this markets next leg down. Debating....11 minutes. Probably will bail to look for a better lower entry. Best wishes to all!!!!!:smile:
Dang I got it in at noon...didnt make it in time..i think..will check at COB... :( ... pHone issues...

Revision. Hummm....online says it transacts today...but operator said tomorrow. I willassum system is accurate.
Reason I pulled out today, even on down day, is because I think market continues down with 2-3 day bounces that are shallower then the last high (down trend). So if I wait, its still a crap shoot that next bounce will be higher then my entry on 8-24 (65%). I exited 30% last Wednesday and so was able to recover a lot of the huge drop that occurred on Mon-Tue. But I missed exit of the rest on Thurs-Fri (due to issues and travel).

This might not be the best thinking, but it is what I think. Will look for next bottom on this markets continuing downtrend, to get in (hopefully) at a short term bottom and exit 2-3 days later on the bounce. I believe this strategy is best for downtrend market.

I believe this down trend may last into next year. But i don't have a crystal ball so I will need to rely on weekly/monthly charts and technical indicators on those longer term charts to figure out when we enter an uptrend again.

Anyone else have downtrend strategies they want to share??

Best wishes to everyone on investments!!!!!!!! :smile:
I know there are some members who once they've hit a monthly goal (say 1% for example - thus 12% for the year and hence a solid return) get out for the rest of the month. (a slow motion trading kinda thing). Maybe that's an option.

China the reason for current downturn?
China factory activity slips to 3-year low - MarketWatch
yep..I like it! But my timing is off ...too much volatilty. Heck today, intraday swings were crazy!! Last few weeks daily swings are crazy! Market not stable enough...its a Rollercoaster! I am out and plan to stay out for awhile. Or I just need to get into the right groove! :smile:

Happy Labor Day weekend to everyone. Glad to be out of market, and looking forward to the long weekend.

Best wishes on investments !!!!!!! :smile:
Reason I pulled out today, even on down day, is because I think market continues down with 2-3 day bounces that are shallower then the last high (down trend). So if I wait, its still a crap shoot that next bounce will be higher then my entry on 8-24 (65%). I exited 30% last Wednesday and so was able to recover a lot of the huge drop that occurred on Mon-Tue. But I missed exit of the rest on Thurs-Fri (due to issues and travel).

This might not be the best thinking, but it is what I think. Will look for next bottom on this markets continuing downtrend, to get in (hopefully) at a short term bottom and exit 2-3 days later on the bounce. I believe this strategy is best for downtrend market.

I believe this down trend may last into next year. But i don't have a crystal ball so I will need to rely on weekly/monthly charts and technical indicators on those longer term charts to figure out when we enter an uptrend again.

Anyone else have downtrend strategies they want to share??

Best wishes to everyone on investments!!!!!!!! :smile:

Agreed, I think minimizing equity exposure is the prudent play during downtrends. Quick in and out gains can result in a decent return if it's timed properly. We just don't have enough IFT flexibility to consistently do it another way. My annual goal is 10-12% at a minimum, so during downturns I try to focus on the more obvious bottoms and settle for a quick 2-3 day move before jumping back out. It's pretty easy to get greedy though when things are clicking and stay invested too long.
Oh c'mon, DBA !

If it's acceleration that you crave, dig deep into that bag o' cash and buy one of those new Teslas...the one with "insane mode" !!! :D

Probably not the growl you're looking for, though...

I'd LOVE to test drive one of those, just to see what all the hype is about, and how it broke Consumers Reports testing methodology !!!

Hi Stoplight, I must admit I knew nothing about Tesla. I've never had interest in an electric car because I thought: (1) they are too slow without enough power, (2) I can't be bothered with charging, and (3) I love the purrrrr and growl of a good powerful engine. So when you mentioned "insane" mode, I had to look it up.

Wow! I'm surprised and can now see why there is such a big hoopla made about Tesla. They now have a "ludicrous" mode... 0 to 60 in 2.8 seconds??? ....that is impressive. I didn't look at the price though... had a feeling I would not want to pay for it...if it cost near $75k??? It would be hard to justify no growl when a HellCat's available at that price and even less during the next couple months with inventory closeouts.

But more importantly, your right....no growl... I want my baby to growl ...at least a little!! Lol...:D. P.S. A test drive on anything fast would be Fun!! :laugh:

Tesla to offer faster 'Ludicrous Mode' - Jul. 17, 2015

P.s.s. Just saw Tesla price..$119k. :eek: Ouchy!! I think not! Would need a very rich "friend" to pull that off!! I'm not diggin into TSP for that! LOl......:smile:
That's the "old" model !!! :D


Oh My !!! I stand corrected, and owe Whipsaw and Annie an apology ! I got the 2 modes reversed..."insane" mode is the one with a measly 0-60 time of 3.2 seconds...It's "ludicrous" mode that has the 2.8 second number !!! :D

Sorry, Guys !!!

