Well bHo voters/supporters gotta be loving this, talking about outright robbery. I had an inkling that someting like this could occur, and have only been contibuting 3% for over a year and investing it elsewhere. Yeah I know I left money on the table and the tax benefit, but I didn't trust the socialist in the WH to keep his grubby paws off my money.
Now do we continue to pay into TSP or pull out and invest elsewhere? Yeah we will lose our match, but if they steal our money, we'll get lucky if we get our principle back. I also don't trust that $^*@& in the WH to not use the excuse that the matching funds are really gov't monies so they can renege and withdraw it from ourretirement. I smell mandate and purchasing tresuries in our future.
Well no Hope but plenty of change. The Feds have over spent with their socialist stimuls packages and now are going to take ours. Something bad is coming down the pike.
Yeah nothing might not happen, but for the crooks in the WH to even consider it is obscene and criminal. A man is only good as his word and we have a liar in theWH.
Since they are keeping us in the dark, we really can't make a thoughtful decision on what to do. We are being screwed to the wall and most folks either don't care, don't know it's happening or are thrilled.
Yep, but those unproductive got those homes, with our tax dollars, that they knew they couldn't even begin to pay for.
Enough, I "m just blathering now. But we are at the mercy of people who are so arrogant and have shown their disdain for us and our thoughts.