In December 2021 a scrawny near dead senior weighing a shallow 15 pounds, walked into the shelter and thus began his long recovery to restoration.
In April 2022 I walked into the shelter and asked them which was their oldest dog? Without much interest they pointed me to the general direction of the kennels and after a few walkabouts, I strolled back with this little turdmuffen. He was dirty, half blind, half deaf, and I didn't even know he was a wire-haired fox terrier (but they did name him fox).
Now a fatty at 25 pounds, he dripped all the time, so we gave him diapers, he slipped all the time so we gave him socks, he was a platinum member at the vets. Although he walked head first into every wall he could find, he always stood proud like he was pure-blood royalty. And not once did he come over to me when his name "Fred" was called, instead I was either ignored or he walked off in the opposite direction. He was the Archie Bunker of grunters, always huffing & snorting when displeased and although he did have 3 beds, he always slept with me in the office (insisting he help me digest the stock markets). Not that I'm counting, but on average, we did 4-6 walks a day about 3,655 total and he loved every sniffing minute of it.
Of the 18 years he lived as a celebrity, 2 of my best were spent with him, RIP little guy