ChemEng's Account talk...

Wow! That sucks. What agency do you work for?

I work for the Army at beautiful Fort Knox.

As an aside, Ive also reached the end of my options about what I can do without a computer. I cant fight issues by phone, because my phone list is on the computer. I cant work any files, because all my files are on the computer. I cant work up emails to save until net access is restored, because all email access is on my computer. My entire workflow has been interrupted by this mess. If I dont hear anything about it today, I may just have to take tomorrow off. :)
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I work For the forest service, we used to have are own I.T. people but it has been outsourced to a private firm EUSC or you s>>>, :Dyou have to call a 800# to do anything:mad: or have any computer,radio,or telephone issues resolved. Yesterday our dispatch system was down, we had a local I.T. person....but wait we need a Ticket# first before we do anything! yea team!
All... No matter how bad your comptuer problems are, just be happy that you don't have NMCI (Navy Marine Corps Internet). You almost need an act of Congress just to reset your password, which for an administrator account must be at least 15 characters, with at least 2 of each of the folowing: lower case, upper case, numbers and special characters combinations. Regular passwords must have the same mix of characters, but has to be at least 9 characters. You cannot have any word that appears in the dictonary, no sequential numbers and on and on... and they must be changed every 60 days. What a pain in the a$$!!! :laugh:
Chem -- I wouldn't burn leave over this. It's management's problem and it's up to them to solve it (and hopefully keeping it from happening again). Whether your in management or not, let your next level know that they better work the problem because it's a work stoppage issue. Yes, you made an error. Hopefully you weren't aware of the policy. Now that it's happened, there's no reason for things to take so long to be resolved.

I'm retired now, but this kind of crap is what made me hate going to work every day. I'm so glad to be out! Working another 5 years would have been nice, but definitely not worth the stress.
The last time I was at Fort Knox, was twenty years ago. I was one of the unlucky grunts you see rucking up range road. You see them peering up from under their helmets in misery (or was heartbreak, I forget the name of the third hill:nuts:) while the tankers drove by laughing at us.

Anyway, I learned why the clerk at MEPS though I was crazy when she informed me that the only basic slot they had available was at Fort Knox in the winter (this was during the Reagan era buildup) and I agreed.

No matter how bad it get's it can always get worse....right in your backyard...and if that doesn't cheer you what I do....and be thankful your not in Iraq.
Agony, misery and heartbreak............I remember them well. I was there in the spring about 20 years ago. Rained just about everyday. Wouldn't of changed a thing..............NOW!!! :p
I received my first information gathering meeting today since the thumb drive debacle started last Tuesday. There are several updates here that are worth sharing here.

I got into the office with my boss and the division head. They sat on both sides of a long table leaving the head for me. Things were amicable and light when the discussion starts. I was told this is not a counseling session, but an information gathering session. Evidently there are very large implications about conducting a counseling session. I’m sure I will learn more about those specifics in the near future.

As soon as we move through this phase of the meeting I learn interesting fact #1: is porn
My supervisor then brought out a stack of ~6-7 pages and starts asking me of my internet usage habits. I give him my list of daily websites I go to when workflow is low in particular and that answer didnt satisfy what he was looking for so he queried further and asked directly if I had ever used my government computer to view pornography either intentionally or accidentally. Of course the answer was a resounding NO! If I had thought about it at the time, the OJ Simpson response would have been better suited–I am 100% sure that I have never viewed pornography on my government computer.

At this point he begins to flip through the pack of papers and ask about different websites–specifically Rottentomatoes and The Progressive. Go ahead and give the sites a look Ill wait. I explain that Rottentomatoes is a movie review site that I use if we are planning on seeing a movie and that The Progressive is a moderate political discussion website. He nods and then comments that its odd then that both of those websites were earmarked for having sexually explicit content.

Needless to say I was a bit shocked. I reemphasized my position on what content was on those websites and the both of them wrote feverishly each and every word I spoke. Supposedly my “porn” surfing was what flagged my user account for closer inspection. Then we moved onto interesting fact #2:

I am an above average computer user

After my account was flagged, the IT professionals did a system scan to see if there were any other variances with my computer. This is the point where they discovered my personal thumb drive on the computer. After some skilled analysis from the IT professional, that is clicking into the mysterious thumb drive folder, he discovered that I had PortableApps installed on my thumb drive. Now according to the IT professional, PortableApps would enable me to create vulnerability holes in the network that could be accessible to hackers**. At this point, the IT professional deems that I am more than computer savvy than the average user as well as a potential network threat and escalates the issue up his chain of command.

At any rate, I promptly corrected them both and pointed out that all the PortableApp tools were indeed workflow tools and not some mysterious hacker tools. I explained that since I was not authorized a laptop with my job, PortableApps ensured that I had the capability to perform my work tasks as required where ever I was at. Im not sure how well this rationale went over, but since it was the truth I left it at that. Which leads me to my final interesting fact #3:

I am superhuman

That right. Not only do I wear the distinction of being an “above average computer user”, I also have the capability of viewing the exact same website 20 times in 1 second. Towards the middle of this conversation I am offered the pack of papers with all of my “porn” violations on it. This list was a very crude printout that listed the time of viewing the website, my IP number, the site’s IP number, and the sexually explicit content message. It had all the tells of being a printout of a quick 5 second SQL output.

I examined it briefly and notice something very interesting–it had me viewing the pornography filled 20 times in the same second. That is, there were 20 lines of printout that had me looking at a website that all shared the exact timestamp down to the second. This pattern happened through the 6-7 page printout.

