Corn and Ethanol.

You can not plant enough acres of corn to fill the demand for fuel and you are using food for fuel. That effects rich and poor. And now the oil companies are getting more of a tax break due to the increase gallons of ethanol. Now that's brilliant with record profits. The tax payers are subsidizing ethanol producers for every gallon produced and the "farm bill" is subsidizing the farmer to produce corn. Another brilliant move with record profits.

We are not saving one dime because it comes out of your pocket in taxes and you are getting less mileage.

Lets push all the forest all over the world into a pile and burn them so that we can plant corn and be able to say that we did not get the oil from the Saudi's while making the taxpayer subsidize all the player except the end user.:confused: I say pump them dry.

Subsidizing the end user will come next. Amazing how our government is so loose with our money.

In the area yields will be down because of the last season and wet acres.
I previously posted this in another thread. Perhaps we can lead the world to do the right thing again. At least we can increase Research and Development (R&D) with a National Security oriented government policy that at least guarantees the maxinum liberties and freedom v. the need for centralized government action.

What we can do later is to create another wave of anti-trust legislation to deal with the excesses of the U.S. monopolies, if this new space-age effort becomes monopolistic. This would be a good use of government powers to a good end. A good example of this in U.S. history is what President Teddy Roosevelt did against U.S. monopolies in the early 1900s. Nothing new has really been created under the Sun! And there is nothing wrong with shaving the excesses of abuses of power and authority. This is known as getting the act together by striking a balance in human conduct.

Re: Oil Slick Stuff
Developing alternative fuels and technologies? We still are debating this issue, and debating is fine. However, we must find a solution quickly. Since the OPEC embargo in the early 1970s we should have paid more attention to the slippery slope encompassed by oil dependency. Now, if money and profits is the main obstacle to developing more efficient, cleaner, and less controversial alternatives there are solutions. Consider a full-blown effort led by the Federal government similar to the Space program in partnership with private investors, and/or existing corporations already involved in searching and developing fuels. The project is so big that the involvement of the Federal government is the only way that profiteers do not delay this thing any further. I don't care if the existing U.S. oil companies make up part of this partnership as long as nobody is allowed to derail the national effort. The sooner we get over the debate, the better. But let's stop running away from facing the truth about depleting all the natural resources!
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The "Food vs. fuel" argument is put out by the oil companies. It's simply not true.

Read this, and then tell me what is incorrect about it:





We are growing more food (corn) faster than what we need for increasing ethanol production.

There is no food shortage. There is plenty of corn, there is more corn now than ever before.

Now, just go back to the table over there, and eat all your soylent green like a good boy, won't you? :-)
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Beer Fuels Democrats

Democrats will drive with ethanol fuel made from beer at their national convention in Denver this summer.

The Denver 2008 Convention Host Committee announced last week that Molson Coors Brewing Company will be the Official E85 Ethanol Producer for the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

Molson Coors is donating all the clean-burning ethanol fuel for the fleet of General Motors flex-fuel vehicles to be used for Convention transportation needs.
"From fueling a national conversation about sustainability to fueling convention vehicles, we're working toward a green convention on every front," said Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper. "We are grateful for Molson Coors' donation of cleaner-burning fuel to ensure we host the greenest national political convention to date."
Coors is the nation's first major brewer to convert its waste beer into ethanol. The company began recycling waste beer - beer lost during packaging or deemed below quality standards - and converting it to ethanol in 1996. Today the Golden ethanol facility produces about three million gallons of ethanol per year.

Source: Denver 2008 Convention Host Committee

We are growing more food (corn) faster than what we need for increasing ethanol production.

There is no food shortage. There is plenty of corn, there is more corn now than ever before.

Now, just go back to the table over there, and eat all your soylent green like a good boy, won't you? :-)

I don't think I said there was a food shortage. Demand for corn for ethanol has caused a ripple effect on all grain, oil, sweetener, and meat market. Costing the consumer more while subsidizing the farmer, ethanol producer, and tax breaks for OIL COMPANIES.

You can plant the entire freak'n country in corn and you won't have enough ethanol to run the country and the Chinese and Indians will buy all that you don't use. If we stop using Arab oil someone will buy it.

Tyson is cutting production and laying off workers because of high feed costs. Bye, bye cheap chicken for poor families.

Corn acres are down this year and corn yield will be down also due to wet spring and late planting unless we have a very late frost and a perfect growing season. Watch the farm report in the mornings.

Cattle producers are culling herds (breeding stock) because of the high cost of feed and the lack of hay and grasslands. Cattle producers are fighting against corn producers in Missouri trying to get the State Gov. to repeal the 10% ethanol in all gasoline law.

Corn is the least efficient produce to convert to alcohol and the corn lobby just like the oil lobby got the laws in their favor. Not for the good of the environment, the Country, or the consumer but for the almighty dollar. We got sold a marketing campaign with higher prices and back door added cost thru subsidies and tax breaks for the folks that don't need them.
Ethanol can be made from cellulose.


