burrocrat's Account Talk

I went from 75c 25s to 100g cob today.

I'm doing +4.99 this year so far which is about 8% better than the minus 3 something i got kicked for last year if i'm doing the math correct.
I went from 75c 25s to 100g cob today.

I'm doing +4.99 this year so far which is about 8% better than the minus 3 something i got kicked for last year if i'm doing the math correct.

Not to blow my own horn or anything, but toot toot.

Usually i'm on the wrong side of that train. That is probably the best move i have ever made in my whole tsp life.

Now if just 35 folks on the monthly tracker stay in or get in for the rest of june i might get a dognam coffee cup.
Not to blow my own horn or anything, but toot toot.

Usually i'm on the wrong side of that train. That is probably the best move i have ever made in my whole tsp life.

Now if just 35 folks on the monthly tracker stay in or get in for the rest of june i might get a dognam coffee cup.

Good for U burrocrat, and good luck on that coffee-cup.:)
Only 17 ahead of me on the june tracker, but almost all are G and standing pat or F and likely to gain.

No free coffee cup then unless i try to catch the falling knife and leapfrog a few. But i'm happy with my gains and still on the right side of the trade.

If tomorrow is another diver down day and picking up steam come noon ET i'll probably try to hitch a 1.5 day ride. Don't ask how i plan to get on and off at the right stations, just believe it could happen. I think i can, i think i can, chugga chugga, choo.

All this toil and trouble for a cup? Dam straight. I can't believe tom hasn't sent me one for free just to shut my piehole already. So we gotta gamble the retirement it looks like, maybe.
I went in yesterday (50C, 50I) thinking there would be a bounce today. Now I'm getting nervous. I think I grew accustomed to the peacefulness of the G/F funds.
I went in yesterday (50C, 50I) thinking there would be a bounce today. Now I'm getting nervous. I think I grew accustomed to the peacefulness of the G/F funds.

Hoo dat whodey? Nice move man.

Let's all dream about a positive market tomorrow tonight, it could happen.

Nice to you meet you. You got an account talk thread? I'll drop in for a visit.
No Account Talk Thread for me ... at least yet. I'm so new to this that I don't think I have much to offer, so I just piggy back the threads of others!

Anyone know what happened with the I fund yesterday? The homepage shows a -0.24% return, but the W4500 increased +0.65% yesterday by my calculations.
Allow me to wax poetic. Or, at least allow me to wax first.

One time i heard this story about a millionaire, and he was doing well. So well in fact, he liked to beat up the $20/month hired investing help when they made the wrong decisions with his money (which should have been his decisions considering it was his money).

But in any event, not only did this gentleman harangue the hired hand so much he altered the performance of his own farmed out portfolio, but the pressure he brought to bear altered the performance of everybody else's portfolio too. And it was always somebody else's fault. Which is a direct result of expecting everything to go your way right now every time because you have a million bucks you see.

So after a while this gentleman decides for once he may as well captain his own ship. But nobody can understand the orders he barks, and he barks them all the time. Of course it goes off course and runs into the rocks once a while. Like investing strategeries sometimes tend to do. That's why captains have tough skin.

But when the haranguing starts in reverse, and a mild haranguing it was at that, the ole capitan decides to take his ball and go home. Or else hold his breath until he turns blue. Yeah, that'll show 'em.

Moral of the story? I don't know. I was never very good at the morals part, but something about goose and gander comes to mind. Or maybe it was heat and a kitchen. No matter.

And as soon as i get a million bucks i'm going to buy some new balls.
If you don't get it give me your address and I'll send you one of mine (slightly used of course). :D

Dangit, it looks like i missed my stop yesterday. I wonder where this train goes?

I was sure the ruling would go the other way, and be good for the market. Got greedy. I was wrong. Hate it when that happens.

Thanks for the offer mayday. But i'll get a coffee cup the smith barney old fashioned way, i'll earn it.
Holy ****aroli. Where did that spike come from?

You mean independence can shake off enforced socialism that fast?
Proud to be an american today. And everyday. No matter what.