Hi Stoplight, I must admit I knew nothing about Tesla. I've never had interest in an electric car because I thought: (1) they are too slow without enough power, (2) I can't be bothered with charging, and (3) I love the purrrrr and growl of a good powerful engine. So when you mentioned "insane" mode, I had to look it up.

Wow! I'm surprised and can now see why there is such a big hoopla made about Tesla. They now have a "ludicrous" mode... 0 to 60 in 2.8 seconds??? ....that is impressive. I didn't look at the price though... had a feeling I would not want to pay for it...if it cost near $75k??? It would be hard to justify no growl when a HellCat's available at that price and even less during the next couple months with inventory closeouts.

But more importantly, your right....no growl... I want my baby to growl ...at least a little!! Lol...:D. P.S. A test drive on anything fast would be Fun!! :laugh:

Tesla to offer faster 'Ludicrous Mode' - Jul. 17, 2015

P.s.s. Just saw Tesla price..$119k. :eek: Ouchy!! I think not! Would need a very rich "friend" to pull that off!! I'm not diggin into TSP for that! LOl......:smile:


LOL !!! Ya, that's why I mentioned digging into your bag o cash ! :D

Still...it'd be fun to be a 1%er, and have one in the garage, just for fun !!!

Take care, Friend, and thanks for the rep points/comments ! :smile:

Part of me thinks how great that would be for merging on to I-10.

Then I remember that in the morning the traffic usually merges in to the 65mph road at about 35 and then all get left without looking. I just try to stay out of the way. In the afternoon the entrance ramp moves faster than the interstate in spite of the “ramp metering stoplight”. So never mind.

462 work days.

Just sitting here enjoying the debates...recorded and home late so I'm a bit behind....just now seeing the main debate.

Wow...just now looking at daily charts. The market is really up. Decided to stay out this week... Just no idea what Fed will do, or how markets will react regardless of what they do.

Tomorrow should be interesting. Best wishes to everyone on your investments!!!! :smile:
Hello...-As of late I really like to go to Stockcharts and view some of their Public Charts -all FREE

--Go to Stockcharts.com
--Click on FreeCharts tab
--On leftside of screen ...spot the SharpCharts, and just under it click on "Public ChartList".
--Tons to look at here, but I like "Above the Green Line", ranked #1, so I click on it and it takes me to their particular charts page with investing tips.
--See the Pages tabs...I like to read page 1 and 3 just to refresh on their strategy and latest news.
--More importantly if you click the last tab that is marked "Chartbook View", you can see their lists of over 100 charts ...just Go to the Drop down marked "1 Get Your Edge" and scroll to view list of every chart and click.
I view:
# 54 -S&P 500 daily
# 55 -S&P 500 weekly
# 57 -S&P 500 Best Market Timer... Basically a longer term strategy that has you in and out of market based on 10 day / 50 day Exponential Moving Average crossovers.

Also look at DOW 30 charts, VIX daily and TRAN.

Best wishes to everyone on your Investments!!!!!!! :smile:
Hello! So still decided to stay on sidelines. Looks like indicators getting close for a very short buyin. But for now, notice the SPX and DWCPF are still below 50 day (downtrend mode). The Slow Stochastic is now just starting to go below 20... MACD is positive..So will now wait to see SS istart up and for the 10 day cross above 20 daily EMA ...the perfect Trifecta!!! Lol.....Best Wishes to you all on your investments!!!!!!! :smile:

S&P 500 Index, SPX Advanced Chart - (SNC) SPX, S&P 500 Index Stock Price - BigCharts.com

P.S. What is abit disturbing is that the MACD is starting to turn downward and Bollingers are constricting....hummm....will see...might be a lttle more downside left.. No telling...
Maybe we do test the lows... :worried:
Yes... tend to agree with you. I briefly thought about buying in today... as the markets are down again. My thought was that IF I buy in low today and then Yellin talks it will bounce tomorrow for an exit. I am thinking she will probably give a little "pep" talk later this afternoon. I thought I had heard this talk would occur after market close? So in any case, was thinking to try to take advantage of a small bounce from her expected Pep talk. Anyone have thoughts on that????

I must say that I gave it a brief thought but then looked at the charts and decided to stay out---but maybe I could be convinced otherwise. Yes... I know I am all over the place! lol.... But really think...Maybe I will lose out on a quick opportunity but I see that MACD is negative for DWCPF (S fund) and EFA (I fund), and heading that way for SPX (C fund). Also, the Bollingers are now more contracted and along the lower part of band so we could explode downward. I think I will try to avoid that..... :rolleyes:

Best Wishes to Everyone on Your Investments!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: