-2, pshaw, that is soooo last month, that all you got? Now let's see the real move.
Birchtree: -6.64, Boghie: -6.86, burrocrat: -6.68. I've said it before, those are some of my favorite investors, at least 2 out of 3 of them are fine company.
That's a lot of 6's, and some 8's, even a half an 8. Just kind of lines up doesn't it, easy as pie, they're all divisible by 2 so that eliminates half the wrong choices, and if you break even on the other half then that's 3 to 1 to the good. How can you go wrong? Plus you're bound to get lucky once in a while.
Well, that's enough about math, back to the news.
According to The Bull, hedge funds have 1 tril sitting in cash, and mom-and-pop are afraid of being left behind. Wooooo, Wooooooo! Get on board.