coolhand's Account Talk

I suspect that eventually QE2 will kick in and interest rates will drop and bonds will rally on an intermittent basis.
I suspect that eventually QE2 will kick in and interest rates will drop and bonds will rally on an intermittent basis.

Birch, I bet you are wrong on a bond rally and dropping interest rates.

That may happen, but only after the politicians get hammered by the Bond Vigilantes. These guys (and gals) - both left and right - are economic morons. I mean the Bond buyers are giving them solid hints, the voters give them solid hints, and frontrunner states and countries are giving solid hints that nobody wants to buy into their no priority spending sprees.

This is going to be a mess. So much so that the FED can't bail 'The One' out.
French AAA Grade at Risk as Downgrades Sweep Europe

Europe Company Debt Spreads Above U.S. as Growth Diverges: Credit Markets

U.S. Sugar Corp. Says Florida Cane Crop Is `Severely Damaged' by Freeze

Christie Says `Day of Reckoning' Has Arrived for States Facing Budget Gaps

Yields Flatten QE2 Critics With Curve Showing Fed End

The FCC's Threat to Internet Freedom

Spain's Banks Are About To Get Crushed By The Country's Real Estate Mess

JPM Fraudclosure Whistleblower Emerges
I hope you are Okay! I am waiting for your daily analysis in your blog, but so far I do not see anything posted...
I hope you are Okay! I am waiting for your daily analysis in your blog, but so far I do not see anything posted...

On Friday, I mentioned in my blog that I may not post as much during the holiday period. From my blog...

"The next two weeks should see diminished trading activity as the holidays are now upon us. Unless something happens to really shake things up my blogging may be limited during this time."

Yesterday was a mixed day and not much happened to talk about. Volume is very low and so it's difficult to read much into the action.
Oil Imports to China Set to Slow in 2011 as Economy Cools: Energy Markets

BofA, Lenders Face Possible N.J. Foreclosure Freeze

Sugar Rises to 29-Year High on Shortfall; Cocoa Gains on Ivorian Dispute

U.S. Mulls New Push to Shape Bank Pay

Unmasking The Unintended Consequences Of US Central Planning

North Korea backs down over South Korean drill

Pimco says 'untenable' policies will lead to eurozone break-up
Merry Christmas CH...

And, if more newbies join the AutoTracker I'll make the Top Quintile. Kindof window dressing. I guess there is more than one way to skin a cat:nuts:. I would never skin my Muggle though. She has treated me fine over the years.
06-17-2010, 09:10 PM
I'll definitely give you something, crws...
The other option was only marginally better - and, that is only a maybe.

I have never had the opportunity to vote for two less qualified candidates with regards to the economy - and, that was when the economy was in full swoon.

But, I think the "Black Swan" thinks he knows stuff about subjects he obviously knows nothing about. McCain probably would have realized he was in over his head and found someone who knew what was happening.

Regardless, I am willing to make a wager of some sort. My bet:
  • The S&P 500 will be at most 3% higher on 2010/12/31 than 2009/12/31.
  • The Small/Mid Caps will be at best even for the year.
  • EAFA will be in the tank. Maybe a -30%+
  • YearMix.jpg
  • Unemployment will be higher on December 31 than it is now.

  • 12-Month Percent Change
    Series Id:LNS14000000
    Seasonally Adjusted
    Series title: (Seas) Unemployment Rate
    Labor force status: Unemployment rate
    Type of data: Percent or rate
    Age: 16 years and over
  • Gas will be $5.00+/gallon

And, Liberals will be complaining that the Obama Administration is incompetent and that their Economic Planning dream requires competency. The crying will be deafening – and, kinda embarrassing. (Ok, you got me on this one! :rolleyes:)

Those are conservative points. I wouldn't want to go too much out on a limb and lose a wager over a longer stretch. Are you a taker!

Still could go all to h3ll in 4 days!!!
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