Let me just add a little insight into our MB participants discussion. If we are a family, then we must accept all of us...the articulate and less articulate, the radical and conservative, the knowledgeable and the neophites. From my own experience, the bullies are pretty good at beating down those who entertain a different opinion than they do. I was concerned when all of the members of the pay-for-views were restricted from sharing their ideas with the rest of us. I got beat to hell by the bullies on the message board and subsequently quit making any posts and dropped out of TSPTALK for a while. That was a bad move...and it cost me 10% in two months. Bad decision on my part....because I was the only one hurt by leaving.
Mr. R has a right to express his opinion, just like the bullies have a right to beat the hell out of those who disagree with them. We just need to develop thicker skins or maybe listen and appreciate differing opinions. Let Mr. R back in...we are a family..for good or bad...for all kinds of opinions. We are here to learn and teach and share ideas. Censorship of desending ideas, opinions or attitudes is wrong and unhealthy. IMO
OK bullies, have your fun with this one!!!