DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Still on the sidelines...ugghh... S fund still looking great! Gosh, I really need to get serious about a longer term buy in strategy. Its a Bull until its not! :D:D:D
S fund...doing nicely this morning, but will see if it loses steam this afternoon, like it did yesterday.
Best wishes to you All* !!!!! :smile:

Lines redrawn. Up over 1% as of a bit ago...nice!
View attachment 47966

Lines NOT yet redrawn.
SPX now.png

15 Minute, 5 day intraday - Chart -S fund...oh oh.. starting to turn down...
DWCPF -daily.png
When the C find got soft on the 11th I dropped my 50% position in that to go to G and kept 50% in the S fund because when it’s embedded you ride it just like Ira says!
But I have to admit just like cool hand says it’s a ridiculous market but I’m gonna take advantage of everything I can since I’ve had very much of an up-and-down year!

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I'm with you KB! Gosh, I guess Santa came early....:smile:

Its just so hard to pull trigger, but C fund now breaking out....so might that to place to go!

SPX now.png

S fund is scary high!
DWCPF -daily.png
Great Point Grimmjsg123! Thank you! I have been wanting to enter, and that's just one more reason!

Best Wishes to you and Everyone*!!!! :smile:
Yep..still debating. Last night I was thinking to go all in... but now thinking to hold off entry.. Will decide in about 30 mins... ugghhh... Best wishes to you all! :D:D:D
Thx so much for all your sharing/posts DBA! Anyway, hard to decide -- I know... I default "safety" and "skepticism" so I've not made much tho not gone negative either. I don't go "All In" since after the '09 recession. Yesterday (a high-price closing - smart) I rolled about a third of my TSP into CSI... that's a BIG Move for me, my 1st IFT in 6-or-8 weeks. My wife rolled about 50% of her TSP the same today... looks like a better day to do so. Hope your waiting works for you, and that our moves work for us (hey, kind of mutually exclusive hopes - but Best of Luck to you).
I was debating jumping in as well. after sitting on my hands all week; I've finally done it. 50C/50S. got it in just before noon deadline. hope I didn't jinx everyone!
Hi FAAM and MMK, I feel I should have entered a few days back (into C at least). Waiting for a pullback is not easy... But overall feel it would be best to just stay in more long-term. But have not really decided on a longer-term investment strategy....in the mean time, the pull back is elusive as tge market marches on and upward. Best Wishes to you both and Everyone* :smile:
Thanks DB. I had lots of anguish pulling the trigger - hope I wasn't wrong. I also hope you get your pull back. Best wishes to everyone on your TSP investing. also, Happy and safe holiday wishes to all.
Don't count your skunks just yet, we still have six hours of trading and a stimulus package about to be signed. I am predicting the S fund will recover in the afternoon to pull almost even...
Gosh guys, hope it recovers but, it is dropping because UK is reporting a NEW Corona virus strain. Over the weekend, I read new strain getting reported in S Africa and the Netherlands. Now its the UK. That is very bad, and very big news. I am thinking this could Cancel some of the future benefit of the vaccine now getting launched. Will need to keep eye on this...depending on what's learned, this could cause another drop. I think I read the second strain is more contagious but not as deadly.... will see...maybe will not be as bad and maybe today us a knee jerk reaction...:dunno:
In an article that mentions some of the same things you say, I also saw someone quoted that said there’s no reason current vaccines would not be effective on this new strain as well. So, I’m choosing to see this as a buyable dip. Of course, I’m 100% in already, so that’s some wishful speculation on my part.

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Yes... Agree! after I posted, I heard a few folks on Fox indicate that the strain should not end up more deadly, but could be more contagious. Also heard info along same lines that a newer strain would not affect have yet changed significantly enough to make new vaccine moot. That's good. I just fear the politicians will use this as another opportunity to keep restaurants and small businesses closed, and thus hurting people and our economy. I guess big corporations really do rule the politicians! :( ...and the little man loses...just sickening! Will see how that plays out...