And I absolutely love the fact that Coors is making it from....WASTE BEER!

Now why doesn't the government pass a law that all distilleries do THAT? It would at least make enough fuel to run their delivery trucks and maybe even their bottling plants.

The growing worldwide food shortage may not be evident yet, but hunger is. When the price of a commodity is inflated beyond the ability of those to purchase it for its intended use, then it becomes a shortage for that use. Staple foods should not be burned in vehicles.
Ethanol can be made from cellulose.


Iogen Corporation. I've been keeping an eye on this company for way over a year now, when I knew that we can't burn our food, but had to cellulose. This is the company I'm waiting to go public, before I even consider adding any ethanol stocks to my ROTH.

When it annouces it's IPO, if it ever does, then I'm going to re-research the heck out of it. My first go around lead me to believe that Cellulose is the way to go and this is the leading company.

Thanks to all the Veterans and I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday. :D

Ethanol can be made from cellulose.


And I absolutely love the fact that Coors is making it from....WASTE BEER!

Now why doesn't the government pass a law that all distilleries do THAT? It would at least make enough fuel to run their delivery trucks and maybe even their bottling plants.

The growing worldwide food shortage may not be evident yet, but hunger is. When the price of a commodity is inflated beyond the ability of those to purchase it for its intended use, then it becomes a shortage for that use. Staple foods should not be burned in vehicles.

How about CORN stalks and shucks? They don't tast good anyway!:sick:
switchgrass and sugarcane!

the other thing to be concerned about is the FRESH WATER used to irrigate. THAT is NOT a renewable resource. Once it's gone, it's gone. Keep pumping those aquifers.....
Is there a method of seperating alcohol from blood, if so, I have
some friends that could make Corn & Soy Beans look like old school.
switchgrass and sugarcane!

the other thing to be concerned about is the FRESH WATER used to irrigate. THAT is NOT a renewable resource. Once it's gone, it's gone. Keep pumping those aquifers.....

I forgot that one, 70% of fresh water is used in agriculture. Bet that will go up with higher prices. We will be able to walk across the Mississippi like the Rio Grand.:worried::laugh::D
switchgrass and sugarcane!

the other thing to be concerned about is the FRESH WATER used to irrigate. THAT is NOT a renewable resource. Once it's gone, it's gone. Keep pumping those aquifers.....
Their not? I thought they refill every year? Here in Georgia we had a pretty bad drought this last year, but the water table has recovered well due to the Tornadiac Storms. I guess you have to accept the good with the bad, the bitter with the sweet and the drought with the floods? :worried:
Did anyone see the King Corn movie (1.5 hour long film from independent lens) on their pbs station? Very informative about why corn is king.

After watching this film, I switch my dog's food to a non-corn based food and cut my consumption of corn syrup. I actually feel better(could be all in my head, but that effect usually wears off after a few weeks;-)

It's sad to know that creap food (corn based) may actually be lowering this generation's life expectancy. Although, I believe that ultimately, the wars over energy/resources will have much more of an impact on the current generation's life expectancy.
switchgrass and sugarcane!

the other thing to be concerned about is the FRESH WATER used to irrigate. THAT is NOT a renewable resource. Once it's gone, it's gone. Keep pumping those aquifers.....

I forgot that one, 70% of fresh water is used in agriculture. Bet that will go up with higher prices. We will be able to walk across the Mississippi like the Rio Grand.:worried::laugh::D
If you think there's not going to be a war over fresh water....
"Piece by piece, a 5,500-mile wall around the Great Lakes is going up. You can't see it, but construction is progressing nicely," the Chicago Tribune reports. "The legal pilings for a 1,000-mile segment of the wall are scheduled to be sunk" today "when Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle [D] finalizes his state's approval of the so-called Great Lakes Compact, a multistate agreement designed to protect and restrict access to nearly 20 percent of the world's supply of fresh water, contained in the five Great Lakes."
Yep I'm sure that corn is making me fat and I know for sure we are going to be paying $3 a gallon for fresh water. I know people that pay more than that right now. They drink that crystal clear bottled water, $1 for an 8oz bottle, but it's worth it because it is better than tap water. That is unless you read the fine print on the bottle, now that makes me sick.
I think I will still eat my Grits and corn on the cob though , and corn bread, fritters, muffins, tamales, tortillas, corn meal turkey stuffing, fried fish with flower and corn meal breading, corn flakes, and of course use high fruitrose syrup on my pancakes. You know I kinda like those corn fed cattle, especially the Black Angus, those steaks marbled with streaks of FAT --- tender and GREAT. The burgers ground from them may kill me but heck I can always eat chickens they love that scratch feed, makes them plump and juicy. Nope can't give up chicken, we love each other. You know My grand Mother lived to be 97 and ate all this stuff, I just don't understand I guess, I'll find out when my heart explodes, I suppose?:D:laugh:View attachment 3945
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