Good post off Trader's Talk yesterday. This trader briefly discusses how he used Trin to make his trading decisions during yesterday's initial rally out the gate. Trin is also one of the Seven Sentinel signals.
"As the market caught the cheesy 30 point Dow push off the 10:00 numbers this morning the students in my trading room were starting to get bulled up, while I was looking to make my short entry at exactly the same time. Put my trade in, they followed me in, while complaining, and asked me if I "was worried" when the Dow snuck another 10 points past our entry. The huge volume spike on the spy there would probably been all I needed, considering what my primary ewave count was coming in-but I ran a quick check of 3 other things. First, the AD line was falling apart, on an "uber rally" out of this mornings hole, uh oh. Second, I took a glance at the tick, it was litteraly disintegrating.
Last, but best of all, the TRIN. Market rallying hard out of the hole, trin at 1.7 WHAT? HMMMM the rally was getting sold into, HARD-and with volume. Distribution at it's finest-and the path was easy to see.
For those who don't play with the trin intraday-a basic take is this:TRIN, also refered to as the ARMS index gives you a quick take on buying or selling pressure, which you will then compare to market action to see if you can get an edge seeing the two "out of sync" like they wildly were this morning. Many folks like to throw a 10 day MA on the trin and consider it oversold if the 10 falls below .8, or overbought if it's above 1.2 For myself, I love the intraday action on it VS market action. Gem situations like this morning can make you a lot of $$$$$(The ONLY thing I trade for, LOL). You get hints of a squeeze on the way when trin starts tanking fast to under .6 or so. Or the other extreme, like this morning-what looked like buying, WASN'T. Was great fun being short and watching that trin flip into the high2's, then mid 3's, and knowing the selling pressure was steady and strong. You can make a lot of creative predictions using the trin in unique ways. Sometime I'll post some of my personal trin tricks that I've worked on for several years. Hope I was clear and of some help-I'm so much better on a mike than in print."