burrocrat's Account Talk

Part II.

"If you request an interfund transfer on this Web site or the ThriftLine before 12 noon eastern time, your request will ordinarily be processed and posted to your account at the close of business on that day. Requests made after 12 noon eastern time will ordinarily be processed and posted to your account at the close of business on the following business day."

Of course I hate the word ordinarily:suspicious:
Silverbird is correct,

I showed 0932 at the time of his post....I think I was on Mountain time on the computer I was using.

That's why I said it....Burro...did you make the 1200 deadline?
Silverbird is correct,

I showed 0932 at the time of his post....I think I was on Mountain time on the computer I was using.

That's why I said it....Burro...did you make the 1200 deadline?

hehehe... my computer is on mountain time as well... even though I'm central time.... OK subtract 2 add 3... :laugh::embarrest:

let us know how it went tomorrow burro.... I'm with WorkFE.. that "ordinarily" can throw a monkey wrench into end-of-month planning...
According to burrocrat's post it showed at 11:34am and I am running at EST. So everything should be good. :)

The darn market is making me seasick with it's quick ups and downs. :sick:
LOL, yeah, I love having to make a decision in the market at 0900 MY TIME....My coffee hasn't even taken effect yet!:laugh:

that's my problem too! By the time I drink my coffee and figure out what's going on from computer at home, it's time to get to work and I don't even get to work in time to do anything about it before getting distracted by something else. :rolleyes:
0900 - Ya Gotta Be Kiddin'

You all got it easy...

Out here in Kalifornea (the Land of Fruit and Nuts) TSP klank foos my trading day by 0900.

Some days I ain't even sober by 0900...

Just Kidding:p
I made the trade at about 9:30 am MT, tracker shows me having 2 trades reloaded for Oct. That was my intention, but who knows what TSP counts it as, the 'ordinarily' in their language worries me too, but after getting screwed by TSP so many times, one more won't make much of a difference.

Once again, though, my trade seems poorly timed. Now I'm all in and might have to use one running for cover here if goes where i think it's going.

And i hear ya bout the early trade deadlines, my hat's off to you if you got enough coffee and information by 9:00 am to make an aware decision. I got the extra hour and still can't seem to pull it off.

This unpredictable market makes it seem like mountin' time no matter where you're at. Tired of being on the bottom end of things here.
Re: 0900 - Ya Gotta Be Kiddin'

You all got it easy...

Out here in Kalifornea (the Land of Fruit and Nuts) TSP klank foos my trading day by 0900.

'dja know Idaho and NW Montana can be considered "inland NW"? dja know part of Idahoee is on PST? dja know part of Oregonee is on MST? Dja know Nevada is on PST but NOT "inland NW"? No wonder I don't know if I'm coming or going some days! Been that way for years, acshully. :toung:
Well i got all debt but student loans at 2.25% paid off and i'm with bohgie on this one, don't buy nothin on borrow. But relocation via promotion or outside opportunities could change that picture in a hurry. Hard to even consider giving up the job security and benefits in this economy. What's better: bigger salary with a major cost of living increase at a new location, or tread water but live for next to nothing.

Even if i had the money i don't think i'd pay the student loan off, thinking i could invest the 40k and do better than 2.25% and profit on the spread, but that's why i joined the tracker and my actual returns might tell a different story.

So I contribute 10% + the 5% match, have been increasing with COLA's and WIG increases, but i think i'm done now.

I'm thinking about starting a roth ira with any extra i have to invest. Diversify the tax exposure, get more options on what i could invest in, and have trading freedom without the noon deadline or frequency limits.

Anybody know how that works, say with Schwaab or another similar online outfit? Fees per trade? Annual fees? Minimum contributions? Mostly would buy things not available at tsp, targeted funds like commodities, real estate, private mutual funds that might beat the indexes? That increases the workload to maintain an appropriate asset allocation, would mean tsp goes more conservative. Anybody else doing this?
Re: 0900 - Ya Gotta Be Kiddin'

'dja know Idaho and NW Montana can be considered "inland NW"? dja know part of Idahoee is on PST? dja know part of Oregonee is on MST? Dja know Nevada is on PST but NOT "inland NW"? No wonder I don't know if I'm coming or going some days! Been that way for years, acshully. :toung:

Your right alevin,

I play on a basketball team that competes in a tournament in Phoenix every two years or so. Just enough time for the old brain to forget things.

I can't even begin to tell you what a hassle (and an embarrassment :embarrest:) the hour time difference is. I didn't know about the mess in the beautiful Northwest.

Burocrat. Your Roth idea is a good one. If Howard Dean (or a reasonable facsimile of him) becomes President and Congress goes on a Tax Farming Rampage the day you retire you will really enjoy the proceeds from your Roth.

I, too, am in a similar boat. I love what I do - actually, I love what I was hired to do but lets not quibble. However, at the present I really don't like the environment I do it in. I am starting to get solid bites on my resume from the private sector - but, like you, am concerned. I do think I will yank on the rod given a good strike.

