I realize this topic has the potential to become political, but I'm more interested in the fiscal ramifications to our country and the economy. So I'll put it here where it can be easily amputated if the contagion spreads.
Unemployment Insurance: individual security or national threat? multiple choice.
Some folks have been out of work and on the UI benefit for about 3 years, yes 3 years. What does that do to a person? What does that do to national competitiveness? or budget?
a) Loss of Skill: If you are unemployed for 3 years there is no way you are a competitive candidate for your old position. If it was a physical job then you've lost the edge and fitness and muscle memory required to properly perform the task. If it was professional then there is no way you are up to speed on current techniques and mental demands of the job. Yet people refuse to take work that they consider beneath them, the old them, that wasn't really competitive anyway or else they wouldn't have lost their jobs. And they get paid for not doing it anyway. Have you ever heard of a solvent insurance scheme that perpetually increases your indemnity because 'that storm was really bad' or 'it's taking longer to fix things'?
b) Loss of Confidence: If you are not contributing near your potential for that long then you lose a sense of purpose and gravitate to the 'new normal' level, including dependence on an outside entity to provide for your needs. That is bad. But if you can pull it off for 3 years plus then maybe it ain't so bad, it's kind of like retirement, and who needs frivilous things like new furniture anyway, this old couch is still pretty comfortable. UI is a soul stealer.
c) Do the math: Spend 300 billion to create a job training program that gets us back up to competitive levels that we paid ourselves 300 billion to underperform for the last 3 years? Are you kidding me? That's like 600 billion down the hole then, and we're still behind.
d) Getting Dizzy: You mean business won't hire unless government 'does this' and government won't kick down unless business 'does that'? Just who's job is it to make everything right and warm and fuzzy anyway? The individual's. We're approaching this from the wrong perspective.
e) Other: Save 300 billion by cutting off all UI benefits over 26 weeks, right now. Well, not right now, that would be mean. But after the next check should give some time to assimilate. One more free banana then you're off the dole. That's it. No more. I garuantee you 90% of those able will find a new job next week, even if it means taking a position that used to be beneath them but isn't anymore. And of the remaining, most will legitimately qualify for some kind of disabled/ineffective benefit paid for out of humanity and duty by those working to those that can't.
Here we are 3 years into a bad deal, and we're still trying to wiggle out of the contract. wtf? Anybody got any ideas? Good thing football starts tonight, I could use a distraction from reality.