burrocrat's Account Talk

so anyways, lately I've been collecting coins, yep in those tri-fold books where you figure out if it is a "p" or a "d" mint mark and then push it in the right hole. don't laugh, it's true, takes me way back.

but here is the thing... you remember when your mom yelled at you for putting a coin in your mouth, but mom...? she did that for a good reason. because she knew you would end up swallowing it sometime, and then she would check your poop to make sure it passed, and it came out all rainbow colored? this happens to everybody, right?

well i've been collecting these coins and i am pretty sure there is other kids out there what didn't listen to their mom. on account of the whole rainbow thing. i keep them anyways, every book has a story, and every rose a thorn. it is what it is.

Hmmm...I've been going through my Australia pics, and memories of the things we saw and did there.

I got to thinking : "Burro traded me a fine, shiny piece of TSP Talk silver, for a couple of dusty red rocks !" I feel kinda' bad about that...

So I found this clip, that makes me feel better ! "Burro will like THIS one !!!"

Don't read the comments...she gets slammed for all kinds of reasons...just go with it !!! :D


Hmmm...I've been going through my Australia pics, and memories of the things we saw and did there.

I got to thinking : "Burro traded me a fine, shiny piece of TSP Talk silver, for a couple of dusty red rocks !" I feel kinda' bad about that...

So I found this clip, that makes me feel better ! "Burro will like THIS one !!!"

Don't read the comments...she gets slammed for all kinds of reasons...just go with it !!! :D


a deal is a deal and it was fair when we voluntarily traded, i have no regrets. the thing about good deals is, you see, each feels like they got the best of it. there's magic in these rocks. next i'm gonna grow that beanstalk i've always wanted, jack.

that's one hell of a talented musician. only problem i see is her outfit, it would look better tossed of to the side in the sand, but hey, i'm not gonna argue with greatness.
so here is a conversation i had recently, i've tried to sit on it but i can't, so i'll just tell you.

i was at a ranch and this little 100lb redhead in carhart bibs we is talkin. and she says calving in going good, lost a few, but i "grafted" one. do you know what grafted is? you stick an unrelated calf on a momma cow who lost hers. but the momma cow won't accept the strange calf and let it milk because it does not smell like hers, they can be possessive. so you take the dead calf and you skin it, and you lay the pelt over the new one who lost her other mother, and then she thinks it is hers and lets it suck. now that is one unpleasant task, but it is better done than not because a cow with no calf is only a grass burner and costing you money so you sell her or you find solutions to produce beef.

well you know what this gal said to me? she said "that is a good momma, i don't want her to get pounded out". just as background, "pounded out" is when you take a cull cow to the sale barn and somebody buys her and puts the bull to her and then when she calves you take her to the sale barn again to pay for itself and raise the calf and sell it too (for every seller there must be a willing buyer - it's called "discovery"). that is where hamburger and steaks come from. so this little gal is talking to me about "pounding out", and she also talks about her bulls and the "bullet factory" and one broke his "tool". she even made a little motion with her finger to explain why it won't point up anymore. yep. a day in the life of burro. there you have it.

sometimes it gets a little awkward, but it is true. if you're not making babies and getting bred back, then you're a drag on the operation, it's business, and it's off to the sale barn for ya. that is pretty much how life works. put up or shut up.
well, if you're a cowboy at the county fair on a saturday night then you just found yourself a good ride. but if you're a gov and hold the note, then you can't really say those things she wants to hear. enjoy the bbq, i know where it comes from.
I'm not sure, but I think burro just baffled us with bullsh_t...

This whole conversation is udderly ridiculous....:why:
I'm not sure, but I think burro just baffled us with bullsh_t...

This whole conversation is udderly ridiculous....:why:

A lot of talk just to get to the real purpose of the post, isn't it? :laugh: My burrocrat translator says he got hot and bothered by the little redhead but since he is a gov employee, it would be a conflict of interest to whisper sweet nothings in her ear.
since we are on the topic of cowgirls, let me tell you something. it takes 6-8 folks to work cattle through the chute. and since labor is cheap and kids are free, then everybody helps out. so i was working side jobs for extra cash and ended up helping preg check a herd. so you chase these cows around and get them all in a corral then you run 'em down the alley one by one so the vet can check them. sometimes you have to smack some with sticks to get them to cooperate.

slammin steel and gates and hollerin and stuff like that. well i am running the gate what keeps them from backing out, and across the alley from me is this 14 year old girl she is 6' or more a thin little wisp and her boobs are c's easy fallin out of her shirt and not done growing yet, but got a pretty good start. next to me is the vet, wearing a shoulder long glove with a bucket of vaseline, god i hope it was vaseline. so to preg check a cow you stick your arm all up in her bum, so far your face ends up laying on the side of her hip, that deep. then you feel around to see if she has a bun in the oven.

so this little gal's job was to call out the results and order the men which way to send her once released from the headgate.

"wet, keep her!" or "dry, burger!" all decided with an arm up the grommet and called out by a young gal busting out of her shirt. life or death just like that. strange stuff. call it like you see it.

her dad down at the end of the tub, and her mom making dinner (lunch if you're not nordic) and she is standing across from me all day calling out wet or dry, with the sick veterenarian shoulder deep. interesting day. not much room for modesty.
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Hey Burro, like some oldie tune says: "Now as the years roll on, the memories come along, Older times we're missing spending the hours reminiscing". Those were the days hey??.

May the 4th be with you all! I understand the entire conversation and jp pretty much summed it up. As for the rest, it is a good thing from time to time to remind all how those shiny white packages of meat get to your butcher. Especially for those who pay extra for "free range, organic, no kill" processing. Yes I have seen "no kill' processed meat advertised. People pay for it. People pay for a lot of things that are impossible. The things usually all come through the same chute.

so here is the deal... two totally unrelated things that just happen to be related.

a while back i wanted to learn to do that kentucky hillbilly steppin stuff, but i can't dance, i tried. and at the local minor league baseball team i got a ticket pack so we will be seeing some games this year. sometimes they give free stuff away and sometimes they have fireworks ("bombs bursting in air" boom boom boom) great small town patriotism remove cover hand over heart stuff.

anyways, this shave ice gal from concessions always comes down at the 7th inning stretch and does the chicken dance on top of the dugout in her spandex shorts and sports bra which is what she wears the whole game anyway so it ain't much of a stretch. and i always feel guilty just watching and not dancing so this year i learned to do it!

it goes like this: snap your beak, flap your wings, shake your tail feathers (she is really good at that part), clap, then promenade. that's all there is to it! i got this.

hint: it's really a polka.
omg! about three years ago i switched to vaping instead of smoking cigarettes. i smoked for almost 30 years. it was a tough one to kick, tried everything, i still need the nicotine but not the burnt carcinogens. anyways. i go to the beer store today and this guy is smoking a marlboro out front. oh my what a sweet smell, a marlboro, like honey on a peach, it gave me goosebumps. i wanted one sooo bad.

that doesn't happen very often anymore, i can't stand those things they stink. but this one smelled like heaven. i just kept walking. just keep swimming. funny how the past never goes away.
do you guys know how hard it is to bend reality, shape it to fit your will? sure you can do it, but the cost-benefit analysis does not pencil out. i've found it much easier to just accept reality and work with it. that was about the time i quit caring about things out of my control. free.
so this is a great production. sure it's about sex on the surface and it's easy to get distracted by the sexiness and all and axe is great soap.

but there is more to it. brilliant. no matter who you are or how hard you fall, you get up.

a wise woman told me this one time. everybody falls, sh*t goes splat, you get up. that is what she told me. she said i wasn't sh*t. for what it's worth. now there are two ways to take that statement, i chose the bright side.

Love hot dogs? Surprising frankfurter facts | Fox News

In a 2015 press release, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council decreed that the hot dog is not a sandwich, despite it having many of the same components as most sandwiches. “Limiting the hot dog’s significance by saying it’s ‘just a sandwich’ category is like calling the Dalai Lama ‘just a guy,’" stated NHDSC president Janet Rikey, aka the “Queen of Wien.”

i'm excited because summer is here and this weekend is the home opener of the local minor league baseball team, complete with national anthem, fireworks, and $1 hotdogs. it don't get much better than that.

speaking of hotdogs, did you know it is not really about the sausage, rather the buns you stick it in? play ball. that gal dubbed "queen of wien" seems like an interesting person to meat.
