DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Oh oh... didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. :( Sorry about that Raven... I am always happy to hear you and everyone opine! I must admit, I am feeling a bit sensitive today. I blame it ALL on female hormones! Can ladies still get away with that politically incorrect excuse?? Well... I am trying, but all things real... this is more due to being mad at missing out! ugghhhh. ok...will go crawl under a rock and sulk some more until I see a lil green... that tends to cheer me up! :nuts: Actually, just the thought of green makes me cheer up! I guess I should not look at the futures...ha...couldn't resist...Will wonders ever cease? Its a lil green right now! :smile:
Pilots have a saying... Better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air than in the air wishing you were on the ground.. Don't second guess yourself. The market marches on and in a few weeks you'll be back. Just think, you could be like me and out of the market for ten years.
Thanks KB! :smile: Glad to hear your now investing in the market! Long term you will do well in the market, even with a mid term strategy or longer term buy and hold method because we are still in a long term Bull market. Obviously no one can know with certainty when it will end, but I have heard on FBN it could go another five years or so. I listen to Romulus at Grok Trade and he has mentioned 18 months...and maybe longer and this year its supposed to be more volatile with more instances of short term drops like we experienced in February and possibly even some short term drops that are more severe.

In any case, Friday looked great and I'm glad I stayed in. The drop in NAAIM exposure had me thinking twice about staying in, but the day ended well and I resisted letting something that is not currently part of my methodology sway my decision. I may eventually incorporate it and give it some weight, but for now I am sticking with my reading of charts and selected indicators.

A good friend suggested I write this down and keep it handy!
1. No matter what I am going to Stick to My Strategy
2. If I begin to doubt myself, read rule #1
3. No matter what happens, gain or loss, I will be Happy with the outcome because it was my decision and mine alone.

Obviously after a few months of FOLLOWING my actual strategy, I can tweak it if necessary, but I need to give it a fair chance.

Best wishes to you and Everyone* on your Investments!!! :smile:
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Thank You Bleek! Great video! I really like Shadow Trader as he solidly builds his case and talks about the sectors in detail. Very logical! This is a definite must watch video. I plan to add him to the traders I regularly follow. Thanks again! :smile:
Daily charts

Liking these charts, but definitely prefer S Fund. Note RSI(14) is rising.. Overall indicators look good, except RSI (14) on C fund which is a bit concerning. On C fund, would like to see it point up. Also, I plugged in MACD 5.9.2 showing negative divergence that D7 (Groktrade) mentioned in his weekend video...just want to keep eye on it, even though I'm not in C fund. I'm sticking with S fund! :laugh:

I guess only real monkey wrench I see is the Fed meeting tomorrow and Wednesday, with likely comment on Wednesday. No new news would be good news IMHO! Best wishes to you all! :D:D:D

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Smaller chart...hope it appears...oh and now price going negative...ugghh

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Your welcome. Trying to be more active on TSP Talk, joined back in 2007, wished I'd had used it more often.
The $DWCPF powered into close with high for the day at close, $SPX same almost high at close.
I also like that the NASDAQ had a good return to the upside.
Yes, I love tge NASDAQ100 close. It has a little more work, but its trying. I like that price closed higher than past nine days. Slow Stochastic headed up towards 80. Also like that MACD default just crossed above its signal line...by a hair. But, RSI (14) is flat :( but at least its now a hair above 50, at 50.85. So its promising. The quicker RSI (2) and MACD 5.9.2 are also moving up. BUT really like the Russell 2000, subset of DWCPF, now hitting 3rd up day as it rides its upper Bollinger band, so that is good! And of course doesn't hurt that VIX is down and what helped was the yield on 10 Year treasuries dropped! Transports ($TRAN) on a tear upward too. MTUM momentum up too. Will see how tomorrow goes...right now futures down just a bit.

Aside from any off Fed speak coming Wednesday, other item to watch is Congress starting to talk and define its bill to increase taxes. So, hoping to see RSI(14) to hit 70 before they start talking much.

Best wishes to you and everyone! :smile:


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Charts as of a few mins ago. I am thinking to reduce exposure... really do not want to fully exit, so considering pocketing 75%.
RSI(2) is turning down with today's price action, but also see RSI(14) not turning up. Maybe its just pre Fed talk jitters. I just looked at my balance and like it, sooooo.... will see.
It could pull back a bit and then resume course????...hummm.. Russell 2000 has bounced away from upper Bollinger band that it was riding. Transports also down . 10 year yield down.. dollar up.


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Charts... no exit for me on Fed day. If Price closes below 10 EMA or RSI(14) drops below 50, I should exit tomorrow per strategy. The Stochastic and MACD 5.9.2 also turning down, but still above 80. hummm..
Best wishes to everyone* !!!! :smile:


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I was on the fence about bailing out too, hung in there.
The market is liking the Fed statement and the S fund is recovering, maybe positive into the close today?
Well... its below 10 EMA and most all indicators down. Lets see which way it goes as Powell should be speaking now with Q & A at 2:30 ET. Crossing fingers.. :rolleyes:
So it finishes nicely! It didn't recapture yesterday's loss, but its heading in the right direction!!


C fund's intraday high respected the upper longer term trendline (resistance) as it just kissed it! That upper blue trendline stretches all the way back to February's High (can't see on chart); while tge lower one goes back to March's low.

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I hope so too Joblin. On DWCPF chart the darker blue (wider) trend lines are longer term and stretch back to February high and March low, respectively. The lighter blue (just a few months) trend lines show that price fell through that channel and has not yet gotten back above it. Not sure what will propel price through it in short run, but will see. That line plus the upper Bollinger will now serve as resistance.

I'm just not sure it has strength to reach it...crossing fingers, but will see... RSIs both turned up but not Stochastic and MACD. Price is now just slightly above March 1 and I'm in the money! :D

after a major news event like the fed announcement; wouldn't we expect up and down reaction and profit taking for a day or two? i would think it will be after that, when we would see the true direction things are going?
I'm still in for now; but, waiting for a good signal to make me happy or pull back to G.