burrocrat's Account Talk

Well, I have to say it. I thought that was a good speach.

Only thing that was missing was a 'the buck stops here' sign.

Balls out, laid it on the table, with conviction, we're going to fight, and this is how.

Great performance, about time. And then Kid Rock says we were born free.

Are you ready for some football?

I said I thought it was a good speach, I didn't say I agree with the economic fundamentals it represents. But it was all motivating and inspiring and stuff. I can see how that preaching could appeal to the choir.

On the bright side, I didn't go negative double digits today, just single digits down still barely, hell I'll take what I can get.
Pssst. Hey, Dude. Just a heads up. I just saw a show on PBS that says there are way too many of you in Arizona and you are destroying the environment. Be wary of anyone with a shiny badge offering food and shelter. Watch you back.


Here on the Big Island we have a more humane and compassionate way of dealing with our Waikoloa Nighingales. We castrate them and ship them to an animal sanctuary in California. :D Here's an update of your homey's, B!


Pssst. Hey, Dude. Just a heads up. I just saw a show on PBS that says there are way too many of you in Arizona and you are destroying the environment. Be wary of anyone with a shiny badge offering food and shelter. Watch you back.


muchas gracias, avoid authorities handing out entitlements, got it.

as usual the anacronyms got it right, just a little late, there may be two many in AZ, but it's been a long while since this donkey was one of them.
Here on the Big Island we have a more humane and compassionate way of dealing with our Waikoloa Nighingales. We castrate them and ship them to an animal sanctuary in California. :D Here's an update of your homey's, B!



well if you call that humane i'd hate to see your idea of inhumane.

besides you didn't have to go cuttin 'em off to get ahold of 'em, i would have let you use them for free if you'd just asked nice or bought me dinner.
this internet thingy is great. i was researching rates online and i'm so done with geico, i'm in good hands now.

i was a little leery of switching because my old rip off insurance company really liked me and took pretty good care of me while i paid all those premiums with no tickets or accidents, but this one convinced me, just in case i have a bad day it'd be nice to be covered.

Nothing happened, yet. But I haven't had a really bad car day for a while so I thought maybe I'd decrease my exposure a bit, play the odds kind of thing.

And I like their commercials way better than geico right now.
Wheeee, Wheeee, minus 3.

On the day, and almost a perfect minus 10 on the year.

Wait, let me check, yep my piggy bank is still broken.

Hey Jim, you got any of that Chivas left?
Bow chicka wow wow indeed:

315 million SPY shares traded; and most of them down, and most in the last hour of trading.

Some stimulus. It won't work anyway. Neither will the non-passing jobs bill. Nobody has any solutions.

Who cares about the next election; I'm anxious about what's gonna happen the next 3 trading sessions.
I'm going to keep riding this thing, all the way down if that's what it takes. Not buy and hold, more like buy and grit your teeth.Besides, rides like this don't come around very often, historically, although it's seems quite often lately.

Just to say I did it. And I'm more afraid of sitting in the gauranteed to lose real money after inflation of the safety of the G.

I'll take my chances.
.... And I'm more afraid of sitting in the gauranteed to lose real money after inflation of the safety of the G.

I'll take my chances.
While recognizing that measurement period is everything,
9/22/11 S=18.1924, G=13.7538
1/3/11 S=21.5623, G=13.4909
While recognizing that measurement period is everything,
9/22/11 S=18.1924, G=13.7538
1/3/11 S=21.5623, G=13.4909

Well, I'm no opthalmologist, but I'm guessing you're far-sighted then? Glad to have your positive outlook and can do attitude on board.

Welcome cuz.
member way back in '08 when everything got turned upside down and the pundits were saying some mom and pops would never return? then some of the ovines got upity and stuck a toe back in and it got bit off with that whole flash crash it's rigged thing? then a bit later everybody thought no way it can get worse and more jumped in and got cut off at their european ankles?

you're a peein? no, but i bet most folks with any sense of the world is still the way it used to be and it will be all right again are about dam tired of cleaning out their pants.

so that's about enough shaking the tree now bear, you done lost 'em already. all anyone can see is buy G and hold on to what they got. time for the big run now. it will take years before they shake the fear. hya, git on up.

if i had any money left i would put it all in.