The worm has turned ...
Getting into the S fund when I did demonstrates the danger of leaping in and out of a rising fund. I got it when the charts showed that the S-fund was beginning an upward leg, only to get out when Bernake spoke and then I tried to get back in again the day afterward. The result of all of that was an overall loss for this (small) uptick in the stock funds.
In the past two days, the markets have tumbled considerably. So I back in the G fund and will wait until the markets show a bottom before I get in, rather than trying to guess where that bottom will be.
But I really hope we see that bottom soon ...
Getting into the S fund when I did demonstrates the danger of leaping in and out of a rising fund. I got it when the charts showed that the S-fund was beginning an upward leg, only to get out when Bernake spoke and then I tried to get back in again the day afterward. The result of all of that was an overall loss for this (small) uptick in the stock funds.
In the past two days, the markets have tumbled considerably. So I back in the G fund and will wait until the markets show a bottom before I get in, rather than trying to guess where that bottom will be.
But I really hope we see that bottom soon ...