Thanks KB! :smile: Glad to hear your now investing in the market! Long term you will do well in the market, even with a mid term strategy or longer term buy and hold method because we are still in a long term Bull market. Obviously no one can know with certainty when it will end, but I have heard on FBN it could go another five years or so. I listen to Romulus at Grok Trade and he has mentioned 18 months...and maybe longer and this year its supposed to be more volatile with more instances of short term drops like we experienced in February and possibly even some short term drops that are more severe.
In any case, Friday looked great and I'm glad I stayed in. The drop in NAAIM exposure had me thinking twice about staying in, but the day ended well and I resisted letting something that is not currently part of my methodology sway my decision. I may eventually incorporate it and give it some weight, but for now I am sticking with my reading of charts and selected indicators.
A good friend suggested I write this down and keep it handy!
1. No matter what I am going to Stick to My Strategy
2. If I begin to doubt myself, read rule #1
3. No matter what happens, gain or loss, I will be Happy with the outcome because it was my decision and mine alone.
Obviously after a few months of FOLLOWING my actual strategy, I can tweak it if necessary, but I need to give it a fair chance.
Best wishes to you and Everyone* on your Investments!!! :smile: