it was confusing because there are apparently lots and lots of knitting options for tools and supplies and stuff. i remembered the youtube said #8 and they were gold colored needles, but the only two-pack they had was llooooonng, like 15" john holmes long kind of thing, and it didn't feel right in my hand.
so i am standing there thinking and this lady comes up to me and asks what am i looking for? well, i told her i wanted to knit a hat, and of course she asks "what kind of hat?", and there is no way i am saying "p" hat to a stranger in walmart. so i just mumble a bit, you know, a hat.
she said i should get a variety, and she picked out this pack that had #6, #7, and #8 size needles. i said "well are you sure these are the right size? some are bigger and these are shorter than that one". omg! this is where the crazy parts started to happen. she said "it changes depending on what you are doing with it". "all sizes are good, it's more how you stick it in there and twist". oh no. she got me. she smiled and walked off. but this other old gal that was down the aisle move up, i'm pretty sure she was listening to the whole thing.