Kinda tired of the growing bureaucracy.

By the way, my Mighty Padres (San Diego) have been awesome for two months!!! Wow, I have never seen a play like I just saw. Cabrera getting caught up in a rundown between 3rd and Home, gets tripped, and awarded home. Wow...
What's better: bigger salary with a major cost of living increase at a new location, or tread water but live for next to nothing.

Burro, there are websites that can help you calibrate salary increase benefits relative to cost of living increases. Sites that will break down the comparison between 2 locations, budgetwise and relative incomewise. Do a search on cost-of-living comparison calculator-I have sites bookmarked at work, that help me decide whether to go for that interesting job promotion in that interesting location. If the cost of living difference/salary difference is no more than 5% more in new location-and if housing costs are not a huge difference, I consider going after it, otherwise I leave it to someone else already operating at that level of income.

Today I am looking at a position in DC, a 2 grade promotion. I'd be very competitive for it. I grew up in commuter distance of DC. I know what my dad endured commuting for 26 years there, suit and tie every day etc. etc. Cost of living and housing in this economy? It's a coin toss-lifestyle/income/housing diffential in this economy adds up to heads I win/tails I lose. I'm better off at my age going for quality of life now with house paid off and tucking the former housepayments into Roth brokerage and home energy-efficiency improvements and peace of mind about no debt/no big commute/no expensive clothes required. Your mileage may vary.

So I contribute 10% + the 5% match, have been increasing with COLA's and WIG increases, but i think i'm done now.

Anybody know how that works, say with Schwaab or another similar online outfit? Fees per trade? Annual fees? Minimum contributions? Mostly would buy things not available at tsp, targeted funds like commodities, real estate, private mutual funds that might beat the indexes? That increases the workload to maintain an appropriate asset allocation, would mean tsp goes more conservative. Anybody else doing this?

Short answer, yes. Doing and done. Much more hands on with e-brokerage accounts (Roth and regular, both very small so far) than have been with mutual fund regular IRA-doing better with hands-on directly myself also, so far. I'm limiting TSP to 5%, sending additional in other directions.

there are several e-brokerage companies, each is a little different. I know of about 3-4 different ones used by MB members. You can find comparison webcharts of the major companies that let you compare features. Do a search on internet brokerage companies x compare.
let us know how it went tomorrow burro....

From the TSP website this morning:

Your account balance, based on the most recent share prices as of close of business 09/30/2009, is shown below. This information is updated by 6 a.m. eastern time each business day. On occasion, heavy volume during the nightly processing cycle may delay the update by a few hours.

Contributions to your account are being invested as follows:
L 2040 0%, L 2030 0%, L 2020 0%, L 2010 0%, L Income 0%
G Fund 0%, F Fund 0%, C Fund 30%, S Fund 30%, I Fund 40%

So it looks like my trade got in before noon ET and was processed at COB yesterday.

I thought about scrolling down further on the tsp website to include my PIP but i'm still a little embarassed about the minus sign in front of it. Maybe when they update it in a couple of days it will turn positive.
Sweet... now if you can just get the market to act like you want it to, you're golden...

and when you figure out how to do that, let us all in on your secret -- we won't tell :D
hate it when that happens...

a day late and a dollar short, or in my case, a day early and my dollars long.

Dr. John said it best:
"I been in the right place
But it must have been the wrong time".
from the tsp website this morning:

Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the 12 months ending 09/30/2009 is -1.24%. (Your PIP is posted by the 3rd business day of each month.)

Nope still negative. Yep i was allin and buying more every pay period the whole way down.

Finally got scared and took a tsp loan to get some off the table right before the March rally kicked off. I will be paying for that error in judgement for a long time it seems.

Fortunately, it won't be lonely there as my errors in judgement list is quite well populated.
New allocation: 0G, 50F, 15C, 15S, 20I.

had to back out a little, worried about having tsp hand's tied on holiday monday, expecting low volume and smart money selling pressure, should be a big day, i'm guessing down.
Hi burrocrat,

Thanks for your visit to my MB home several days back. You asked about my signature and I was away from the MB and didn't see your question. I hope this gives you your answer. It's one of my favorite essays ever.

Take care,

desiderata - by max ehrmann

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann c.1920
so i finally took the leap,

opened an account at an online brokerage, apparently it will take a few days and a mailed in check and jumping through hoops to get it funded, but after that automatic deposits should be smooth.

I've been doing the 10% + match TSP thing, but am going to back off to 5% and put the other half in the Roth IRA. Not sure just what investment options i'll use for that, probably just let cash balance acrue for a bit until i get a read on it, meaning tsp can go more aggressive. Ultimately, i plan to use the Roth for more volitale stuff like energy or commodities, so tsp may eventually go more conservative when i make the move.

This makes the total allocation tracking and balancing more complicated, but should provide more flexibility. woohoo no trade limits, at a price i'm sure.