ChemEng's Account talk...

so we are thinking G is going to pay every 5th day (four day gap), probably 75% of the time, @ current G fund rate?

I'm not 100% sure yet, since I just started calculating the G penny. If we get the penny on Monday as I and others are expecting, it should come again the following Monday, 1/29/07. If it comes true on the 29th, I will have a pretty good understanding of the G penny.
I'm with you. Bounce or not, I think I'm going to cut my losses and go get Monday's penny.

I also want to thank you again for uploading your Excel spreadsheet. I've incorporated my spreadsheet into yours and the ability to download stock prices within a second is making my mornings much easier.:)

Thanks again.

I locked in my vote, and made the move into G. Have a great weekend everyone!
Hrmmm... I was looking to buy into S today; but when I logged into TSP, it still had me allocated in S from last week and not in G as I posted here. I need to see if I got an email verifying the IFT.

*sigh* I didnt get the email either. I gues some sort of user error was involved?
Is there anyone looking at today as a buying opportunity? Im not sure what the move to make is. Since its Friday, the traders will have all weekend to drink off the pain of this week and start anew on Monday. So buying would make sense. Then again, the markets look like they are trying to figure out in which channel they are operating. Leaning more to a cautious position. 1.5 hours to decide.
Im going to let it ride one more day and out tomorrow. Normally I would try to switch into the I fund here, but the dollar is holding decently right now. So I dont think I would be anymore attractive than C/S. Not sure what is going to happen with the FOMC on Wednesday so Im planning an out before then.
I just saw this and it really pissed me off. Its the front page of MSNBC from a few minutes ago. Now I dont get politcal often, but when the death of a horse trumps 200+ people dying in a War something isnt quite right.

I've been a cheerleader for Barbaro for the last eight months - he really wanted to live. You can still get a life. Besides, the 200+ deaths were the bad guys - hope they kill more of them bastards.
Ive cheered for Barbaro too. Here in Kentucky he was treated like a celebrity. Especially on the news. Any update would be immediately simulcast on ALL the news networks. Sometimes even on rumors of stories it would happen.

But in no way should the celebrity of a horse supercede the importance of a castastrophic wartime event. If the 200+ people dying isnt enough to persuade you (and judging from your jingoist response, it wasnt), 2 soldiers died in that exchange. Arent they deserving of the lead headline more than a horse?

You can still get a life.

Please don't take this wrong, because Ref finances I enjoy reading comments !!!
I thought this horse gave its all for its owners and did not deserve this !!
Much like our soldiers who give it all and do not deserve to be put in the position they are in.
Because all in all its about money(oil IRAQ) , Barbaro costing to much for owners. I am not knocking our soldiers, I respect and support them and I know what its like to be in their shoes . While the people making these decisions (presidency)do not.
Balance of power should correct this !!!
Look out for the correction a coming , Good luck to all thxs for your thoughts and letting me share mine.
The lesson here is that you were reading MSNBC - a left leaning media outlet. They will never put anything good that happens in Iraq on their front page - I equate them with the NY Times. Both just this side of worthless IMHO.
Changing topic---

Today Im letting it ride... Staying all in S. Its different than I had thought on Monday. I had thought that the markets would slow into the FOMC brief tomorrow but that doesnt look to be the case. With Consumer Confidence jumping for January, this looks like a good time to stay in through the FOMC instead of bail.

Last minute change into C based on Griffin's trade channels comment. Hes absolutely right that C is trading much lower in its channel right now than S and all other things being equal, is a better choice for tomorrow.
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Last minute change into C based on Griffin's trade channels comment. Hes absolutely right that C is trading much lower in its channel right now than S and all other things being equal, is a better choice for tomorrow.

I may have stuck my foot in my mouth over the Lacker thing....but I called the the trick is to actually pocket the returns before they slip away AGAIN.
I may have stuck my foot in my mouth over the Lacker thing....but I called the the trick is to actually pocket the returns before they slip away AGAIN.


Not sure if my move into I fund today was smart in hindsight. I was looking at the dollar drop heavy this morning and thought it would be a good buy. But I forgot that I was also leaning on a strong afternoon for the USMs after the FOMC vote. I failed to see myself walking right into a strong possibility of a +FV situation. Normally, FVs are surprising events. If one happens today, I got to chalk it up to learning something new and paying attention to the pieces and not the whole picture.

Well see...
I told my coworkers on Friday that I was moving to G. Got caught up in the conversation and noon rolled by. So NOW Im making the move... 350 is guesstimating down 10 cents. Another lesson learned I suppose...
Im moving back into S today. Again, conditions were setting up for a decline that never happened. Instead of waiting for it like I did in the fall, Im going to try to catch the train.
Of course I want to move into I in another day that has a strong early afternoon opening... *rolls eyes* What are the chances of getting caught with my hand in the cookie jar again? Or will today tinker around 0%?
Hey ChemEng, it should be against forum rules to hint at a FV correction for tomorrow :) Let's get some postitive thinking... I fund will stave off a +FV today and tomorrow will be a >1% gain.