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Updated Privacy Policy
Dear Participant:
Thank you for providing this email address to the TSP.
We recently updated our privacy policy. In addition to sending confirmation notices for certain online transactions and communicating with you about your TSP account, we may also provide periodic educational outreach and information.
Below is our updated privacy policy:
"We are asking for your personal contact information, including your phone number and email address for the following reasons:"
* "To send confirmation notices to you about online transactions"
* "To communicate with you in the future about your TSP account"
* "To conduct periodic outreach"
* "To share educational information"
"We use and retain your personal information only for this purpose and only as long as is needed, as authorized by law. We will not share your email address or other personal information you provide to us other than as provided by law.If you do not wish to provide your email address, you may still receive confirmation notices and other communications from us via regular mail."
"FRTIB is authorized to collect and store this information pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 8474. This information is accessed and maintained as defined in the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board's System of Records Notice, FRTIB-1, Thrift Savings Plan Records."
In addition to this email list, there are other ways to stay informed about the TSP. You can find us on:
Facebook: fb.com/tsp4gov
Twitter: twitter.com/tsp4gov
YouTube: youtube.com/tsp4gov
TSP.gov: Check out tsp.gov/whatsnew [
https://www.tsp.gov/whatsnew/index.html ] for the latest Plan News announcements. You can also receive an email when there is new or updated information on the website for items of interest to you by visiting tsp.gov/email [
https://www.tsp.gov/PlanParticipation/AccountManagement/managing/receivingEmailUpdates.html ].
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