(Being the geek that I am, I counted all the duplications on the first 2 pages and noticed that they were all in even multiples. Interesting. If this was my own query, I would have to double check the query linkages to make sure that there wasnt any double-counting situations. But since the potential source of this error was in my favor, I kept it to myself.)


The meeting was left with what I should expect as this issue continues to get worked:
  • I need to be available for another conversation this week with my senior rater. This issue has gone up my chain of command to literally 2 or 3 steps below the President. He needs reassurance that he doesnt have a pornographer in his organization. So Im sure that Ill get to recount this whole situation again.
  • There will be plenty of remedial training required to get back to fully operational. Evidently being marked an above average computer user doesnt preclude me from this training. So Ill get to sit through the indoctrination sessions one more time.
  • I may have a computer to work with come next Monday. no guarantees that email and internet will be up however. This isnt as bad as it seems as this week I am away from my desk doing training primarily.
  • They can not guarantee that I will have a job once this process is completed. I cant tell if this is a valid outcome or if its just a threat to let me know how serious my actions were. Either way it should do wonders for my sleep at night.
More to follow as I endure it…

**This is completely wrong. If anyone can bring down a multi-tiered network using Open Office, please let me know.

Hang in there. I believe you are being truthful. They may unfortunately use you to make a point, but I do not believe your job is in jeopardy.

Best Wishes

So you are enlisted in the army or you are a civilian employee? I guess ya'll don't have a union? You may need to get a lawyer.
I wish you luck buddy - you've just run into members of the armpit fraternty. They are everywhere you look and they all smell the same. Take care.
Hang in there!

I will be praying for you and this situation.

And by God stay away from porn you'll go blind!

Only humor of course. Best of luck!
So you are enlisted in the army or you are a civilian employee? I guess ya'll don't have a union? You may need to get a lawyer.

I am a GS civilian. But I believe that my position is a non-bargaining position. That means no union representation, right? My LES says my FLSA Status is exempt. Is that relevant? I am getting lots of feedback in PM recommending union representation and/or JAG visibility on the matter, but I am unaware of the process to initiate that as well as the potential downsides considering Im dont have a year in my new position yet.

I really dont know where to go from here. I was told that the next action will be towards the end of the week. So I guess whatever course of action I develop has to be in place by then.

I also forgot to mention that in the meeting I asked for the exact policy number the authorizes IT functions to seize personal property. Today I found out that there is a growing chance I may get the thumb drive back. Although a thumb drive without a job is hardly worth celebrating.

More to follow as I move through it. Thanks for the help and advice so far!
I don't think you need this advice but for anyone else who may find themselves in a similar situation. Treat this like you would if you were pulled over by an officer of the law for running a stop light.

Son, did you realize you just ran a red light.
No sir, I must have been distracted. Did I really run a red light, sir? (What is this cop thinking? That light had not even turned yellow before I entered the intersection.)
Yes son, people could get hurt running a stop light.
Yes sir, I understand that sir, I feel terrible. (Hurt someone? There was nobody else within 3 blocks of that light.)

You get the picture. Getting smart with the officer will build resentment and insure the worst outcome. Showing respect, even when undeserved, will get you a warning even when you deserve a ticket.

What you are going through is crap ChemEng. However, since you probably have not gotten past your probationary period they can let you go without any real reason. Once you are past a probationary period you will have due process. Best to be on your best behavior until then.

I'm very sorry to hear about your troubles. I'm a retired Chief of IT and I can tell you that within the security field exists a breed that is well..."different" from the rest of us. They received a lot of new authority and tools since 911 and the word "paranoia" does seem appropriate for many of the "security" issues that came my way during my tenure. Unfortunately, a small percentage of the issues these folks have to deal with are very legitimate and for all itent and purposes are crimes or worse.

Many of the IT techies are great technically and good people..but if someone's in authority has an opportunity to make a mountain out of a molehole, my experience is that they will try, if they see it as a way to gain additional funding or authority. It's sad but true.

Right now it's just fact finding. Tell the truth and keep your eyes on the road, and play it by the numbers. It is my experience that calmer minds usually prevail and the "right" outcomes are more often the case than not, especially where the issue involves dedicated, resourceful, talented staff who contribute to the organization.

All the best,


Defiantly praying they are yanking you chain and that is all. Fundsurfer nailed it, be humble and apologetic. Old saying ya get more flies with honey than vinegar. Worst case they go for you job. Get a lawyer and fight it.

First, you should of had training on what is and is not allowed. If not that's their fault.

Second, you should get a job discussion to make you aware of the infraction. Only after you are counseled and do it again do they have grounds for dismissal.

Third, be careful what you sign. Admitting guilt can get you fired.

Unions get a bad rap some time, but it's times like these that make me glad I have one.

Good luck! :)
The "exempt" means your position is not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act's minimum wage or overtime pay protections. Basically this means your overtime rate is capped. Non-bargaining means you are not in the union bargaining unit.

Taking a humble approach is good advice, as well as being careful what you sign. Keep thorough notes on what was said along with dates and times. If more than one person interviews you, take along a witness and/or record the session. Two against one ain't good! If the session is recorded both sides should get a copy (two recorders). Recordings are a double edged sword, but at least they don't lie.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong -- If you have already served a probationary period, I don't think they can impose another -- unless this is your first management job and you agreed to it.

Good luck, and hang in there