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so even though it's at least a decade away, i'm practicing for retirement. they say you should find a hobby to keep busy, something you love, learn more about things and stuff. so i have been studying. bras. yep, bras, because i'm very interested in boobs, i find them fascinating.
i am going to design the perfect bra. each one will have to be different, because no two are the same. i think that is my calling in life. i'm going to offer for an unlimited time free fittings. pretty sure i got this.
Burro; could this baby be you back in the day??, twit·ter·pat·ed by boobs as it has been implied?. It's OK bro, you need not reply. Go to the gym, bench presses will build your chest; the women will be loving your pecs. boobs\men's pecs, It kinda works both ways.
so i came across something silly strange the other day, don't ask why i'm researching alpacas. all i can say is i have a client that raises them for fiber and value-adds by selling prime fiber, hand spins yarn, sells finished products, and teaches classes. also makes soap and lotion with goat's milk. a non-traditional operator to say the least. but i am in a position to obligate gov funds to support and expand her goals as a viable ag enterprise. so i have to know everything from sh!t to git. how do things get produced, what happens in between, and what is end value?
now this particular example caught my eye for a number of reasons: watch her technique for catching the animal, watch her knees to control it for shearing. and to add to the strange... if you say don't wear short shorts over 40 but got a top that sits up high like that on a 110 degree texas day, then why do you look so cold? no offense to the lady, but pretty sure that is an ex stripper, i have a knack for reading folks.
Woah Burro, interesting alpacas shearing video (just don't have anyone come at you with those gigantic well oiled shears. :scared1. The video, never seen anything like it, fascinating, exhausting, but totally twitterpated as far as.....never mind. Hope you enjoy the new "Wonder Woman" flick.